October 1998
"Cracking Site Builder
Win Code Reversing
by KLee8084
Code Reversing For Beginners
Program Details
Program Name: setup.exe
Program Type: HTML Editor
Program Location: here
Program Size: 6.2 meg
Tools Used:
Softice V3.2 - Debugger
( X ) Medium ( ) Hard ( ) Pro
( )
is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
Site Builder v1.2 Serial
Number Fishing
Written by KLee8084
(as requested by Jerry)
Site Builder v1.2 is a nice HTML editor with FTP capabilities, etc...
About this protection system
This program uses the standard Name/Serial number protection system.
First of all, this program plays a trick on you. If you have previously
installed this program and tried to register it, it changes the memory
location of the real serial number.
To start from scratch, you need to edit your system's registry (use regedit).
Find and delete all SITEBUILD and Patrik Nilsson keys. This will bring
the program back to the virgin state. Ready? Let's go!
Install the program and run it. A nag screen will pop up that tells
you that you have only 50 uses and makes you wait a number of seconds until
you can click on the OK button.
Let the nag screen run, and then click on the OK button.
A tip window will then pop up. Click on the window's CLOSE button.
Now, in the program itself, click on Help and then click on Register.
In the box that pops up, enter your Name and a fake Serial number.
The Name that I had entered was Registered
and the fake serial number was 1234-5678.
Now, hit CTRL-D to go into Softice.
Once in Softice, set a breakpoint on the MessageBeep function (the
other functions don't seem to work...try them) by typing BPX MESSAGEBEEP.
Now, hit CTRL-D again to return to the program.
Ready? Click on OK.
We are now in Softice at the start of USER32!MessageBeep.
F11 to step out of this function.
We return here:
:0040AE77 PUSH 00
If you look upwards, you'll see this:
:0040AE6E JMP 0040AEC4
:0040AE70 PUSH 00
<- Start of the MessageBeep routine
:0040AE72 CALL USER32!MessageBeep
:0040AE77 PUSH 00
<- We are here, now
Notice that this MessageBeep routine really starts at :0040AE70.
Scroll upwards (CTRL-UP ARROW) until you find a reference to
:0040AD55 JZ 0040AE70
Do you see the call that is 3 instructions above this jump?
:0040AD4D CALL 0046E684
You'll want to set a breakpoint on this call (don't forget to kill off
your other breakpoint by typing bc *) by typing BPX 0040AD4D.
Press CTRL-D to return to the program.
Click on OK.
Now, again click on Help and then on Register.
Enter your Name and fake Serial number.
Click on OK.
We are now back in Softice at the call:
:0040AD4D CALL 0046E684
F8 into this call.
F8 until:
:0046E68C MOV [EBP-04], EAX
If you type d @eax you'll see your fake serial number.
F8 until:
:0046E698 CALL 00493F60
F8 into this call.
F8 until you reach the next call:
:00493F7A CALL 00493144
F8 into THIS call as well.
F8 until:
00493148 CALL [0050871C]
F8 into this call.
F8 until you reach:
:00492D48 CALL KERNEL32!EnterCriticalSection
This call can be stepped over.
F10 over this call.
F8 until you reach this interesting instruction:
:00492DD4 CMP EDI, [0050F294]
I wonder what's at 0050F294?
Type d @0050F294
Hmmm....I see 561568-566443-396428
If you don't see your number, then use regedit and delete all SITEBUILD
and Patrik Nillson keys, and then redo the steps in this tutorial.
Clear your breakpoint by typing bc *
CTRL-D to go back to the program.
Re-register with your Name and the Serial number that you found.
Tada! Program cracked...
SiteBuilder v1.2 has a simple protection scheme (other than the memory
relocation if the program is not in the virgin state).
Do I really have to remind you all
that by buying and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these
software houses will continue to produce even *better* software for
us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges
to breaking their often weak protection systems.
If your looking for cracks or serial
numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere
on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.
Essay by: KLee8084
Page Created: 18th October