There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
For now install it as a 30 day demo. On running it we get the usual rsagnt nag dialog to either buy or try. Buy leads to various screens which we ignore for this
NOTE: This crack works for ALL rsagnt protected "Trials". I have successfully used it on ALL Macromedia trials eg. Dreamweaver,Fireworks, Aftershock etc.
Lets see what is in the install directory. We
find of course rsagnt.dll so we are confirmed.
Keyview.exe - this is the "BAD" file which brings
up the BUY /TRY screen
Hullo whats this? - KEYVIPOP.EXE
Lets run it. Comes up with a dialog showing files moving and then a dialog with the message that this program cannot continue at this point and to NOT delete this file as it will be needed. OK lets W32Dasm the sucker.
Lets look in the string ref's for our string -
"You cannot run this application at this time."
Found it easily at the bottom. Double click on
it and we see this code:
:00404C9E 83FEFF
cmp esi, FFFFFFFF
:00404CA1 7504
jne 00404CA7
:00404CA3 6A00
push 00000000
:00404CA5 FFD3
call ebx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional
Jump at Address:
* Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA, Ord:0195h
:00404CA7 8B3D88044300
mov edi, dword ptr [00430488]
:00404CAD 85F6
test esi, esi <--Compare esi to
:00404CAF 752F
jne 00404CE0 <-- Jump to continue making
full ver
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"You
cannot run this application "<-- here is
the string
->"at this time."
:00404CB1 68F8D14100
push 0041D1F8
:00404CB6 68205B4200
push 00425B20
:00404CBB E870AF0000
call 0040FC30
:00404CC0 8B8C2418020000
mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+00000218]
:00404CC7 83C408
add esp, 00000008
What brings us here? There is a check on the value of esi and a jump to regions unknown if esi is NOT 1, just before this string. What this means is that the proggy checks the value of esi and if 0 continues on and displays the dialog that you cannot run the app at this time etc.
Time to check this out. Lets run the sucker in
W32Dasm and check this code out. Set a breakpoint
at :00404CAD.
Now load and run the file. Up comes the copying
file dialogbox and then we break at our breakpoint. Check
the value of esi and it is 0
So the You
cannot run this application dialog box code will fire.
Lets change the value of esi to NONZERO or 1. Click modify data button, type 1 click the small button names "esi" and see that the value is now 1. Write this to memory by clicking the "MODIFY" button. Now run or press the F9 key.
Surprise, surprise the file copy continues and up pops the FULL version of Keyviewpro. Help about reveals the truth that this is the full version and is registered to the name you entered on installation.
Greets to The author of that great cracking
tool W32DASM!
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
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