There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
Ok, after monica has loaded goto the help menu and select about. Once again it says unregistered and has an option to goto the next box, hit "next". Now it gives us an option to register monica via a Name/Serial combo, enter some bogus data, i used:
Name: Pirate Copy
Serial: 123987
Hmm, nothing happens, it must check your serial after each letter is entered, but i found also that if i entered 12 or more letters for my serial the register button would be available. Enter 12 or more numbers as your serial, i used 123456789012 and then hit the register button, remember the error msg we get and close monica.
Now fire up W32dasm and load monica.exe into it.. waiting, waiting,
DONE! Remember the first rule of dissassembly? Always search for your error
msg first. Goto ref's and select string data references, in the next box
search for your error msg and double click on it. I can tell you right
now there is only one reference to it, so close your SDR box and you should
be looking at this section of code:
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or
(C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00455A01 E886F7FFFF
call 0045518C <-This
call returns eax=ffffffff or eax=-1
:00455A06 40
inc eax <-eax=0
:00455A07 7524
jne 00455A2D <-This
will jump if eax does not = 0
:00455A09 A144584900
mov eax, dword ptr [00495844]
:00455A0E 8B90E4020000
mov edx, dword ptr [eax+000002E4]
:00455A14 A144584900
mov eax, dword ptr [00495844]
:00455A19 E812E5FDFF
call 00433F30
* Possible StringData Ref from Code
Obj ->"Sorry, You typed an incorrect "
->"license key, please try again."
:00455A1E B8505B4500
mov eax, 00455B50 <-Move bad cracker message
to eax
:00455A23 E8DCECFFFF
call 00454704 <-Call
the "BAD" messagebox
:00455A28 E9EB000000
jmp 00455B18 <-Jump
away and skip the "GOOD" code below
As you can see from the above code, if that call at 00455a01 returns ffffffff or -1 then we are doomed. So our goal is to get that call to return anything other than -1. Now its time to fire up softice, enter softice and set a breakpoint on hmemcpy, disable it and leave sice. Enter your bogus data into monica, go back into sice and enable the breakpoint, return to monica and hit register, BOOM straight back to sice.
Now you want to be able to trace into that call and see whats going on so disable the bpx and hit f12 7 times to get to monica's code. Then set a breakpoint on the call which is at address: 00455a01. Press f5 and straight away we are at that crucial call, hit f8 to step inside the call and trace down to this section of code:
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or
(C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004551C7 8D4DE4
lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-1C]
:004551CA 33D2
xor edx, edx
:004551CC 8B45FC
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-04] <-Move your name
into eax
:004551CF E894FEFFFF
call 00455068
<-Calculate the serial for the name provided
:004551D4 8B45E4
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-1C] <-Move something
into eax :)
:004551D7 8B55F8
mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-08] <-Move your fake
serial into edx
:004551DA E875ECFAFF
call 00403E54
<-Compare the two serials....
:004551DF 7508
jne 004551E9
<-Jump if not correct
:004551E1 8B45F0
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:004551E4 8945F4
mov dword ptr [ebp-0C], eax
:004551E7 EB36
jmp 0045521F
Well as you can probably see if you did a "d eax" at 004551d4 you would
get the correct serial, but what i found very strange is the fact that
monica doesnt jump to the bad cracker code if you enter a wrong serial.
The program will continue on and calculate another 12 serials for your
name, every name has 13 correct serials. The serials, however do not change
anything, they are all valid and none of them get any special/extra features,
like extra licences etc. But of course if your serial doesn't match any
of those 13 then well, i bet you can guess...
Greets and Thanks to: The Sandman :) , Warezpup , Hojo, Bubblegun ,
DeionXxX , Flu[X] , Highlander
Sortof , everyone at ECG & TRPS and anyone else i forgot!!
You can contact me via E-mail or on efnet at #ecg or #trps or via icq: 14941229
Ripping off software through serials
and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial
numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere
on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.
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