There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
It's a demo, no registration code, but
when you drag your money file on the prog window the output is the recovered
password with just the first two letters readable.
No problems on install, but during the first run Moneykey search for a c:\window\moneykey.ini; i'm sure that this one is a registration file but i have no clues on what could be inside.
I try to create a fake monekey.ini with different "serial", "registration code" etc... lines: obviously this method don't work.
Then i start using
some Zen (thanks +Orc); when i drag a money file the output password is:
password for the file:
password is: 'TO*****' (no quotes)
Now i don't think that the programmers are so good to decrypt just the first two letter of a password, i think that they just use "*" to cover the others characters.
2Ah is the asci number for "*", so we must search the disassembled code for something like: move xyz, 2a (where xyz could be eax, ebx, ecx or some memory pointers).
With Wdasm or with
the text generated file search for ", 2a" and you jump directly on:
Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
mov byte ptr [eax], 2A ; this put "*" (=asci
2a) over the decrypted password
inc eax
Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
cmp byte ptr [eax], 00
jne 00401357
Just to confirm our suspect, run the program...
1. Fire up Softice by pressing CTL-D.
2. Type: bpx hmemcpy then x to leave Softice
3. Drag your money file into the target window
4. Softice break at the beginning of Hmemcpy
5. Press 'F12' 7-8 times until you reach the monekey code.
6. Now type: bc * to clear the previous breakpoint and bpx 401357, then x to leave Softice
7. Drag another time your money file into the target window.
8. Softice break at :00401357 C6002A mov byte ptr [eax], 2A
9. Type d eax and look at the memory window: YES it's your complete decrypted password !!!
That's all; now we know where and how patch
this stupid protection.
00401357 C6002A mov byte ptr [eax], 2A
and at (the protection routine is repeated two times, i think for money97/money98 files)
:00401A8A C6002A mov byte ptr [eax], 2A
substituting C6 00 2A with
90 90 90
First to the programmers: use your mind not just for decrypt password routines, but also for give us less obvious protections.
Second to the micro$oft users: don't use any password protection from bill "big brother" gates, they are really weak protections.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
Ripping off software through serials
and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial
numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere
on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.
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