This program is similar to Talking E-mail, it reads your mail and more!
If you haven`t cracked any VB6 programs before you might need to download
runtime files for VB6 (VBRUN60.exe),
If you would like to use SoftIce you need to add:
in your softice.dat file.
Step1 Run Smartcheck and configure the settings, like this:
Under Program/settings menu:
*ERROR DETECTION: Check all boxes except 'Report errors immediately'
*ADVANCED SETTINGS: Check the first four boxes. The others should be emty!
*REPORTING: All boxes should be checked
except the one for:
'Report Mouse Move events from ocx controls'
Step2 OK, now you are ready to fight!
Step3 Load speak.exe by clicking 'File' and 'Open', => open speak.exe!
Step4 Run speak.exe in SmartCheck by pressing F5 or by pressing
the runbuttom in the
Step5 Ok, now you are going to type in name and a fake serial,
i use:
McCodEMaN &
the program
validates the serial and tell you that it was wrong.
Now terminate
speak.exe by clicking on the stop buttom.
Step7 Ok, now look through the strings, do you see 'frmMain_Load'?
open it by clicking the ' + ' sign.
Step8 Now go into: 'mnuAboutUnlock_Click' ,then down and
into: 'frmUnlock.Show'
Ok, we are inside
frmUnlock.Show...were should we go now?
Yes, into: 'cmdUnlock_Click'
Now you should
be able to see:
Len returns
LONG:9 <= McCodEMaN (Your username)!
Len returns
LONG:) <= McCodEMaN
Skip the: Chr$ and go down to.......
Len returns
LONG:9 <=McCodEMaN
Len returns
LONG:54 <=EIcaDkZsjQSdh.........
Keep tracing down trough the code until you find........
Double (209952)-->Long (209952)
Hmm, this was
very interesting, can this be a part of the valid serial?
Three strings
down we can see......
Long (209952)-->String ("209952")
An other tree strings down we find......
Long (xxxxxxx)-->String ("xxxxxxx")
And farther down we find.............
Long (xxxxx)-->String ("xxxxx")
i think that this can be the valid serial, but to confirm and see so that
we ain`t
missing anything
let`s check the routine!
Go up to: Long(209952)-->String
Make sure the
blue bar is on it!
Go to "View"
and choose: "Show All Events" now you will see almost everything
that happens
inside the program.
This is what we see.............
Long(209952)-->String ("209952") <= Here we are!
returns DWORD:4E0E9C
= "209952"
__vbaStrMove returns DWORD:4D4F08
= ";"
__vbaStrCat returns DWORD:481BB8
= ";"
= "209952"
__vbaStrMove returns DWORD:481BB8
= "209952;"
Len returns LONG:9
= "McCodEMaN"
Long(xxxxxxx)-->String ("xxxxxxx")
__vbaStrMove returns DWORD:4D0BC4
= "xxxxxxx"
__vbaStrCat returns DWORD:4D8814
= "xxxxxxx"
= "209952;"
__vbaStrMove returns DWORD:4D8814
= "209952;xxxxxxx"
__vbaStrMove returns DWORD:4E0E88
= "y" <= This 'y' symbolize a sign!
__vbaStrCat returns DWORD:4D62AC
= "y"
= "209952;xxxxxxx"
__vbaStrMove returns DWORD:4D62AC
= "209952;xxxxxxxy"
__vbaStrVarVal returns DWORD:4D4E28
Asc returns Integer:67
Len returns LONG:9
__vbaStrVarVal returns DWORD:4D5418
Asc returns Integer: 111
Long(xxxxx)-->String ("xxxxx")
__vbaStrMove return DWORD:4E0760
= "xxxxx"
__vbaStrCat returns DWORD:4D87D0
= "xxxxx"
= "209952;xxxxxxxy"
__vbaStrMove return DWORD:4D87D0
= "209952;xxxxxxxyxxxxx"
If you jump down to...........
__vbaStrCmp returns DWORD:FFFFFFFF
compare string1 and string2
string1= valid serial
string2= fake serial
__vbaFreeStr returns DWORD:1
= "209952;xxxxxxxyxxxxx"
Work Done!
I would like to thank:
Razzia, for making me interested in VB in the first place!
Jeff, for making me come back to the VB environment after a
long vacation!
Eternal Bliss, for providing us with a great VB source!
MiZ, Bjanes, The Sandman and my friends in TRES2000!
The information in this essay is for educational purpose only!
You are only allow to crack, reverse engineer, modify code and debugg
programs that you legaly bought and then for personal use only!!
To ignore this warning is a criminell act and can result in lawful
So please note!
I take no responebility for how you use the information in this essay,
i take NO responebility for what might happen to you or your computer!
You use this information on your own risk!!
What i mean is: Please buy the software!
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