"How to use our toolz: HexWorkshop!"

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ReFleXZ '99

Url: Http://ReFleXZ99.cjb.net
Email: ReFleXZ@fcmail.com


About the essay...

Written by:


Date: 5th March 1999
Program name: HexWorkshop v2.54
Program type: Win32
Program location: Here
Program filename: N/A
Program size: N/A

Tools required:
A little bit of brain :)

Difficult level:
Easy ( )  Medium (   )  Hard (    )  Pro (    )





Well,this is first of many others tuts on how to use our toolz.Anyway if you're an average cracker,you probably know how to use "your" toolz :),so don't even bother reading this tut ;)THIS ESSAY IS MADE FOR NEWBIES ONLY!



About the protection...

Type of protection:



The Essay...

Well,the HexWorkshop is one of the main toolz,that crackerz should use,of course after Hiew. But for newbies this tool iz amazing,I recommend this tool to all newbies out there,and in a few minutes you'll see why.

OK.Let's start off form the real beginning,what I mean is first download HexWorkshop from http://www.bpsoft.com.

Once,downloaded install it and run it.Unregistered version,YES!Don't worry,we're gonna fix it! NOnonono!!! I almost forgot why I'm writing this,yeah,you need to learn how to use it,and NOT how to crack it.Whatever....Now we're gonna do this in sections.OK,enough talking rubbish,let's LEARN something(hopefully :)

SECTION 1: How to open a file and how to edit it! :)

This part will be easy,even the newbie will know how to do this.Anyway to open a file,goto menu File >>>>>Open.Now open the file you want to hexedit.Once opened,WHAT IS ALL THAT CODE???.Don't know this?Please,comeback when you know a little bit of it!!! First of all what you'll see is,on left side will be Offsets,in the middle is HexCode,and on the right is ASCII code.So it would be something like this:



ASCII code:


4D5A 6B01 0100 0000 0400 0000 FFFF 0000



 B800 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 0000 0000


Now you could either edit ASCII code,or Hexcode.To do this first you must know,what you're editing and where's the place of the code,Offset.Let´s say you need to edit some code at offset 5ADF.Of course you wont scroll down until you see it,that's why we have Goto command in the Edit menu.So goto Edit>>>>>>Goto or just hit a hotkey Alt+F5,and a dialog appears and we have an option: either we can go the specifed offset by typing a Hexcode for it,which is 5ADF or we can type it's decimal value which would be: 23263. How did I know it's 23263?Simple:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Using the Hexworkshop's tool: Base Converter!

With this tool you can convert decimal to hex and hex to decimal,also it will show you the binary value of the number.So,goto menu Tools>>>>>>>Base Converter.Ok now type the 5ADF into the textbox under the text "Hex".It will show in "Decimal" textbox a value :23263. And just under it you'll see the binary value.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Once you typed in 5DAF,check the option "Beginning of File",press Go,and you'll be at offset 5ADF exactly!Now to change something just type in hex codes: 8A or 44 or 2D....Everything you write will be "red" colored.You could also type into the ASCII code,just with your mouse move the cursor to the right ASCII code.And here you can type normal letters,numbers....

SECTION 2: How to add/remove bytes and how to make a new file!

Often if you're cracking a keyfile protected program,you'll need to make a keyfile,and Hexworkshop it's so easy.In some cases you need to add some bytes or remove 'em.First we'll make a file.So goto File>>>>>>New,and you'll get an empty file.We must fill it with something,right?Now goto Edit>>>>>>Insert,a dialog appears.Now you can enter number of bytes you want to insert either in hex or decimal.Let's say we want to insert 40 bytes(64 decimal) ,now we can fill them with the byte we want,but in this case let's leave them 0.Press OK and you'll have a 40 byte file.Now we would like to remove something.Simply select with your mouse the bytes you want to remove and then press Delete button on your keyboard.

SECTION 3: Searching and Replacing with HexWorkshop!

Often when you don't know the offset where you want to replace the code,but you have the instruction code,you can search for it and even replace it at the same.Let's say we want to search for text "MiZ" :) .We would do it like this: Edit>>>>>>>Find,a dialog appears,now we can search MiZ in hexcode,decimal or ASCII.Let's see:


Hexcode = 4D695A

Decimal = 5073242

I suggest it's the best way to search it with ASCII option,but you can do how you like.Next we have options like, "Case Sensitive" and "Unicode". What's the diffrence? Well,Unicode is a 32bit text mode,and between every letter it will have a dot.So MiZ will appear as: M.i.Z ,in hex it would have a zero byte between every byte in code.So in hex MiZ would be:

4D 00 69 00 5A 00

The "Unicode" is often used,when you search for the title of a NAG and kill it by finding FFFF82 and changing it to FFFF7E .Sometimes works sometimes doesn't.The other option would....WAIT a minute,this essay is NOT about cracking...oh man it seems that in my mind is only cracking stuff ;) Then you have an option: The Direction you can search either up or down.

Searching and Replacing at same time: We have one more option.Goto Edit>>>>>>Replace.Now you can type the text/hexcode/dec-code(decimal code) you want to search for and under you would type the code which will replace the code you searched.Again you have those options: Hex / Dec / ASCII , Case....Unicode.... and Pad String with Nullz , Up...Down. You know how to use this as I explained above.Now that button "Replace All" , if you click on it ,you wont have to confirn every time you search for bytes to replace.

SECTION 4: Comparing two files!

Of course when you download a crack form Internet ;) for some proggie and first save the old file to something,and run the crack,it will change some bytes in the specific file.Now you want to see what it changed.OK,open the file you saved and the cracked file,now goto Tools>>>>>Compare .Now you see File1: the old file,File2: the cracked one. You have an option for both of them: from which offset to start comparing (either in hex or dec).Press Go and it will show the first difference,to find another just press F6.

Now of course after all this,you need to know how to save a file....but I think you know how to do that.... :)



Final notes...

Expect soon another tut about toolz :)

Greetz and thanks goes to: Jeff for starting the job :) ,Bjanes,McCodEMaN,Eternal Bliss,The Sandman....and all otherz....



This tutorial is written for EDUCATIONAL purposes only.
So if you want to use the program after its trial period ends please BUY IT!
Support shareware(and its authors), this is our learning tool!

ReFleXZ is not responsibile for any damage caused with this essay or any of its parts.
So everything what you're doing and 'experimenting' is on your own responsibile!

Also, in this tutorial you'll not find any serial numbers, so try to search
elsewhere under Cracks and Warez.

Copyright © 1999 by ReFleXZ '99
All rights reserved