Maze Applet
I made this applet as a good improvement on a practicum assignment solve. With the original assignment I had to
implement a backtracking algorithm on a maze entered via the console in 0's (a pass-through) and 1's (a block or
wall), then it had to return a shortest path if there was one. I first made a better looking and more effective
input interface. Then I improved the algorithm by replacing it with a Dijkstra algorithm.This algorithm had an
quadratic order or O(M*N), the original backtracking algorithm had an exponential order or O(2M*N),
with M the width and N the height.
When you push the 'Enter the Maze' button an array of checkboxes appears. You can make a wall by clicking
on a checkbox. Note that the beginpoint, leftupper corner, and the endpoint,
rightlower corner, are not editable.