Reverse Engineering News

This page is my answer to the various "scene" news pages that you may or may not be aware of. Of course the news I consider worthy of reporting is a lot different to the "scene" pages :-). Therefore, this news column will be dedicated only to those matters of interest to reversers. If you have any newsworthy inclusions drop me an e-mail (anonymity is not a problem). The opinions expressed here are of course my own.

Be sure you are looking at the most recent version of this page by hitting your browsers refresh button (you never know, I might have updated).

July & August 1999 Archive
September 1999 Archive

Oct 1st - Nov 5th

UCF appear to be resuming normal service with another utility release for reversers. The aptly named PFTW (Package For The Web) password cracker should save you some minutes of brute-forcing. Be sure to add this one to your toolkit by securing your copy here (20k). I've also added C.u.Dilla to the tools section, I'm not really a games cracker or player but this should so say unwrap your C-Dilla protected programs.

Barring me finding something else of interest released in the last 2 weeks thats all of the news I am aware of for the last month, then again I have been on holiday in Israel and its been pretty quiet. As a bonus, feel free to download the following PDF book which should keep your minds occupied for at least a few days (assuming you don't already have it) :-

Building Windows 95 Applications - Kevin J Goodman (2.78Mb).

A little late addition, Hacker^UK has sent me this small patch file (3k) for those of you who are maybe experiencing lock up problems with SoftICE and the ATI range of graphics cards (Macxw4.vxd). I note also the release of NuMega DriverStudio v1.5 BETA (perhaps I'll add a small review here once I've downloaded it).

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© 1999 CrackZ. 5th November 1999.