VBox v4.1 (Preview Software Unboxed) - Tutorial

http://www.previewsoftware.com - Information.

"Well I really like these types of essays, new and intermediate reversers alike will immediately appreciate the approaches and concepts discussed here by BigMoM, after all, new techniques is what we all crave. Of course you could now instantly take a shopping trip to http://www.unboxed.com and download a whole load of expensive soft's all protected by this crap, but don't do it, read, re-read and understand this essay instead (perhaps with a good cocktail?)". "Edited by CrackZ".

Firstly, I want to say that this tutorial is not for beginners. It covers many different areas like how to 'cheat the crc-checking', 'in memory patching', and 'file manipulation'. But I have tried to make it as easy to understand as possible. I hope it is OK this way. Before I continue, I want to greet the people behind ProcDump 1.20, which was used in some parts of this crack. Other used tools were SoftICE and W32Dasm.

My target was a program called 'MidiSoft Desktop Sheet Music'. Lets begin with analyzing what we are dealing with. After installing and starting the program, we are confronted with a trial dialog saying we have 30 days before this program expires. So I pressed the 'try' button to see what the program looked like, but I could not start it as it detects SoftICE and other debuggers. A MessageBox appeared saying so !.

I rebooted my computer without SoftICE and it worked fine. After rebooting once again with SoftICE, I wanted to stop the program when it displayed this trial dialog. After trying a few different breakpoints I found out that a bpx DialogBoxParamA did the job. Pressing F12 once then brings up the dialog. I then pressed the 'try' button, and SoftICE popped up again. I found myself in a dll called VBoxC403.dll.

This had me confused for a second, because I knew that the version was 4.10, and not 4.03. But as one can see, some files from the older versions are still used. So I just kept on pressing F12 until I left VBoxC403.dll. I landed up in another dll called VBoxT410.dll. I wanted to have a closer look at this file, so I decided to do a dead listing of it with W32Dasm.

After W32Dasm was finished, I discovered that this file was not the one initiating, as it was encrypted. So I would have to leave this dll's code to see what code called it. So back to SoftICE. Again, I used bpx DialogBoxParamA, and I pressed the 'try' button again to get inside the code. But this time, I kept pressing F12 until I had left VBoxT410.dll.

All I got this time was a MessageBox saying something about tampering with files and using debuggers while this program runs. So once again, I started the program, but this time, I put a bpx MessageBoxA and ran the program. And again, I stopped inside VBoxT410.dll. This gave me a hint, that this dll might be the one to patch after all, since the decisions about letting the program run or not had to be in here, or, at least the checks had to be.

So, once more, I put a bpx DialogBoxParamA and ran the program. I then pressed F12 until I was back in VBox410T.dll. I wrote down the addresses it stopped each time I pressed F12. The reason for this was quite simple. I wanted to see from where the calls to the trial dialog were made, and where that MessageBox was called from. This would undoubtly give me more hints about where the final decisions about running the program or not where made.

These where the addresses where it stopped after each time F12 was pressed:

First stop was at address 070130F6
Second stop was at address 07005FF3
Third stop was at address 07006FCB <<<
Fourth stop was at address 0701B5F2, AFTER it had displayed this MessageBox.

I also noted, that after the third stop, EAX was saved. I found out, that the return value in EAX decided whether the program should run or not.

EAX == 0 >> don't run. EAX == 1 >> run program.
That is: pressing 'try' returns a 1, and 'quit' returns a 0.

So, the CALL just before 07006FCB would be my first choice of where to patch this dll. But I wanted to be sure. So, IMHO I only needed to know a few more things before I could decide where to patch it.

1. Where the time checking is done. (When the 30 day trial is over).
2. How and where this dll gets decrypted before it is run.

I put the time forward by a year to trigger the 'trial time out' So, again, I fired SoftICE up with a bpx DialogBoxParamA, and ran the program. And I just kept pressing F12 once again. It stopped at the same places as it did before. This meant that the checking was done AFTER the first call at 07006FC6. We knew this because the 'try' button was grayed, so we could only press 'quit'!. And doing so we got a eax == 0 at 07006FCB, not acceptable.

I wanted to make sure that this value is always a 1. So, at 07006FC6 it does this:

CALL 07005CDE, this is 5 bytes, and I want to change this to MOV EAX,01 which is also 5 bytes. ( B8 01 00 00 00 ).

But how do we do this ? As I mentioned, the file is encrypted, and this brings us back to point 2 of my 'need to know' things :). So what we are going to do is to find out how and where it gets decrypted. But how do we do this ? For this, SoftICE has some nice features to help us out. What I'm talking about is bpmd W. But there is one problem we must keep in mind, the code selector ! We must be sure that this bpm is applied in the same memory area that the program actually uses, so how do we do this ?.

We use the loader that comes with SoftICE!. Start up the loader, and load Sheetmusic.exe with it. Press 'load module'. After the normal message about 'symbol translation/load', press yes, and SoftICE breaks in the beginning of Sheetmusic.exe. This is where we apply the bpm. So I made a bpmd 07010000 W, and ran the program.

It stopped at address 050168C3 inside a new dll called VBoxP410.dll, interesting!, lets have a closer look at this new dll with W32Dasm. Look and see, this time its NOT encrypted!. It looks like a normal 'data move routine'. So I pressed F12 once, and now we are getting somewhere. We where now looking at a loop calling this 'data move routine'. This had to be the decrypter and unpacker routine we wanted to find.

This is what it looks like:

:050048C0 PUSH ESI
:050048C1 PUSH EDI
:050048C2 MOV ESI, ECX
:050048C4 XOR EDI,EDI
:050048C6 PUSH 00000010
:050048C8 MOV WORD PTR [ESI+08], DI
:050048D0 MOV WORD PTR [ESI+0C], DI
:050048D4 CALL 05003FA0
:050048D9 MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [ESI+00003414]
:050048DF MOV WORD PTR [ESI+0000340C], DI
:050048E6 CMP EAX, EDI
:050048E8 MOV WORD PTR [ESI+0000340E], DI
:050048EF JZ 05004941
:050048F1 PUSH EBX
:050048F2 LEA EBX, DWORD PTR [ESI+00003438]

:050048F8 MOV EDI, DWORD PTR [ESI+00003414]
:050048FE CMP EDI, 00002000 <-- here.
:05004904 JBE 0500490B
:05004906 MOV EDI, 00002000

:0500490B PUSH EBX
:0500490C PUSH EDI
:0500490D MOV ECX, ESI
:0500490F CALL 050044F0
:05004914 MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [ESI+04]
:05004917 AND EDI, 0000FFFF
:0500491D PUSH EDI
:0500491E PUSH EBX
:0500491F PUSH EAX
:05004920 CALL 05016890
:05004925 MOV ECX, DWORD PTR [ESI+04] <<<<<<<<< We stop here after pressing F12.
:05004928 MOV EAX, DWORD PTR [ESI+00003414]
:0500492E ADD ESP, 0C
:05004931 ADD ECX, EDI
:05004933 SUB EAX, EDI
:05004935 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI+04], ECX
:05004938 MOV DWORD PTR [ESI+00003414], EAX
:0500493E JNZ 050048F8
:05004940 POP EBX
:05004941 POP EDI
:05004942 POP ESI
:05004943 RET

Note 050048FE to 0500490B: This looks like the program decrypts in chunks of 2000h bytes, and at 05004914 EAX gets the address that the next data will be written too. This is beginning to look a little complex, anyway, it gets much worse :) but I will explain step by step.

A little about dll files

If you remember, the place to apply our main patch was not in this dll, but in VBoxT410.dll. So how do we do this ? we have to patch this dll to get to the other dll. IMHO it would be the best if we had a modified copy of this routine somewhere else. So what we'll do is the following: make VBoxP410.dll bigger.

The best thing to do is to expand the last section in it, called '.reloc' Here a little data about this '.reloc' section from VBoxP410.dll:

Raw Size: 02A00h bytes.
Virtual size: 02826 bytes.
Relative Virtal Address (RVA): 02D000h.
Flags: 42000040h (very, very important !, I will explain later).
Offset in file: 027800h.
Dll Image Base: 05000000h.
Dll Image Size: 00030000h bytes.

Lets do a little calculating: offset + size should be == filesize, since it is the last section of the file. So, 027800 + 02A00 = 02A200 bytes = 172,544 bytes. My dll was a little bigger than this: 172,592 bytes. So looking at the end of the file I found a few bytes that did not look like code. So I truncated the file at 172,544 bytes and tested it. It worked fine for me. We also should be able to do this as it is not loaded into memory, because the size of this last section does not include these few bytes.

If these bytes should be needed, the program would have to load them manually. Also, this could just be some crap that the linker put there when aligning the file (CrackZ - likely explanation). Who knows... anyway, my dll worked fine after removing it, so lets move on.

So what we do now is to add 1000h to 'Raw Size', 'Virtual Size', and 'dll image size'. This simply means that we have made the last section (.reloc) grow by 4 kb. But this is only in the header. So we still need to make it physically bigger, now we apply 1000h bytes to the end off this dll with a hex/file editor. Should be no big deal. Now we should have a VBoxP410.dll that is about 4kb bigger than the original. We are going to use this space for our work, and 4 kb is more than enough!.

BTW, now would be a good time to test if this new dll actually works before we go on. Mine works fine without any errors, and the size of my new dll is 176,640 bytes. OK, now we have added 4 kb to the dll, but how do we find out where it gets loaded ? It goes like this: image base + rva of section + old size ! < size before changing it.

This gives >>>> '0500000h + 0002D000 + 00002A00' == 0502FA00.

We still need to do one more thing before we can put any code in there. And that is to modify the flags. 42000040h only allows reading. We change that to E2000040h. Now we can read/write data, and execute code in the last section. For those who want to know more about this, plz check out this url: http://www.microsoft.com/win3dev/base/pefile.htm.

In order to apply a patch in VBox410T.dll, we need to redirect the decrypter routine in VBox410P.dll. So, I made a copy of that, and modified it to patch address 07006FC6h after it has been decrypted. Here is the listing of my new decrypter routine:

          	push	esi
          	push 	edi
          	mov 	esi, ecx
          	xor 	edi, edi
          	push 	10h
          	mov 	word ptr [esi+08h], di
          	mov 	word ptr [esi+0Ah], di
          	mov 	word ptr [esi+0Ch], di
          	call 	dword ptr [@05003FA0]
          	mov 	eax, dword ptr [esi+00003414h]
          	mov 	word ptr [esi+0000340Ch], di
          	cmp 	eax, edi
          	mov 	word ptr [esi+0000340Eh], di
          	je 	@05004941
          	push 	ebx
          	lea 	ebx, dword ptr [esi+00003438h]
          	mov 	edi, dword ptr [esi+00003414h]
          	cmp 	edi, 00002000h
          	jbe 	@0500490B
          	mov 	edi, 00002000h
          	push 	ebx
          	push 	edi
          	mov 	ecx, esi
          	call 	dword ptr [@050044F0]
          	mov 	eax, dword ptr [esi+04h]
          	and 	edi, 0000FFFFh
          	push 	edi
          	push 	ebx
          	push 	eax
          	mov	[NextChunk], eax <<<<<<<<< we save the next address that data will be 
                                                   written to.
          	call 	dword ptr [@05016890]
		push	esi		 <<<<<<<<< here my modification begins.
        	cmp	[AllReadyPatched], 0
        	jne	Continue
        	mov	esi, [NextChunk]
        	cmp	esi, 0702DF00h   <<<<<<<<< here I check if this address has 
                                                   just been decrypted.
        	jl	Continue
		mov	esi, 0702DF00h
		cmp	dword ptr [esi], 56D23353h <<<< I compare some data to make sure 
                                                        its correct.
		jne	Continue
		mov	esi, 0702DF00h
		mov	dword ptr [esi], 001B00E9h <<<< A patch that I'll explain later.
		mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 0FEh
		mov	esi, 07006FC6h
		mov	dword ptr [esi], 000001B8h <<<< This is our MOV EAX, 00000001 we want 
                                                        to apply into VBoxT410.dll.
 		mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 000h
		inc	dword ptr [AllReadyPatched] <<< Tell the decrypter that the patch 
                                                        has been done.	

Continue:					       ;This way we make sure it only patches once.
		pop	esi
          	mov 	ecx, dword ptr [esi+04h]
          	mov 	eax, dword ptr [esi+00003414h]
          	add 	esp, 0000000Ch
          	add 	ecx, edi
          	sub 	eax, edi
          	mov 	dword ptr [esi+04h], ecx
          	mov 	dword ptr [esi+00003414h], eax
          	jne 	@050048F8
          	pop 	ebx
          	pop edi
          	pop esi
AllReadyPatched	dd	0
NextChunk	dd	0
@05003FA0	dd	05003FA0h  ;these 3 dwords contain the addresses of the calls that are
@050044F0	dd	050044F0h  ;made by this decrypter. 
@05016890	dd	05016890h
I assembled this to be at address 0502FA00h and put this code into our new dll. I then located this code in the file and patched it to jump to my code. But, I discovered very fast that this gave a new problem to consider, as I could not start the program anymore. I got a MessageBox saying 'VBox injection error'. First I thought, that I had made errors in my code, but I found out, that VBox410P.dll has CRC-checking built into it.

So now we have a new thing to deal with!. How do we bypass this CRC-checking ?, and where is it made ?. Lets find out :). We use the same approach for this as we did to find out where the decryption routine was located. But this time we must use a bpm R. Lets fire up the loader, load the main .exe file, and after SoftICE stops, we make a bpmd 050048C0h R. Now press F5 to make the program run.

The program stops at address 0501064A, and this looks real interesting !. Here's a short listing of it: (To me this sure looks like it could be part of a CRC checking routine, and it is!).

:05010620     push ebx
:05010621     xor edx, edx
:05010623     push esi
:05010624     push edi
:05010625     mov esi, dword ptr [esp+14]
:05010629     push ebp
:0501062A     cmp esi, edx
:0501062C     je 05010668
:0501062E     mov edi, dword ptr [esp+14]
:05010632     mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C]

:05010636     lea eax, dword ptr [ecx+edx]
:05010639     xor ebx, ebx
:0501063B     add edi, 00000004
:0501063E     add edx, 00000004
:05010641     movzx ebp, byte ptr [eax]
:05010644     shl ebp, 10
:05010647     mov bl, byte ptr [eax+02]
:0501064A     or ebx, ebp                    <<<<<< here SoftICE stops :)
:0501064C     movzx ebp, byte ptr [eax+01]
:05010650     shl ebx, 08
:05010653     mov al, byte ptr [eax+03]
:05010656     shl ebp, 10
:05010659     and eax, 000000FF
:0501065E     or ebx, ebp
:05010660     or ebx, eax
:05010662     dec esi
:05010663     mov dword ptr [edi-04], ebx
:05010666     jne 05010636

:05010668     pop ebp
:05010669     pop edi
:0501066A     pop esi
:0501066B     pop ebx
:0501066C     ret
This is getting strange, because now we know that we cannot patch this dll either, unless we fool it to believe that the code has not been modified. How ?. Now we have come to the tricky part of this tutorial: we remove our patch, err... I hear you say :), but please let me explain this before you stop reading and start to think that I am a complete idiot!, what we'll do is this:

We'll make a copy of this routine like we did with the decrypter and like the decrypter, this one gets modified too, but in a different way that one would believe!. We'll then patch the CRC code in the dll to point at our copy of the modified CRC code and this is how it will all work when the program CRC checks itself.

Somewhere it makes a 'call 05010620' to get a CRC value for a certain area of the code. As mentioned, this address was patched to point at our modified copy of it:

area_5:	pop	dword ptr [ReturnAddr]          <<< VERY important.
	push	esi	                        --------------------------------- save esi
	mov	esi, 050048C0h			<<< first patch gets removed.
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 0F18B5756h	<<< This is the jump to our modified decrypter
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 033h
	mov	esi, 05010620h
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 056D23353h     <<< Second patch gets removed.
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 057h		<<< This one is for the crc checking code
	pop	esi	                        --------------------------------- restore esi
	call	crc_check                       >>> here we do the crc checking
	push	esi                             --------------------------------- save esi			
	mov	esi, 050048C0h			<<< Now we reapply the first patch again
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 02B145E9h	<<< This is the jump to our modified decrypter
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 000h
	mov	esi, 05010620h			<<< And we reapply the second patch again
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 01F3DBE9h	<<< This is the jump to our modified decrypter
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 000h
	pop	esi	                        --------------------------------- restore esi
	push	dword ptr [ReturnAddr]          <<< VERY important.

ReturnAddr	dd	0
So what happens here ? While the CRC checking is done, the code is unmodifed ! After the CRC checking is done, all the patches are re-applied. This way the program will never know that it has been patched!. Please note that I pop and push the return address. This is done because the CRC code uses some parameters that are passed to it on the stack. So it is VERY important that ESP has the correct value when it reaches our copy of the CRC code.

BTW. I could also just have called the original CRC code as all patches are removed while it is done, but at that time I had already built it into my dll, so I left it this way.

So now we should have reached our goal: a universal VBox 4.10 patch, but... we have not. Can you guess why ?, Yes, I guess you can ! The dll we wanted to patch in the first place also CRC checks itself!. So once more we are going to use our favourite tool SoftICE to find out where this is done.

We do precisely the same as we did to locate this CEC code, but now we have to check in the memory area that VBoxT410.dll occupies after decryption >> 07000000 and above. Lets use a known address >> 07006FC4. Fire up the loader, load the main .exe file, and after SoftICE stops, we make a bpmd 07006FC4 R. Now press F5 to make to program run. And it stops at this address >> 0702DF24. One never stops to learn, this CRC checking code is identical to that in VBoxP410.dll.

This means, that we can use the copy of the CRC code that we already have ! After modifying it a little we end up with this:

area_7: pop	dword ptr [ReturnAddr]          <<< VERY important.                           
	push	esi                             --------------------------------- save esi    
	mov	esi, 0702DF00h                  <<< first patch gets removed.                 
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 56D23353h      <<< This one is for the crc checking code     
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 57h                                                         
	mov	esi, 07006FC6h                  <<< Second patch gets removed.                                                              
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 0ffed13e8h     <<< This is our mov eax, 00000001
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 0ffh          
	pop	esi                             --------------------------------- restore esi 
	call	crc_check                       >>> here we do the crc checking               
	push	esi                             --------------------------------- save esi	
	mov	esi, 0702DF00h                  <<< Now we reapply the first patch again      
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 001B00E9h      <<< This one is for the crc checking code     
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 0FEh                                                        
	mov	esi, 07006FC6h                  <<< And we reapply the second patch again     
	mov	dword ptr [esi], 000001B8h      <<< This is our mov eax, 00000001
	mov	byte ptr [esi+4], 000h                                                        
	pop	esi                             --------------------------------- restore esi 
	push	dword ptr [ReturnAddr]          <<< VERY important.                           

ReturnAddr	dd	0
As you can see, this code is idential to the other one above, except for the patch data that gets removed and re-applied. BTW, if you wonder why I gave those routines the names area_5 and area_7: its a reference to the memory that each dll uses. 5 >> 05000000, and 7 >> 07000000.

After using the same principle on this CRC checking code as we did on the other one, everything seemed to work perfectly. The only thing remaining is to reboot because it detects SoftICE. Now I run the program and it starts without any problems at all, and no trial dialog appears, nothing. It just worked flawlessly.

Lets summarize this a little: In all we now have 4 smaller subroutines.

1.) A modyfied copy of the decrypter.
2.) A copy of the CRC checking code.
3 + 4.) Two small subroutines that remove all patches, calls the copy of the CRC code, and reapply the patches again.

There are only a few VERY important things to mention. I guess you do remember the part about the flags in our dll that we had to change. This MUST also be done in the first section called '.text'. If we do NOT do this, we cannot write to the code in the 0500000 memory area. So we edit this value from 60000020h to E0000020h. Now writing is allowed.

The last thing I'll spend a few words on is the accessing of memory. You cannot always write or read directly from/to any memory you like. This is because the memory has flags a mentioned earlier. These flags are used to determine what is allowed in a memory area. If you had to access memory that does not allow direct access, you would have to use eg. ReadProcessmemory/WriteProcessmemory. You can read more about this in the win32.hlp file. It explains how it works.

In this case we could write and read memory directly. This is because the flags allowed this, and how do we know that ?, because the decrypter routine writes to the memory directly, the CRC code reads directly from it, and last, our code uses the same memory, (same process).

We have now reached our goal !, I guess that there is nothing else left to say about this crack. I hope you had as much fun reading this as I had when I made it.

Regards, BigMoM / ManiFest Destiny - bigmom_@hotmail.com.

© 1998 Hosted by CrackZ. BigMom 14th December.