How it works
RSA in 8 lines
Let's play a little
GCD(a,b) = GCD(b,a) = GCD(b, a mod b) and GCD(c,0) = cWe say that a and b are prime each other (or a is prime with b) if GCD(a,b)=1.
d = inv(e) [(p-1)*(q-1)] <=> d = inv(e) in Z/(p-1)(q-1)Z <=> e*d = 1 [(p-1)*(q-1)] <=> d = e^-1 mod ((p-1)*(q-1))These four lines are equivalent.
e * U + ((p-1)*(q-1)) * V = GCD(e,(p-1)*(q-1)) = 1 (U and V are integer)and then,
U mod ((p-1)*(q-1)) = inv(e) = e^-1Example: Manual use of the theorem of Bezout:
31 div 13 = 2 remainder 5 13 div 05 = 2 remainder 3 05 div 03 = 1 remainder 1 02 div 01 = 2 remainder 0 GCD(31,13)= 1 1 = 3 - 2 1 = 3 - (5 - 3) 1 = 3*2 - 5 1 = 2*(13 - 5*2) - 5 1 = 2*13 - 4*5 - 5 1 = 2*13 - 5*5 1 = 2*13 -5*(31 - 13*2) 1 = 12*13 - 5*31 You see: inv(13)=12 (in Z/31Z)Then, it is easy to get d.
C = M^e [n]Remark: w belong to Z/nZ if w < n.
M = C^d [n]Remark: The message should have been encrypted with d and decrypted with e.
C^d = (M^e)^d = M^(ed) and, e*d = 1 [(p-1)*(q-1)] <=> ed - 1 = k*(p-1)*(q-1) k is in N* and then, M^(ed) = M^(k*(p-1)*(q-1) + 1) Assuming u= k*(p-1)*(q-1) + 1 if M^u = M [p] and M^u = M [q] then, M^u = M [p*q] and as n=p*q, so C^d = MRemark: We could also use the Euler's theorem (not always valid):
If GCD((p-1)*(q-1),M) = 1 then M^((p-1)*(q-1)) = 1 and so, M^(k*(p-1)*(q-1) + 1) = M.1^k = M = C^d (solely valid if (p-1)*(q-1) and M are prime each other)
n = p * q (p et q are prime each other) GCD(e,(p-1)*(q-1)) = 1 d = e^-1 mod ((p-1)*(q-1)) (e,n): public key. (d,n): private key. p and q are no longer useful. M^e mod n = M_crypted (M < n) M_crypted^d mod n = M
in[1]:= PrimeQ[2000] out[1]= False in[2]:= { Prime[1], Prime[2], Prime[3], Prime[4], Prime[2000] } out[2]= { 2, 3, 5, 7, 17389 } in[3]:= PowerMod[157,-1,2668] out[3]= 17 in[4]:= Mod[1234^31,466883] out[4]= 446798 in[5]:= FactorInteger[519920418755535776857] //Timing out[5]= {13.35 Second, {{22801763489, 1}, {22801763513, 1}}} in[6]:= Needs["NumberTheory`FactorIntegerECM`"] in[7]:= $Packages out[7]= {NumberTheory`FactorIntegerECM`, Global`, System`} in[8]:= FactorIntegerECM[519920418755535776857] //Timing out[8]= {3.07 Second, 22801763513} in[9]:= breakRSA[x_]:= Module[{i}, i=FactorIntegerECM[x]; List[i, x/i] ] in[10]:= breakRSA[519920418755535776857] //Timing out[10]= {3.07 Second, {22801763513, 22801763489}}
p = 113 ; q = 541 ; n = p * q = 61133 ; (p-1)*(q-1) = 60480. I choose e = 121 (GCD[121,60480]=1) inv(e) = 57481 (inferoir to (p-1)*(q-1)) so d = 57481. For encryption: M=1234567890, i must share M in few blocks of length inferior to n (4 is here the maximum): M1=1234, M2=5678, M3=90. C1 = M1^e [n] = 1234^121 [61133] = 40691 C2 = M2^e [n] = 5678^121 [61133] = 19203 C3 = M3^e [n] = 90^121 [61133] = 32121 C = 406911920332121 For decryption, i share the (crypted) message in blocks of length equal to n (here 5). M1 = C1^d [n] = 40691^57481 [61133] = 1234 M2 = C2^d [n] = 19203^57481 [61133] = 5678 M3 = C3^d [n] = 32121^57481 [61133] = 90 M = 1234567890
p = 3571 ; q = 7919 ; n = p * q = 28278749 ; (p-1)*(q-1) = 28267260. I choose e = 213889 (GCD[213889,28267260]=1) inv(e) = 2241409 (inferior to (p-1)*(q-1)) so d = 2241409. M ="Hello world" = 7210110810811132119111114108100, i share in blocks of length 7: M1 = 7210110, M2 = 8108111, M3 = 3211911, M4 = 1114108, M5 = 100. C1 = M1^e [n] = 7210110^213889 [28278749] = 12840449 C2 = M2^e [n] = 8108111^213889 [28278749] = 16339096 C3 = M3^e [n] = 3211911^213889 [28278749] = 25181491 C4 = M4^e [n] = 1114108^213889 [28278749] = 24666021 C5 = M5^e [n] = 100^213889 [28278949] = 17846443 C = 1284044916339096251814912466602117846443 I share C in blocks of 8 digits. M1 = C1^d [n] = 12840449^2241409 [28278749] = 7210110 M2 = C2^d [n] = 16339096^2241409 [28278749] = 8108111 M3 = C3^d [n] = 25181491^2241409 [28278749] = 3211911 M4 = C4^d [n] = 24666021^2241409 [28278749] = 1114108 M5 = C5^d [n] = 17846443^2241409 [28278749] = 100 M = 7210110810811132119111114108100
p = 10007 ; q = 53239 ; n = p * q = 532762673 ; (p-1)*(q-1) = 532699428. I choose e = 17 (GCD[17,532699428]=1) inv(e) = 62670521 (inferior to (p-1)*(q-1)) so d = 62670521. M = 123 C = M^e [n] = 123^17 [532762673] = 270099428 M = C^d [n] = 270099428^62670521 [532762673] = 123
I'd like to say that, I have tried to explain things in easiest way possible, keeping some strictness with writing; I hope that mathematicians won't be scandalized by reading this ;) However, if there is a mistake or something imprecise (even for correcting my lame english), thanks to mail me (according to you that my demonstration is a little incomplete...) ; I would be glad to improve this essay :)
Greetings: All ID members (Volatility, Torn@do, alpine, ...), SiFLyiNG, Eternal Bliss, ACiD BuRN,
Duelist, LaZaRuS, ... and wonderful people in #cracking4newbies & #win32asm (WazerPup, X-Calibre, MisterE, ...).