Current Projects & Support

Date: 01/11/99.

CrackZ's Project

HASPKill v1.0 - Tool designed to remove HASP dongles from any protected programs.

HASPkill is fully configurable and can be used with or without the original dongle, if you have the dongle HASPKill can read its internal memory and generate a perfect patch or vxd/sys file for your target (I'm very confident of this), HASPKill also allows for flexible editing of the emulation parameters e.g. hardware lock serial #. If you do not possess the dongle HASPKill will emulate all of the generic services (including memory functions) and then attempt to log checks made to the "emulated" memory, this feature may require some work and intelligence on your part.

HASPKill is fully envelope aware (v6 & v7) and will decrypt the wrapper without a problem (removing the anti-debugging code also), there are a few specific issues with protection dll's, these may need to be unpacked with your help. HASPkill can search for the HASP protection inside multiple files in both 16-bit & 32-bit environments (although the former I don't support very much).

HASPKill currently includes working memory dumps for specific programs which I have been using as targets (these are as follows):-

AllData CAR v2.5/v3.0 (TimeHASP), Barudan Punchant v6.0 (TimeHASP-4), CADWorx Pipe v3.0
CASMate v6.52 (not directly supported), Cimagrafi v5.0.x, Cimatron 9.0 / Cimatron v10.0 (10.5 to be added), FabriCAD Suite v3.0 (MemoHASP), Hard Dollar 99, Mastercam 7.0/7.1/7.2 (MemoHASP), PCDMIS-v2.305, SDS2 v6.112 (TimeHASP with FlexLM), Staad 3.1 Suite (MemoHASP), Tagima DG/ML v6.0, Tempo v10, Wilcom ES-65 Designer
WinPharm v1.3.

* This isn't available for download for obvious reasons but you may be able to help me if you have a HASP target you can make available :-).

You will hopefully see me expand this section soon as it is here I will be shortly focusing my efforts.

Release List

6th May 99 - Solid Pipe Designer 98-VGC
16th May 99 - PC-DMIS v2.305-VGC
21st May 99 - OpenSpace 3D Author 1.0-VGC
4rth July 99 - Systems Modeling Tempo v10.0-CORP
6th July 99 - Mouse & Key Recorder v2.5.1 *Keymaker* iNSiDE
14th August 99 - Steel CAD Detailing System 2 v6.112-CORP
17th August 99 - Barudan Punchant v6.0-CORP
----------------------------------------------------------- No longer supported.

Please don't e-mail me asking where you can get these releases. As of September 8th 1999, I have taken the decision that I will NEVER again crack any program for any warez group. My involvement in such activities has always been minimal yet I regret it has taken me this long to realise how destructive this activity is too deserving software authors.

Patch Support Files

This section is not open to the public, if I am in contact with you regarding a specific target then you will already know where to look :-).

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© 1999 CrackZ. 1st November 1999.