CrackZ's Favourite Web Site Links

Well here it is, my dedicated links page. A long time back all of these were placed on my main page which became unwieldy, thus shifting them here allows me some more freedom to comment the links (see any good book on HTML design). It goes without saying that you should pay these sites a visit.

+HCU related

Aesculapius Home Page
A great page to visit, maintained by an equally great reverse engineer. Here you'll find many interesting code and cracking snippets as well as a fine tools page. A strict educator, many of you will love/loathe Aesculapius from the 1998 and Millenium +HCU strainers. It seems Aescu is now updating his webpage once again and now has some invaluable PDF references, although when I last checked the FTP was down.

Fravia's Page of Reverse Engineering 

Home of the HCU (Higher Cracking University) and more essays than you can shake a stick at (400+ at this time). Fravia's page is compelling reading for all reversers and protectionists alike (I particularly like his anonymity and site busting sections also). Fravia+ has changed his sites direction fairly recently, now focusing on reality cracking and reversing, yet this is still THE definitive place for most of your learning needs.

In January 1999 Fravia+ started to have problems with attacks against his router eventually resulting in the end of and several of the mirrors, co-incidentally this happened the very day after an essay detailing how to generate all of NuMega's serial numbers was posted. Make of this what you will.

Greythorne the Technomancer
Related to Fravia+, Greythorne's page is the best site to retrieve the legendary +ORC teachings, with the added advantage of being able to download the pertinent files. There are many subtle snippets of information which can be retrieved here and +gthorne is a really great individual as anyone will tell you. The sad reality however, is that he doesn't seem to be updating his site any longer and may well have quit active reverse engineering, I await information to the contrary.

Mammon's NEW site 
Mammon's new page contains a wealth of useful information and has now been updated to focus totally on coding and real reversing exploits (I really love it). In particular I still recommend everyone read Mammon's legendary tales to his alleged Grandson's (IDA & SoftICE). Many useful reversing and programming tools can be found here. Very underrated by the scene, Mammons' site really is one of the best repositories your ever likely to find.

MIB Homepage
The Messing-In-Bytes team are true reverse engineers, (+Crueheads' CrackMe's are a must for any new reverser) and there are many other tutorials here which are worth reading. Another very underrated page focusing on quality which you should of course visit.

+Sandman's Page
This page hosts 75 tutorials written very much in the Fravia+-esque vein, most being geared towards newbie reversers. +Sandman no longer seems to host 'icecreams' or update that often, but if you are a newbie this is still one of the best reverse engineering sites out there and MUST be visited. The forums administered by Jeff are the place for your questions.

My Friends

CoRN's Site
Many of you will recall CoRN2's brief text guide to ASM and you can now visit his new cooking website which I hope he'll support some more. There are several interesting recipes here loosely related to reverse engineering covering a wide area of programming languages. This could be a great site if people would contribute their discoveries. Visit it!.

Crashtest's Links Page
Another fairly recent site (6mths or so in the making), really more of a reversing links repository, and a good one at that. If you can't recall a particular page Crashtest is sure to have it linked.

Flu[X]'s Page 
Previously a member of Phrozen Crew, you'll find at Flu[X]'s site great artwork and a collection of what I would term "concept tutorials", have a look at Flu[X]'s trademark byte patcher which seems to have stabilised now. I'm not sure whether Flu[X] plans to continue in the reversing world, I heard a rumour he had quit some time back, another loss :-(.

Immortal Descendants (The)
A very good collaborative page dedicated to reverse engineering with fine resources, including CrackMe's & many tutorials. One to definitely place on your regular visit list (hiho's Volatility :-) ).

At the moment just a small repository by NN (apart from Sara :-) who has attracted a following), however whats here is well worth reading, especially the creation of HNotePad and the IAT hook.

Quantico's (MEXELiTE/UCF)
Another one of my friends. You'll find a lot of key generator sources at Quantico's site as well as a fairly comprehensive tutorials list. This rapidly became a great site, disappear over there now and Teleport his site, then read offline.

Think your site or another should be here?, maybe you've linked me and I've not linked you?, well drop me an e-mail.

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© 1999 CrackZ. 31st October 1999.