This may be the most important question for many wanna-be-crackers, and also
maybe the most important answer to many wanna-be's :) First of all, you've
gotta have computer experience. I.e. you have to know what DOS is, what
Windows is, what a messagebox is, how to work with .ZIP/.ARJ files, and all
that basic stuff every computer user 'should' know! If your rich father just
bought you a PIII 500 MHz with a nice ISDN connection and Internet Explorer
5 and you hardly got connected, hardly got your hand on your supermouse and
hardly know what the fuck you're doing: get the f*** outta here! How did you
get on this site anyway :p
Hehe, okay. Sorry for all you serious people that REALLY want to learn to
crack, but I really hate spoiled kids that have a supercomputer and don't
know how to work with it. Hmmmm, where was I.....ah....the second
requirement is that you have some knowledge about Assembler. At least you
should know what jmp, call, mov, cmp, or, xor, int, etc... are! The more
you know of Assembler the better. Knowledge of other programming languages
can also be useful but is not required.
If you know quite a lot of computers and/or can program in another language
than Assembler, I'd suggest you learn Assembler. It's not an easy language
to learn, but if you study the tutorial listed in the "links" menu on the
main page you'll master it in no time! (about a month or something).
A third requirement is patience and 'feeling'. Those are qualities you have
or cannot learn to 'feel' the code or learn how to be patient.
Call them gifts from your parents (hehe).
Ok, that's about all I can think of......for all those that have passed the
requirements: go on! :)