Of course I am talking in computer terms here! So cracking is making a
fully functional program (like you would buy it) of a shareware or demo that
has certain limits (30-day trial, 30-uses trial,etc...) by changing the
source code or sniffing out a serial number/key file/registery entry.
Short and simple: Cracking is illegally registering a program. So if you ever
intend to crack a program don't EVER come and complain you did not know!
Cracking can be done everywhere i.e. that you can also crack in your real
life. As an example: cracking bar codes on products (see +ORC tutors).
On this site we'll stay exclusively with software cracking.
Note that cracking is NOT hacking! I.e. this site will not learn you
how to hack sites, servers, irc-clients, etc... . And I do know that cracking can
be some sort of hacking...just keep in mind....no hacking on this page :)