Bjanes Crackme v10

Written by MiZ

Very tough protection(if you don't know mathematics).
Tools required
Softice v3xx
Hex editor - any you like.I use HexWorkshop.
Let´s begin

Start the crackme.Press Ctrl+D to go to softice,type bpx GetDlgItemTextA,to set a breakpoint on it.
Now enter somethin' for the serial like 12345678,press check it button,and softice pops up.Press F11 once,then press t to trace the call.Now you should be here:

:004011D7 8BF4                    mov esi, esp
:004011D9 33C0                    xor eax, eax
:004011DB 33DB                    xor ebx, ebx
:004011DD 33C9                    xor ecx, ecx
:004011DF 33D2                    xor edx, edx
:004011E1 E88C000000          call 00401272                      <---Checks for serial
:004011E6 67E373                  jcxz 0040125C                    <---Jumps if you didn't enter any serial
:004011E9 85DB                    test ebx, ebx                        <----EBX=0 then
:004011EB 7443                    je 00401230                        <----better luck next time cracker
:004011ED 83F908                cmp ecx, 00000008               <---Check if serial length is 8,if not
:004011F0 753E                    jne 00401230                        <---beter luck next time

Let's see what's inside that call at address :004011E1.Set breakpoint on it,by typing bpx 004011E1.Press Ctrl+D to get out of softice,press the check it button again,softice breaks,now press t to trace the call,now you should be here:

:00401272 BAEC304000              mov edx, 004030EC            <---serial you entered
:00401277 803C1100                   cmp byte ptr [ecx+edx], 00  <---Checks if there's no more chars of serial
:0040127B 7418                          je 00401295                        <---if so then jump No serial or Wrong serial
:0040127D 83F903                      cmp ecx, 00000003              <---Check if has processed more than 3 chars of serial
:00401280 7F0C                          jg 0040128E                        <---If so then jump
:00401282 803C1130                   cmp byte ptr [ecx+edx], 30    <---Compares the first three chars of serial to 30h(0 dec)
:00401286 7209                          jb 00401291                          <---If below 0 then jump Wrong serial
:00401288 803C1139                   cmp byte ptr [ecx+edx], 39    <---Compares again with 9
:0040128C 7703                          ja 00401291                         <---If above 9 then you suck
:0040128E 41                             inc ecx                                   <---Next char
:0040128F EBE6                        jmp 00401277                        <---Loop
:00401291 41                             inc ecx
:00401292 33DB                        xor ebx, ebx
:00401294 C3                             ret
:00401295 BB01000000              mov ebx, 00000001                <---Good guy
:0040129A C3                            ret

Keep pressing F10 until you get out of jump and you should be here:

:004011E6 67E373                  jcxz 0040125C                    <---Jumps if you didn't enter any serial
:004011E9 85DB                    test ebx, ebx                        <----EBX=0 then
:004011EB 7443                    je 00401230                        <----better luck next time cracker
:004011ED 83F908                cmp ecx, 00000008               <---Check if serial length is 8,if not
:004011F0 753E                    jne 00401230                        <---beter luck next time

:004011F2 BB9C304000              mov ebx, 0040309C        <---Moves Bjanes(not him) to EBX
:004011F7 8B1B                         mov ebx, dword ptr [ebx] <---Moves value of EBX to EBX
:004011F9 B9EC304000              mov ecx, 004030EC        <--- Moves your serial's first four chars to ECX
:004011FE 8B09                          mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx] <---Moves value of ECX to ECX
:00401200 C1C108                      rol ecx, 08
:00401203 C1CB08                      ror ebx, 08
:00401206 0FAFD9                      imul ebx, ecx
:00401209 C1E302                       shl ebx, 02

After that shl ebx,02 above,type ? EBX,you'll see the value of it,at this case it is 252988960.Continue pressing F10...
:0040120C B9EC304000              mov ecx, 004030EC                <---Moves your serial to ECX
:00401211 8B4904                       mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx+04]   <---Moves last four chars' value toECX
:00401214 BA9C304000              mov edx, 0040309C                 <---Moves Bjanes(string) to EDX
:00401219 8B12                          mov edx, dword ptr [edx]          <---Moves EDX value to EDX

Type after the line mov edx, dword ptr [edx] ,? EDX,and write down the value(it's 1851877954).
Now continue...
:0040121B 03CA                         add ecx, edx                            <---Adds edx value to ECX
:0040121D C1E902                     shr ecx, 02                               <--- ECX value / 4
:00401220 68EC304000               push 004030EC                        <---Pushes your serial to stack
:00401225 68A3304000               push 004030A3                        <---Really think your serial....
:0040122A E86C000000              call 0040129B                           <---Checks if valid serial

Press t to trace the call.You should be now here:

:0040129B 33D9                    xor ebx, ecx                                    <---xores ecx with ebx
:0040129D 7591                    jne 00401230                                   <---Jump if EBX <> ECX,if same
:0040129F EBA5                    jmp 00401246                                <----Jump GOOD guy

Hmmmmmmmmm.....Now remember the value you written down (252988960) it must be the same with the value of last four chars of the serial.Now let's do some mathematics:

x= this would be our last four chars(the correct ones,that we don't know yet)

Now (x value + EDX value) * 4=252988960(EBX)
So it's like this:

(x + 1851877954) * 4 = 252988960
x = -839922114

We remove that minus sign,and we have 839922114.
839922114 in hex is CDEFCE3E.
Now goto your favourite hexeditor and edit some text file,at the beggining of file replace some text with this hex value CDEFCE3E,but wait it must be in reverse order like this 3ECEEFCD,save it and exit.
Open the text file you just saved in Notepad,at the begining of text you should see:
>ÎïÍ,copy this to clipboard,goto crackme enter 1234 and press Ctrl+V to past the text.Clear all breakpoints in Ice.Press check it button and message appears sayin How did you do it...

That's all.If you want you can enter any first four digits you like,but they must be above 0 and below 9,then just proceed with this essay and calculate the last four.

Job done.
Final Notes

Thanx to The Sandman,CrackZ and +ORC for their great tutorials.

And REMEBER if you want to use the software then buy it.

MiZ  1999

P.S Sorry for my bad English