1.Making a valid keyfile for your nameOk, it is a keyfile,then we have to set a breakpoint on CreateFileA
so do that, andrun the crackme, and the first break is from Explorer,
so press F5 to jumpto the crackme's break, then you should land here:
:0040106E 6879204000 PUSH 00402079
:00401073 E80B020000 CALL KERNEL32!CreateFileA
:00401078 83F8FF CMP EAX,-01
:0040107B 751D JNZ 0040109A
do a d402079 and you'll see DUE-CM2.DATwhich is the name of our
KeyFile, so disablethe breakpoints, get back to windows and create
the file, entersome junk in it..
enable the breakpointsand re-start the crackme and trace on until
you come here:
:004010A8 50 PUSH EAX
:004010A9 E82F020000 CALL KERNEL32!ReadFile ;triesto read the file
:004010AE 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX
:004010B0 7502 JNZ 004010B4 ;jump if it works
:004010B2 EB43 JMP 004010F7
:004010B4 33DB XOR EBX,EBX
:004010B6 33F6 XOR ESI,ESI
:004010B8 833D7321400012 CMP DWORD PTR [00402173],12 ;checks the lengthof the file
:004010BF 7C36 JL 004010F7 ;it must be >12h
:004010C1 8A831A214000 MOV AL,[EBX+0040211A] ;processeach char
:004010C7 3C00 CMP AL,00 ;if it's a 00h jump to the 1st check
:004010C9 7408 JZ 004010D3
:004010CB 3C01 CMP AL,01 ;if it's a 01h ESI+1
:004010CD 7501 JNZ 004010D0
:004010CF 46 INC ESI
:004010D0 43 INC EBX ;EBX+1 (char pos)
:004010D1 EBEE JMP 004010C1 ;loop
:004010D3 83FE02 CMP ESI,02 ;check if there has been at least two 01h's before the 00h
:004010D6 7C1F JL 004010F7 ;jump to bad cracker if lower
:004010D8 33F6 XOR ESI,ESI ;ESI=0
:004010DA 33DB XOR EBX,EBX ;EBX=0
:004010DC 8A831A214000 MOV AL,[EBX+0040211A] ;AL=current char
:004010E2 3C00 CMP AL,00 ;if it's a 00h jump to 2nd check
:004010E4 7409 JZ 004010EF
:004010E6 3C01 CMP AL,01 ;if it's a 01h jump to 2nd check
:004010E8 7405 JZ 004010EF
:004010EA 03F0 ADD ESI,EAX ;ESI+current char
:004010EC 43 INC EBX ;EBX+1 (char pos)
:004010ED EBED JMP 004010DC ;loop
:004010EF 81FED5010000 CMP ESI,000001D5 ;check if the sum is 1D5h
:004010F5 741D JZ 00401114 ;if it is, jump, else show bad cracker box
:004010F7 6A00 PUSH 00
:004010F9 6801204000 PUSH 00402001
:004010FE 6886204000 PUSH 00402086
:00401103 6A00 PUSH 00
:00401105 E85D020000 CALL USER32!MessageBoxA
:0040110A E8AA010000 CALL KERNEL32!ExitProcess
:0040110F E9AE000000 JMP 004011C2
:00401114 33F6 XOR ESI,ESI ;ESI=0
:00401116 43 INC EBX ;EBX+1 (char pos)
:00401117 8A831A214000 MOV AL,[EBX+0040211A] ;AL=current char
:0040111D 3C00 CMP AL,00 ;if it's a 00h jump to begining of 3rd check
:0040111F 7418 JZ 00401139
:00401121 3C01 CMP AL,01 ;if it's a 01h jump to begining of 3rd check
:00401123 7414 JZ 00401139
:00401125 83FE0F CMP ESI,0F ;if processed char's is over Fh gotobeg of 3rd check
:00401128 730F JAE 00401139
:0040112A 32861A214000 XOR AL,[ESI+0040211A] ;XOR current char with the chars from check2
:00401130 898660214000 MOV [ESI+00402160],EAX ;movesthe decrypted chars to 402160
:00401136 46 INC ESI ;ESI+1
:00401137 EBDD JMP 00401116 ;loop
:00401139 43 INC EBX ;EBX+1 (char pos)
:0040113A 33F6 XOR ESI,ESI ;ESI=0
:0040113C 8A831A214000 MOV AL,[EBX+0040211A] ;AL=current char
:00401142 3C00 CMP AL,00 ;if it's a 00h goto 3rd check
:00401144 7409 JZ 0040114F
:00401146 3C01 CMP AL,01 ;if it's a 01h goto 3rd check
:00401148 74F2 JZ 0040113C
:0040114A 03F0 ADD ESI,EAX ;ESI+current char
:0040114C 43 INC EBX ;EBX+1 (char pos)
:0040114D EBED JMP 0040113C ;loop
:0040114F 81FEB2010000 CMP ESI,000001B2 ;if sum is 1B2h then goto good cracker
:00401155 75A0 JNZ 004010F7 ;else jump to bad cracker!
ok,now we know whatwe need to know to make a sample keyfile for your name..
the first charsuntil a 01h or a 00h will be XOR'ed with the chars beginning
after the 01h or00h, and the sum of the chars BEFORE the 01h or 00h must be
1D5h,and there must be two 01h's before the 00h somewhere in the file..
And the sum of thechar's after the first 01h and before the second 01h or 00h
must be 1B2h..
So let's start calculate,i want mine to be registered to Klefz (you can do the same
thing, but withyour name, and remember, max length is 16 chars)
i start with xor'ingthe f & z with 02h
66 7A
02 02
64 78
64h + 78h = DCh
then i xor l &e with 77h
6C 65
77 77
1B 12
1Bh + 12h = 2Dh
DCh + 2Dh = 109h
1D5h - 109h = CCh
so i'll XOR the Kwith CCh to get the value to XOR the K with
109h + CCh = 1D5h
Checksum 2 filled.
so my file lookslike this now:
CC 1B 12 64 78 ¦dx
now we have to adda 01h to get Checksum 1 filled.
CC 1B 12 64 78 01 ¦dx
now add the XOR valuesafter the 01h
CC 1B 12 64 78 0187 77 77 02 02 ¦dxçww
and the second 01h
CC 1B 12 64 78 0187 77 77 02 02 01 ¦dxçww
and now we have tofill Checksum 3, so let's enter FFh first, and 1B2h - FFh =
B3h so our two bytesis FF B3
CC 1B 12 64-78 0187 77-77 02 02 01-FF B3 ¦dxçww¦
and to complete Checksum1 we have to add 00h to the end
CC 1B 12 64-78 0187 77-77 02 02 01-FF B3 00 ¦dxçww ¦
Save, and you haveregistered it :)