THE NEXT TEXT ASSUMES YOU OWN A COPY OF MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC. The following text explains how to create a KeyGen for CoSH's 3rd Crackme.Please note this is all beginner stuff (simple serial encoding algorithm),so more advanced crackers should move on to more advanced stuff.OK.Now that about 50 ppl have stopped reading, here it goes for you newbies :) First of all: The controls this proggy needs are: two Text boxes and one command button (remember this is NEWBIE talk!), a form (of course,where ELSE would you put them:O).Name the first textbox-> Da_Name and the second textbox-> Da_Serial.Afterwards name the command button -> Generate.Double click on the command button and you should see something like this (i'm typing all this for NON programmers as well!): Private Sub Generate_Click() End Sub Copy and paste the following text between those two lines: ------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------- If Len(Da_Name.Text) < 6 Then 'Here it checks how many chars 'you entered.If less then 6 'show the messagebox message = MsgBox("Enter at least 6 characters!", vbOKOnly, "ERROR!", 0, 0) GoTo too_less_chars 'And exit the generation '(The crackme needs a minimum of 6 chars, 'else it will show you the wrong code message.) End If entered_name=Da_Name.text 'save your entered name c = 0 'set variable c to 0 For i = 1 To Len(Da_Name.Text) 'this loop loops n times where n 'is how many chars you've entered c = c + 1 'increment c (i'm an asm coder) co = Mid(Da_Name.Text, i, 1) 'variable co is set to the char 'at which the loop is '(for ex. i=5->co contains the fifth char) a = Asc(co) 'set a to the ASCII code of the 'char which is in bo a = a Xor c 'exclusive OR a against the value 'in c (which would be 1 at this moment) b = Chr(a) 'set variable b to the char which 'belongs to the calculated ASCII code of a name_1 = name_1 + b 'name_1 is our calculated name.b 'is added up to get to the next char. Next 'loop n times where n is the 'length of our entered name Da_Serial.Text = name_1 'name and serial have to be the 'same,so serial=name c = 9 'Da_Name would contain Newbie_crack. 'Anyway,I think you got the point! For i = 1 To Len(Da_Serial.Text) 'Now it's time for the serial c = c + 1 'The things coming now,should be 'familiar to you (if you read the above:)) co = Mid(Da_Serial.Text, i, 1) a = Asc(co) a = a Xor c b = Chr(a) serial = serial + b Next Da_Serial.Text = serial 'Da_Serial contains the calculated serial now. 'Go on.Copy and paste the generated serial and 'your entered name into the Crackme and you'll 'see it works!! Da_Name.Text=entered_name 'the name you entered back into 'the textbox too_less_chars: -------------------------STOP CUTTING HERE------------------------------- I hope i'e made myself clear.If not...Contact me! Now,go out and compile it.There is your first working keygen!! Disclaimer: Use the code above at you own risk! Please note: This is the first time i've coded something in VB,so please don't blame me for bad coding.I know that you can do it in an easier way,but i've written this for newbies like i said.Should you want to contact me,here's my email adress: ****************************END OF THE KEYGEN***************************** This text was written at 05-04-1999 by MiRReX