VBAC-A : It took me some time to see that CTRL-D was required to let the form appear, then I changed my ALTKEY value and it was done. VBAC-B : Well, apparently a messagebox should have popped up, but nothing happened to me (I use Win95/SIce 3.0). VBAC-C : I like this one very much : the idea is simple, but the crack requires some thinking (mainly because of the trick contained in rtcAppActivate). The major weakness is that "Numega SmartCheck" is visible in wide format in the EXE ; hopefully, I tried to change the string in the EXE file but a violation error occured in SmartCheck. It's funny to think that the same idea coded in another language would be more easy to crack... Praktijk. (praktijk@thepentagon.com)