CrackMe VB6
bY MaCcrAck 99

Tutorial by Lucifer48 [Immortal Descendants]
(August 18th, 1999)

Smartcheck gives you one single useful information:
- register_Click
   InputBox				;interesting...
   Label1.Caption <- "NEIN" (String)
   MsgBox returns Integer:1		;NĂ· Probier's nochmal
So i put a bpx MSVBVM60!rtcInputBox, Soft-ice breaks here:
XXXX:0040208E  CALL [MSVBVM60!rtcInputBox]		;diplay the dialog box
XXXX:00402094  LEA  EDX,[EBP-00A8]
XXXX:0040209A  LEA  ECX,[EBP-24]
XXXX:0040209D  MOV  [EBP-00A0], EAX			;d EAX: m y  s e r i a l (wide chars)
XXXX:004020A3  MOV  DWORD PTR [EBP-00A8],00000008	;identifier of variant ?
The comparison is just below this (above) code snippet:
XXXX:004020E0  LEA  ECX,[EBP-24]			;pointer on 12 bytes 
XXXX:004020E3  LEA  EDX,[EBP-00B8]			;pointer on 12 bytes
XXXX:004020E9  MOV  DWORD PTR [EBP-00B0],00401C50	;put the address of the serial in [EDX+8]
XXXX:004020F5  MOV  DWORD PTR [EBP-00B8],00008008
XXXX:004020FF  CALL [MSVBVM60!__vbaVarTstEq]		;VARiant TeST EQual (very important bpx)
XXXX:00402105  TEST AX,AX
XXXX:00402108  JZ   004021B4				;jmp = bad serial
If a do d ECX (in XXXX:004020F3):

XXXX:0043F75C 08 00 00 00 84 00 00 00-44 0F 51 00              ........D.Q.
                                      ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ (address of my dummy serial)
If a do d EDX (in XXXX:004020F4):

XXXX:0063F6C8 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-50 1C 40 00              ........P.@.
                                      ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ (address of the right serial)
Then, a simple d 401C50 is enough to see the good serial.

Serial/ 3484

Jo! Richtig!

Greetings: All ID members (Volatility, Torn@do, ...), Eternal Bliss, ACiD BuRN, Duelist, LaZaRuS, people on #cracking4newbies, french crackers, and other crackme makers.

(c) Lucifer48. All rights reversed