Keyfile crackme 3.14 (pii.exe)
by Shadow / hf
Tutorial by Lucifer48 [Immortal Descendants]
(July 19th, 1999)
First thing, we must know the name of the keyfile, CreateFileA is called two times
(shadow.key and hf). In fact it is called 3 times, the crackme try to open x:\program file\numega\xxx
but that's not important. For shadow.key the handle of the file (in eax) is not saved in memory... so the
keyfile is called hf.
XXXX:004010AE PUSH 004021A8 ;number of bytes read (dword)
XXXX:004010B3 PUSH DWORD PTR [004021AC] ;32h
XXXX:004010B9 PUSH 00402084 ;buffer (load the keyfile here)
XXXX:004010BE PUSH DWORD PTR [00402004] ;handle of file (hf)
XXXX:004010C4 CALL KERNEL32!ReadFile
XXXX:004010C9 CMP DWORD PTR [004021A8],17 ;size of keyfile: 17h = 23d
XXXX:004010D0 JNZ 00401162 ;jmp = very bad cracker!
The program now checks is the keyfile is valid...
XXXX:004010D6 PUSH 00402084 ;our keyfile
XXXX:004010DB CALL 004011F6 ;de/encrytion (XOR in one word !)
XXXX:004010E0 PUSH 0040229D ;result
XXXX:004010E5 CALL KERNEL32!lstrlen ;length
XXXX:004010ED JNZ 00401162 ;we mustn't jump!
In four words, the call 004011F6 makes a XOR 53 of the null-terminated string (adress given into the stack).
And unfortunately, the job is already ended ! This is a possible keyfile:
1F 26 30 3A 35 36 21 67 6B 73 53 28 63 29 20 4C .&0:56!gksS(c) L
34 38 20 2F 20 49 44 48 / ID
The 11th byte must be 53. The first 10 bytes represent your name (XOR 53). The last 12 bytes
aren't used. With this keyfile, you will see: registered to:Lucifer48.
Coding a key maker is really not a difficult excercise.
Greetings: All ID members (Volatility, Torn@do, ...), Eternal Bliss, ACiD BuRN,
Duelist, LaZaRuS, people on #cracking4newbies, french crackers, and other crackme makers.
(c) Lucifer48. All rights reversed