VBCrackMe v9.0
by Eternal Bliss
Tutorial by Lucifer48 [Immortal Descendants]
(August 22th, 1999)
By reading the txt file with the crackme, i was a little intrigued:
Try cracking it. I've used a totally different compare routine that I have not seen in VB before.
You might be surprised after cracking it.
Then i put a bpx MSVBVM60!rtcInputBox, Soft-ice breaks here:
XXXX:004045C2 PUSH 10
XXXX:004045C4 LEA EAX,[EBP-0124]
XXXX:004045CB CALL [MSVBVM60!rtcInputBox] ;diplay the dialog box
I decided to come back in the code to find a test or something interesting (use CTRL+Up); i saw
another call to rtcInputBox (probably the good messagebox), and my expecting test:
XXXX:00404392 LEA EAX,[EBP-24]
XXXX:00404395 PUSH EAX
XXXX:00404396 LEA EAX,[EBP-0124]
XXXX:0040439D CALL MSVBVM60!__vbaVarTstEq ;compare two variants
XXXX:004043A5 TEST EAX,EAX ;if eax=0: bad code
XXXX:004043A7 JZ 004044D2
Usually (not always), you can see the two compared values by doing: d *(eax+8). Here nothing!
Then i scrolled up again (CTRL+Up): i found the solution:
XXXX:004042FB PUSH EAX ;my serial (wide chars)
XXXX:00404302 PUSH EAX ;EAX will contain the addess of the result
XXXX:00404303 CALL MSVBVM60!__vbaStrToAnsi ;wide chars to ansi (one char = one byte)
XXXX:00404308 PUSH EAX ;push my serial
XXXX:00404309 PUSH DWORD PTR [EBP-00B0] ;the good serial (wide chars)
XXXX:0040430F LEA EAX,[EBP-00B4]
XXXX:00404315 PUSH EAX ;EAX will contain the addess of the result
XXXX:00404316 CALL MSVBVM60!__vbaStrToAnsi ;same thing for the good serial
XXXX:0040431B PUSH EAX ;push the good serial
XXXX:0040431C CALL 00402A28 ;comparison
XXXX:00404321 MOV [EBP-0158], EAX ;EAX=0 (success) or EAX=-1 (fail)
XXXX:00404327 CALL MSVBVM60!__vbaSetSystemError
And what's in the call 00402A28 ?? It's ... [KERNEL32!lstrcmp] ! Wow :)
Let's come back to the registration. For my name, i get:
Name/ Lucifer48
Serial/ 13u18i3e6411
You can see that, only odd placed chars (i mean, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th ... chars) are modified.
^ ^ ^ ^
It means, that 13=L; 18=c; 3=f; 6=r...
Where do these numbers come from ? Well, just go up again in the code and you will find:
XXXX:004040D1 MOV AX,[EBP-28]
XXXX:004040D5 ADD AX,[EBP-6C]
XXXX:004040D9 JO 0040471C ;vb likes putting JO everywhere...
XXXX:004040DF MOV [EBP-28], AX
As you can see it is an add. It is located in a loop which browse the name.
Example: for the L char you can see 7+6=13 (and "L"=4Ch=76d)
for the 8 char you can see 5+6=11 (and "8"=38h=56d)
17o9 40o8 6t ? Great Work...
Greetings: All ID members (Volatility, Torn@do, ...), Eternal Bliss, ACiD BuRN,
Duelist, LaZaRuS, people on #cracking4newbies, french crackers, and other crackme makers.
(c) Lucifer48. All rights reversed