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12 — Printing with Visual Basic

by David Medinets

Printing is among the most complicated tasks that a Windows application programmer undertakes. Fortunately, you are using Visual Basic. Visual Basic makes printing relatively easy by hiding most of the complexity of the Windows API.

This chapter explores printing with Visual Basic by focusing on the Print dialog box, Microsoft Word, and the Printer object.

Using the Print Dialog Box

The dialog box in Figure 12.1 is an example of the Print common dialog box. It allows the user to select a printer, change its properties, select a range of pages to print, and specify the number of copies. If needed, you can modify the dialog box in various ways. For example, you could disable or hide the Print To File check box.

Figure 12.1. The Print common dialog box.

Displaying the Print Dialog Box

In the following example, the Print dialog box appears on-screen when the user clicks the File | Print menu option. The steps to create the example follow:

  1. Create the File and Print menu options using Visual Basics Menu Editor.

  2. Add a common dialog control to the form. The location is unimportant.

  3. Right-click on the CommonDialog1 control to display its Properties dialog box(see Figure 12.2).

  4. Select the Print tab and change the Copies field to 1. This action changes the default number of copies that will be in effect when a user invokes the dialog box. Click on the OK button to close the Properties dialog box.

  5. Add the following code line to the click event of the Print menu option:


  6. Press F5 to run your program. When you select the Print option, the Print dialog box should appear on-screen.

Figure 12.2. The Common Dialogs Control Properties dialog box.

Customizing the Print Dialog Box

You can customize the Print dialog box by setting the Flags property of the common dialog control. Table 12.1. shows the constants you can use to set the Flags property.




Selects the All Pages option button, which is the default.


Selects the Pages option button. This constant only works if the Max property of the common dialog control is greater than 0.


Disables the Pages option button and the associated edit control.


Selects the Selection option button.


Disables the Selection option button.


Checks the Collate check box.


Checks the Print To File check box.


Disables the Print To File check box.


Hides the Print To File check box.

For example, if you wanted to have the Print to Disk check box checked, the All Pages option button selected, and the Selection option button disabled, you would use the following two lines in the click method of the Print menu option:

CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlPDAllPages Or cdlPDPrintToFile _

        or cdlPDNoSelection


Some of the constants shown in Table 12.1 are mutually exclusive. For example, cldPDAllPages, cdlPDPageNums, and cdlPDSelection all affect the same group of option buttons. You should only use one of them at a time.

In order to enable the user to enter beginning and ending page numbers or to select the Collate check box, you must set the Max property of the common dialog box. Assuming that your document has seven pages, you could invoke the Print dialog box in the following manner:

CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlPDPageNums Or cdlPDPrintToFile _

        or cdlPDNoSelection

CommonDialog1.MAX = 6

CommonDialog1.FromPage = 0

CommonDialog1.ToPage = CommonDialog1.MAX



The FromPage property has a base of zero, not one. So if you have a seven-page document, the starting page is zero and the ending page is six. If the ToPage property is greater than the Max property, error number 28760 will occur and a dialog box saying An error occurred during this operation will be displayed.

You can find additional information about the constants used to set the Flags property by using the Object Browser in the Microsoft Common Dialog Control library or using the term Flags and looking under the topic Flags Property (Print Dialog) in the Visual Basic help file.

Retrieving Information from the Print Dialog Box

After the Print dialog box appears on-screen, the user makes his or her selections and then clicks on OK or Cancel. You can then retrieve the information that the user entered. Before discussing the information, let's look at the case where the user clicks the Cancel button.

Handling the Cancel Button

You can handle the Cancel button in two different ways. You can ignore it, or you can have Visual Basic generate an error that you can trap. To have Visual Basic generate an error, use the following lines of code:

    On Error goto CancelPrtDlg

    CommonDialog1.CancelError = True


    ' Do stuff with user input

    ' print document

    ' exit routine


    If Err.Number = 32755 Then

        ' handle cancel button

    end if

    ' handle other errors

    ' exit routine

The second line in the preceding code sets the CancelError property to True. Then, the dialog box is displayed using the ShowPrinter method. If the user cancels the dialog box, the code immediately after the CancelPrtDlg label will be called. Otherwise, the document would be printed.

Handling the OK Button

When Visual Basic returns control to your program after the user clicks OK, several properties of the common dialog control will have been set. To find out whether the user selected to print all pages or a range of pages, use the following lines of code:

Dim pagesAll As Boolean

Dim pagesSome As Boolean

Dim pagesSelection As Boolean

pagesAll = (CommonDialog1.Flags And cdlPDAllPages) = cdlPDAllPages

pagesSome = (CommonDialog1.Flags And cdlPDPageNums) = cdlPDPageNums

pagesSelection = (CommonDialog1.Flags And cdlPDSelection) = cdlPDSelection

By using the logical AND operator, you can extract the information about a specific flag from the Flags property. When the All Pages option button is selected, PagesAll is True, and the rest of the properties are False. When the Selection option button is selected, PagesSelection is True, and the rest of the properties are False. If you have disabled or hidden the Page Range or Selection option buttons, you don't need to test for them.

You can test the Print to File check box with the following lines of code:

Dim printToFile As Boolean

printToFile = (CommonDialog1.Flags And cdlPDPrintToFile) = cdlPDPrintToFile

If the Print to File check box is checked, then PrintToFile is True; otherwise, it is False.

In a similar fashion, you can test the Collate check box with the following lines of code:

Dim collate As Boolean

collate = (CommonDialog1.Flags And cdlPDCollate) = cdlPDCollate

If the Collate check box is checked, then Collate is True; otherwise, it is False.

Getting the rest of the information is very straightforward. Simply look at the FromPage and ToPage properties of the common dialog control. You can retrieve the number of copies that the user selected by looking at the value of Printer.Copies.

Using Microsoft Word

Thanks to Microsoft Word's OLE interface, you can take a side trip from Visual Basic and look at ways to cheat when printing. Instead of developing routines to read a file, perform word wrap, handle columns, display a print preview, and print a document, you can let Microsoft Word do the work. And if you keep Microsoft Word minimized, your user might never know!


This section was written using Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0a. If you have a different version of Word, you may need to adjust the code lines a bit for them to work.

The first step to using Microsoft Word is to allocate an object and create an instance of word.basic. To perform this step, use the following code:

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim msword As Object

Set msword = CreateObject("word.basic")


' do things with the msword object.


Set msword = Nothing

End Sub

You can use the msword object to send WordBasic statements to Microsoft Word for execution. For example, the following lines of code will print two copies of the config.sys file:

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim msword As Object

Set msword = CreateObject("word.basic")

With msword


    .FileOpen Name:="c:\config.sys", AddToMru:=0

    .FilePrint Background:=1, Type:=0, NumCopies:=2

End With

Set msword = Nothing

End Sub

You can manipulate multiple documents at once by creating more objects in the Word.basic class.

Using WordBasic from within Visual Basic

The WRDBASIC.HLP file that comes with Microsoft Word is complete. However, the
syntax that is used to call the WordBasic function in Visual Basic is slightly different than the one shown in the help file.

You need to be aware of two differences. The first is that parameters do not need a leading period. The second is that the assignment operator for named arguments in Visual Basic is ':='. For example, the help file topic that discusses FilePrint shows the syntax as

FilePrint [.Background = number] [, .Type = number] [, .NumCopies = number]

The corresponding Visual Basic statement is

msword.FilePrint Background:=1, Type:=0, NumCopies:=2

You can see that the changes are easy to handle.

Creating a Letter with Visual Basic

Listing 12.1 contains methods that enable you to create a new Microsoft Word document based on the Letter2 template. This project contains a form with a text control in which the user enters the main text of a letter. After entering the text, the user clicks a command button, and Microsoft Word starts. The information from the user is combined with the Letter2 template to produce a printed page.

To run the example program in Listing 12.1, follow these steps:

  1. Start Visual Basic or choose File | New to clear your workspace.

  2. Enter Listing 12.1 into the code window for Form1.

Dim msword As Object

Private Sub wordDelLineWith(oldStuff As String)


    msword.EditFind Find:=oldStuff, Direction:=0, MatchCase:=0, _

        WholeWord:=0, PatternMatch:=0, SoundsLike:=0, Format:=0, Wrap:=0


    msword.EndOfLine 1


End Sub

Private Sub wordReplace(oldStuff As String, newStuff As String)


    msword.EditReplace oldStuff, newStuff, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Set msword = CreateObject("word.basic")

    With msword


        .FileNew Template:="Letter2", NewTemplate:=0

    End With

    ' Replace all of the easy stuff. This is all fixed information

    wordReplace "[Company Name]", "Barside Brewery"

    wordReplace "[Street Address]", "123 Lite Road"

    wordReplace "[City, State/Province Zip/Postal Code]", "Pub City, Montana  _43255"

    wordReplace "[Recipient Name]", "Jack Tremor"

    wordReplace "[Address]", "1414 Runner Drive"

    wordReplace "[City, State/Province Zip/Postal Code]", "Boston, MASS 12321"

    wordReplace "[Recipient]", "Jack"

    wordReplace "[Your name]", "Rose Switz"

    wordReplace "[Your position]", "Shipping Coordinator"

    wordReplace "[Typist's initials]", "dmm"

    wordReplace "[Number]", "0"

    wordDelLineWith "cc:"

    wordDelLineWith "[Type"

    With msword

        .INSERT Text1.TEXT



        .FileClose 2

    End With

    Set msword = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Label1.AutoSize = True

    Label1.Caption = "Enter the body of the letter below and then click on PRINT."

    Label1.Height = 200

    Label1.Left = 50

    Label1.TOP = 50

    ' Note that this control must be set as

    ' MultiLine=True & ScollBars=2 through

    ' the properties dialog box at design time.

    Text1.Height = 3000

    Text1.Left = 200

    Text1.TEXT = ""

    Text1.TabIndex = 1

    Text1.TOP = Label1.TOP + Label1.Height + 100

    Text1.Width = 4000

    Command1.Caption = "Print Letter"

    Command1.Height = 500

    Command1.Left = 50

    Command1.TabIndex = 2

    Command1.TOP = 3500

    Command1.Width = 4500

    Form1.Caption = "Letter Entry"

    Form1.Height = 4500

    Form1.Width = 4700

End Sub
  1. Add one label, one text box, and one command button control anywhere on the form. The Form_Load method will take care of positioning them neatly.

  2. Change the MultiLine property of Text1 to TRUE. Then change the ScrollBars property to 2 so that a vertical scroll bar will appear. You have to set these properties manually because you can't set them at run time.

  3. Press F5 to execute the program. The form will look similar to Figure 12.3.

Figure 12.3. The Letter Entry screen.

The wordDelLineWith and wordReplace methods simplify the rest of the code. You use the wordDelLineWith method to find a line containing a given string and delete it. A side effect of the search and delete is that the insertion point is positioned at the beginning of the old string. The wordReplace method takes two arguments; one is the target string to search for, and the other is the replacement string.

You might notice that the wordDelLineWith method uses named parameters to call the WordBasic EditFind statement, but the wordReplace method simply uses the parameters with no names. Both are valid ways of creating WordBasic statements. When using the no-name style, remember to provide a value for every parameter.

The application created in the preceding example follows this sequence of events:

  1. The user enters the body of the letter and clicks on the Print Letter command button.

  2. A new Microsoft Word document is created based on the Letter2 template.

  3. The default information in the template is changed to match your needs. You could change the original template to eliminate this step.


This technique of replacing the template information might be very useful if you are pulling the information from a database to support multiple letterheads.

  1. The text from the Text1 control is inserted.

  2. The document is printed and closed.


Before printing the document, consider starting WordBasic's ToolsSpelling statement to spell check the document.

This application is very basic, but it does demonstrate how to access WordBasic. If you want additional information about WordBasic, look at the help file provided with Microsoft Word. Additional information is available on the Internet at the Microsoft World Wide Web site.

Using the Printer Object

Visual Basic programs don't have to use Microsoft Word to print; they can use the Printer object. When Visual Basic is first started, the Printer object is connected to the default
Windows printer. This means that you don't need to initialize this object. The Printer object encapsulates a lot of functionality in one place and is an excellent example of how objects can make difficult programming easier.

Printing Considerations

Printing to a piece of paper is significantly different than displaying information on a form on a computer screen. Although Visual Basic has come a long way in achieving device independence, dealing with a printer requires some special attention. Here is a short list of things to keep in mind:

For the most part, Windows will isolate you from these errors when you use the Print Manager. The Print Manager is responsible for handling errors that arise during printing. In order to address the last concern, printing in Visual Basic takes place on a job by job basis. Each job consists of one unit of work (for example, one document or chart) that is sent to the Windows print queue. After the entire job has been sent to the queue, Windows takes care of actually printing it by sending the job to the printer.

Printer Object Basics

Before looking at the Printer object in detail, it may be useful to look at a simple example of how the Printer object is used in a Visual Basic project. The example in this section uses three methods of the Printer object: Print, NewPage, and EndDoc.

The syntax of the Print method is as follows:

Printer.Print outputlist

The outputlist parameter can be any combination of strings, functions, or variables. In short, you can place any valid expression after the Print method and its value will be printed. The NewPage and EndDoc methods take no arguments. You use the NewPage method to eject a page, reset the print position, and increment the Printer.Page property. You use EndDoc to tell the Print Manager that a print job has been transferred to the print queue and is ready for printing.

The following three lines will print the words "Hello, World!" at the top of the paper, eject the page, and end the print job.

Printer.Print "Hello, World!"



The Print method supports the Tab() and Spc() functions that may already be familiar to you. You use the Tab() function to move the print position to a specific horizontal location. You use the Spc() function to insert a specific number of spaces into the print line. The following example shows the difference:

Printer.Print "000000000111111111122222222223"

Printer.Print "123456789012345678901234567890"

Printer.Print "Hello, World!"; Tab(15); "Visual Basic"

Printer.Print "Hello, World!"; Spc(15); "Visual Basic"



The printed output should look like the following:



Hello, World! Visual Basic

Hello, World!               Visual Basic

You can see that the third line, which uses the Tab() function, starts the "Visual Basic" string at print position 15, and the fourth line, which uses the Spc() function, starts the "Visual
Basic" string at print position 29.

You use the semi-colons to indicate that no space should be inserted between the item just printed and the next item. This is true even if items are on a separate line of code.

Printer Object Methods and Properties

The Printer object has a large amount of methods and properties defined for it. Table 12.2 shows all of the methods of the Printer object. Table 12.3 shows all the properties for this object.




Draws a circle, ellipse, or arc on an object. If you want the graphic to be filled, set the Printer.FillColor and Printer.FillStyle properties.


Informs Windows that the current print job is finished and that printing should begin.


If KillDoc is executed before EndDoc, then the entire print job is deleted.


Draws a line or box on the page. The line is affected by the DrawWidth, DrawMode, and DrawStyle properties.


Ejects the page and resets the print position. Also, increments the Printer object's Page property.


Draws the contents of a graphics file. The supported graphics formats are BMP, WMF, EMF, ICO, and DIB.


Prints any expression.


Draws a point. You can change the size of the point by using the DrawWidth property. When DrawWidth is greater than 1, the point is centered on the specified coordinates. The DrawMode and DrawStyle properties also affect the point. You can erase a point by using the BackColor property as the color parameter.


Defines the coordinate system used for specifying locations on the page.

ScaleX, ScaleY

Converts from one coordinate system to another.


Returns the height of a string. If the string contains multiple lines, the cumulative height is returned.


Returns the width of a string. If the string contains multiple lines, the width of the longest line is returned.




If you set this property to vbPRCMMonochrome, then the printer will print in black and white. If you set this property to vbPRCMColor, then the printer will print in color. The default value depends on the printer driver.


The number of copies of a job to print. Remember that if more than one copy is needed, you may need to collate the pages.

CurrentX, CurrentY

The current horizontal (CurrentX) or vertical (CurrentY) coordinates for printing.


The name of the currently selected printer.


This property determines the appearance of output produced by a graphics method or the appearance of a Shape or Line control.


This property determines the line style produced by graphics methods. The possibilities are Solid, Dash, Dot, Dash-Dot, Dash-Dot-Dot, Transparent, and Inside Solid. If DrawWidth is more than 1, the first five options all produce a solid line.


This property determines the line width produced by graphics methods.


The name of the printer driver for the currently selected printer.


This property controls the use of two-sided printing.


This property controls the color used to fill lines and circles.


This property controls the pattern used to fill shapes, lines, and circles.


This property controls the font used to display text. You set it by using the Font object, which is discussed later in this chapter.


This property is included for backwards compatibility and should not be used. Use the Font property instead.


The number of fonts available in the printer.


This property is included for backwards compatibility and should not be used. Use the Font property instead.


This property is included for backwards compatibility and should not be used. Use the Font property instead.


This property is a list of the font names available for the printer. It works in conjunction with the FontCount property.


This property is included for backwards compatibility and should not be used. Use the Font property instead.


This property is included for backwards compatibility and should not be used. Use the Font property instead.


This property controls whether background text and graphics are displayed in the spaces around characters. Changing this property does not affect items already drawn.


This property is included for backwards compatibility and should not be used. Use the Font property instead.


The foreground color of items to be printed.


The handle to the device context of the printer.


The physical height of the paper. If set at run time, it will supersede the PaperSize property.


If this property is equal to vbPRORPortrait, then items are printed with the long edge at the left. If this property is equal to vbPRORLandscape, then items are printed with the short edge at the left.


The current page number. It is incremented when the NewPage method is run or the text being printed will not fit on the current page. Graphic items will be clipped and will not cause a new page to eject.


The bin number where the pages being printed should be taken from.


The size of the paper being printed. Setting the Height or Width property of the printer automatically sets PaperSize to be user-defined.


The name of the port that the printer will be using.


The resolution of the printer. You can set it to vbPRPQDraft, vbPRPQLow, vbPRPQMedium, vbPRPQHigh, or the actual resolution.


The number of units for the vertical measurement of the interior of an object.


The horizontal coordinate for the next print operation.


The unit of measurement for coordinates. You can set it to twips, points, pixels, and other values.


The vertical coordinate for the next print operation.


The number of units for the horizontal measurement of the interior of an object.


Determines whether the Printer object changes the printer it is connected to if the user changes the default printer setting in the Control Panel or a Print dialog box.


The number of twips per pixel in the horizontal direction.


The number of twips per pixel in the vertical direction.


The physical width, in twips, of the paper. If set at run time, it will supersede the PaperSize property.


The percentage by which printed output is to be scaled up or down. The printer driver, not Windows, handles this activity. Be-fore using this property, make sure your printer driver supports it.

Aborting the Printing Process

This section explains how to let the user abort the printing process. You do this by invoking the KillDoc method when the user clicks on a Cancel button.

To run the example program in Listing 12.1, follow these steps:

  1. Start Visual Basic or choose File | New to clear your workspace.

  2. Enter Listing 12.2 into the code window for Form1.

Dim printingCancelled As Boolean

Private Sub Command1_Click()

    printingCancelled = False

    For i = 1 To 500


        If printingCancelled = True Then

            printingCancelled = False

            Exit For

        End If

        Label1.Caption = "Printing " & i

        Printer.Print i

    Next i

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()


    printingCancelled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Label1.Left = 100

    Label1.TOP = 100

    Label1.Height = 200

    Label1.Caption = ""

    Command1.Left = 100

    Command1.TOP = 400

    Command1.Caption = "Start"

    Command2.Left = 1600

    Command2.TOP = 400

    Command2.Caption = "Cancel"

    Form1.Caption = "Visual Basic Printing Test"

    Form1.Height = 2000

    Form1.Width = 4000

End Sub
  1. Add one label and two command button controls anywhere on the form. The Form_Load method will take care of positioning them neatly.

  2. Press F5 to execute the program.

You can start the printing process by clicking on the Start button. The label will indicate what number is currently being printed so that you know that something is occurring. You can stop the printing at anytime by pressing the Cancel button.

This example demonstrates a couple of important points. One is that the printing method needs to call the DoEvents method so that Windows gets a chance to process that Cancel request. In fact, if the DoEvents method is not called, the label caption will not be updated either. The other is that the printing loop needs a variable (printingCancelled) to indicate that the printing should stop.

Font Object Properties

The look of printed text is controlled by the Font object. This object has no methods, only properties. Table 12.4 lists these properties.




Determines whether text is Bold.


Determines whether text is italicized.


Specifies the name of the typeface to be used (For example, Arial or Courier).


Specifies the size of the text to be used, measured in points.


Determines whether text is Strikethrough.


Determines whether text is underlined.


Specifies the thickness of the strokes that make up the text. Valid values are 400 (regular) or 700 (bold).

You can set the printer for bold text with the following line of code:

Printer.Font.Bold = True

You can set the rest of the properties in a similar manner. To find out which fonts are supported by the default printer, use the following code block:

Printer.Copies = 1

For i = 1 To Printer.FontCount - 1

    Printer.Print i; ":"; Printer.Fonts(i)

Next i


This code prints a list of all of the typefaces supported by your default printer.


Notice that the first line of the code block changes the number of copies to 1. This is done because the last setting of the Copies property of the printer persists unless you change it in the Print dialog box. If the last user of the Print dialog box requested six copies, this code block would also print six copies unless you specifically set the Copies property to something else. If you don't use the Print dialog box, always set the Copies property explicitly.

Printing with the Printer Object

This section examines how to use some of the methods of the Printer object. There are too many methods to discuss them all, but these examples will give you a good head start.

Using the PaintPicture Method

The first example shows how to use the PaintPicture method. You can use this method to print any BMP, WMF, EMF, ICO, or DIB file. The first step is to place a PictureBox control on a form. Then, run the code in Listing 12.3 when you want to print the control's contents.

Picture1.picture = LoadPicture("ICONS\COMPUTER\TRASH02A.ICO")

Printer.Copies = 1

startX = 100

startY = 100

Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.picture, _

    startX, startY, Picture1.Width, Picture1.Height

nextY = startY + Picture1.Height + 200

Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.picture, _

    startX, nextY, Picture1.Width * 2, Picture1.Height * 2

nextX = startX + Picture1.Width * 2

nextY = nextY + (Picture1.Height * 4) + 200

Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.picture, _

    nextX, nextY, Picture1.Width * -2, Picture1.Height * -2


Printer.Copies = 1

startX = 100

startY = 100

Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.picture, _

    startX, startY, Picture1.Width, Picture1.Height

nextY = startY + Picture1.Height + 200

Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.picture, _

    startX, nextY, Picture1.Width * 2, Picture1.Height * 2

nextX = startX + Picture1.Width * 2

nextY = nextY + (Picture1.Height * 4) + 200

Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.picture, _

    nextX, nextY, Picture1.Width * -2, Picture1.Height * -2

Centering Text

To center text, you must use the TextWidth method of the Printer object in order to account for proportional fonts. The centerText method in Listing 12.4 shows how to find the print position needed to start printing. First, the center point of the page is found and then half of the width of the string parameter is subtracted. This calculation results in the starting print position. If you need to manipulate the font, such as changing the typeface or point size, be sure to do it before calling the TextWidth method.

Private Sub centerText(h As Integer, str As String)

    pageMiddle = Printer.ScaleWidth / 2

    Printer.CurrentX = pageMiddle - (Printer.TextWidth(str) / 2)

    Printer.CurrentY = h

    Printer.Print str

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()

    Printer.Copies = 1

    centerText 1440, "This text is centered."

    centerText 2880, "This text is centered also."


End Sub


This chapter explained how to display and interact with the Print dialog box, how to manipulate Microsoft Word, and how to use the Printer object.

Using Microsoft Word to handle print chores is a very powerful technique. You can incorporate any or all of Word's features inside your own program. Additional uses of Word might be to print labels, create tables from databases, or to automatically create indexes.

Advanced usage of the Printer object usually takes advantage of its dual nature. You can use the Print method to do text-based printer, but you can also use Line, Circle, PSet, and PaintPicture methods to do graphic-based printing.

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