May 1998
"Web Trimmer V1.10a"
( 'Feeling our way through the code'  )
Win Code Reversing
by The Sandman 
Code Reversing For Beginners 
Program Details
Program Name:
Program Type: HTML Space Trimmer
Program Location: Here or Here
Program Size: 990 K 
Tools Used:
W32Dasm V8.9 - Disassembler
Easy ( X )  Medium (   )  Hard (    )  Pro (    ) 
There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.
Web Trimmer V1.10a
( 'Feeling our way through the code'  )
Written by The Sandman
The author says about Web Trimmer:

"WebTrimmer Lite: the serious HTML optimizer Uses nearly 200 custom filters to radically reduce the size of HTML documents. Average reductions of 20 percent based on mixed output from various authoring tools. Fully configurable optimization options and built- in multiple-file, multiple-term search-and-replace engine. Shareware version optimizes one file per pass (analysis mode allows
unlimited files). Single user license $25. Win95/NT only. Ver. 1.10a."

You might also wish to view his opinions and views on Software Copyrights, it's well worth a few minutes of your time reading it.
About this protection system
This program is registered via the 'Utilities' menu then by selecting the 'Enter Registration Code' option.
Your asked to enter the following information:-
Product Serial Code:
Notice the wording here, it's asking for a specific Product Serial Code, and not as you would expect, a straight forward registration key/serial number. When I saw this I knew almost immediately that the Product Serial Code had to be a single code that was NOT based on what-ever the User (you and me) types into the program.. Once we find this key we can then go on and use key on any one's pc without having to worry about generating a new serial number each time we register the program.  Incidentally, for the About box within this program it takes your name/handle from the system registry that you used when you installed Window's '95.

Once registered this program will use a simple wtlite.ini file (stored in the same directory as the program itself) to store the fact that you have *registered* this file.

Here's what the program adds to the ini file on successful *registration*

[General Options]
DefaultBrowser=C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe
UserInfo=#r79Z(!P+  <====*OUR REGKEY HERE!*

The Essay 
It's a pity the author(s) didn't spend much time on their protection system, it took me all of three minutes flat to *crack* this babe, would have been quicker but had to wait for W32Dasm to generate a 'dead listing' of the target program first..
This will be the last essay I will write on programs that 'Hard Code'  their serial numbers within the actual program itself, since they are just too easy to *crack*. Anyone can fill their web pages with these types of *cracks* but on their own they serve no real purpose, other than to show you that even today, some Shareware programmers rely on you not to peek at their code as their sole protection system. Of all the protection systems currently employed, this has to be the most easily crackable of the lot!.

Lets *crack* this babe using TWO different ways, I could use more but lets keep things as simple as possible for now..
*CRACK METHOD ONE* - Searching for the Hard Coded Serial No.

Hard Coded Serial Numbers/Passwords/Registration keys  refer to the fact that the programmer has used just one serial number or password to register his program with.  Nine times out of ten he will not even bother trying to hide this serial/password from you, so using any utility that can display ascii will reveal the exact sequence of letters/numbers used to register the program with. If you can load this program into a Hex Editor then that's about as hard as it gets to *crack* this program, you don't even have to understand any Assembler code or do any tracing of the target program's code. 

If your a newbie then here's how you might *crack* this program using this *crack* method...

1. Create a 'Dead Listing* of this program using W32Dasm.
2. Examine the program's String Data Resource's

You will see a large list of the following sequence of characters that looks like possible serial numbers:
""Custom Search and Replace manager?"
""Discard any changes and close "
"#00008B "
"#0000CD "
"#006400 "
"#008B8B "
"#00BFBF "
"#00CED1 "
"#00FA9A "
"#00FF7F "

If you now locate where these alpha-numeric characters are used then you will see something like this:

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"black"
:00460B9B BA9C224600              mov edx, 0046229C
:00460BA0 E8772DFAFF              call 0040391C
:00460BA5 7511                    jne 00460BB8
:00460BA7 8BC3                    mov eax, ebx

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"#000000"
:00460BA9 BAAC224600              mov edx, 004622AC
:00460BAE E8352BFAFF              call 004036E8
:00460BB3 E996160000              jmp 0046224E
Look above and below this code snippet, you will quickly realize that these sequence of alpha-numeric codes are in fact, the hex codes for colours that can be used within our web pages. We can now discount these alpha-numeric characters and go back to searching for the *real* product code, if it hasn't been encrypted that is..:)
Eventually you might come this section within the String Data Resources...
"> <"
"9Restoration was not completely "
"A file by this name already exists. "
"A files list also exists. Should "
"A files list exists from a previous "
"A valid term or term pair must "
"Abort requested"
"Abort the optimization process?"
"About to clear current files list"
"About to record new directory"
"About to reset all options"

Can you see the String Reference "6093257"? It's a likely candidate for our possible Product Code that we're seeking.. From here now marks the difference between a *cracker* and someone who is just looking for a serial number to illegally register their software..
Lets now find out where in the target program this number is used:-

* StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Enter your product serial number:"
:0047700C BAD8704700              mov edx, 004770D8 ;Dialog Title 

* StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Registration code entry"
:00477011 B804714700              mov eax, 00477104 ;Dialog Input box
:00477016 E809BAFDFF              call 00452A24     ;Create our Dialog
:0047701B 84C0                    test al, al       ;Did User Press the
                                                    ;'Cancel' button?.
:0047701D 0F8486000000            je 004770A9       ;Jump if 'Cancel'
:00477023 8B45FC                  mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-04]

* StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"6093257"
:00477026 BA24714700              mov edx, 00477124 ;Mem location of the
                                                    ;Product Code!

:0047702B E8ECC8F8FF              call 0040391C     ;Compare the Product
                                                    ;Code expected by the
                                                    ;program with the one
                                                    ;we've typed in.
:00477030 755E                    jne 00477090      ;If our Product Code
                                                    ;is Not Equal to the
                                                    ;one expected by the
                                                    ;program then
                                                    ;Beggar off Cracker.

:00477032 68A0C84700              push 0047C8A0     ;From here prepare then
                                                    ;save to the ini file
                                                    ;the details that shows
                                                    ;that the User has
                                                    ;registered the program

:00477037 682C714700              push 0047712C ;==>"#r79Z(!P+"
:0047703C 6838714700              push 00477138  ;==>"UserInfo"
:00477041 68C0BB4700              push 0047BBC0  ;==>"General Options"
:00477046 E865E1F8FF              Call 004051B0 ;SAVE TO INI FILE
:0047704B C605ACCB470001          mov byte ptr [0047CBAC], 01 ;*REG FLAG*
:00477052 8D85FCFDFFFF            lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDFC]

* StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Thank you for registering WebTrimmer. "
:00477058 BA4C714700              mov edx, 0047714C ;"THANK YOU FOR...."
:0047705D E8CAFAF8FF              call 00406B2C

Look!, everything we want to know about this program's protection system is here in this tiny section of code right from creating the Registration Dialog Box to saving the all important entry to the .INI file!.

We can now be certain that the Product Code requested by the target program is: "6093257". This is another way of saying Serial Number, just that the program calls it a Product Code.
If you now deiced to ignore the rest of this essay because you now have the Product Code to register this program with then you will have learned nothing about this program and that you've been wasting your time reading this page, since the serial number can be found elsewhere on the web without you having to bother reading anything.
*CRACK METHOD TWO* - Nop'ing a jump instruction.
Nop'ing a Conditional Jump is a method commonly used in *cracking* to prevent the target program from jumping to the 'beggar off cracker' routines when we fail to register the program with the correct serial number/password. It is not a 100% way of cracking a program since there are many factors to take into consideration before this method can work.. Fooling the program into *registering* itself can sometimes result in the program saving the 'dummy' serial number we typed to the System Registry File or Ini file which, when you re-run the target program again it will see the dummy serial number and treat it as an invalid entry and proceed thereafter as still being unregistered.
From the programmer's point of view, they should never assume that even if the serial number was found to be 'correct' earlier on in their program's code that when it comes to saving these results to the Registry file or ini file that they should always save the serial number typed in by the USER, instead of automatically saving the *real* serial number generated by their program.  This would then prevent anyone from simply diverting their code to the 'Good Guy' routines with a simple nop'ing out of their conditional jump instruction.
In the case of this particular program the programmer should NEVER use a simple string to denote that the program has been registered, because a simple nop'ing of your jne instruction at memory location :00477030 will defeat your program's protection system as easily as A,B,C.
Back to our target program....
If we examine the above snippet of code again we can see where program decides wether or not our entered product Code is correct or not and uses a jne (Jump If Not Equal) instruction based on the results of comparing 'our' entered Product Code to the one it expects:-

:00477026 BA24714700              mov edx, 00477124 ;Mem location of the
                                                    ;Product Code!

:0047702B E8ECC8F8FF              call 0040391C     ;Compare the Product
                                                    ;Code expected by the
                                                    ;program with the one
                                                    ;we've typed in.
:00477030 755E                    jne 00477090      ;If our Product Code
                                                    ;is Not Equal to the
                                                    ;one expected by the
                                                    ;program then
                                                    ;Beggar off Cracker.

Since we can see that on finding that the Product Code entered by the User is correct, the program will save the 'magic' string to it's wtlite.ini file without any further checks we can simply Nop out the 'jump Not Equal' instruction at memory location :00477030 so that regardless of wether or not the program found our Product Code correct or not it will STILL save to the ini file the 'magic' string code  that identifies this program as being registered.
So to *crack* this program using this Crack two method all we would do is load Web Trimmer into a hex editor and:
Search for the bytes : E8ECC8F8FF755E
The 'Crack' 
None, see above
Final Notes 
This is actually a useful program for anyone with lots of web pages on the web since it helps to keep down unnecessary space wastage due to judicious use of <spaces> etc within web pages.

Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.

Ob Duh 
Do I really have to remind you all that by buying and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will continue to  produce even *better* software for us to use and more importantly, to continue offering even more challenges to breaking their often weak protection systems.
If your looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.

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Essay by:          The Sandman
Page Created: 13th June 1998