There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
Regview tells us that this program uses:
to store all it's program's settings and
that the following entries control the 30 day trial limit:
So if we delete these four entries
then the 30 day time limit resets itself back to 30 days.
Our task therefore
is to see if we can disable the 30 day trial limitation and to change some
of the more obvious 'shareware' messages into ones that might appear in
the fully registered version then finally tidy up by disabling the routine
that handles the days before program expires.
Fire up W32Dasm and create a 'Dead Listing' of this program, we want to see where the program checks for the how many days remaining and where all the 'Shareware' message are..
With W32Dasm up and running take a look at the String Data Resources for this program.. You should see this section of string resources:-
"Warning: Lengths of Search and "
"Welcome to DropConvert!"
"You have been using DropConvert "
;Double-click on this line
If you now double-click on the highlighted line then W32Dasm will take
you to this snippet of code:-
:004527EC 833801
cmp dword ptr [eax], 00000001 ;Are we
;down to
;1 day?
:004527EF 7E31
jle 00452822 ;If no then jump
*StringData Reference
"You have been using DropConvert for "
:004527F1 68F4294500
push 004529F4
:004527F6 8D55E8
lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-18] ;Days left
:004527F9 A1C45D4500
mov eax, dword ptr [00455DC4]
:004527FE 8B00
mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:00452800 E86F46FBFF
call 00406E74
:00452805 FF75E8
push [ebp-18];Days left stored in here
*StringData Reference
" days of your 30 day evaluation period."
:00452808 68242A4500
push 00452A24
OK, lets now scroll up W32Dasm's window, we're looking for a reference that indicates that the program uses a CALL to execute these routines, this would suggest that the program on loading, executes these routines by a single Call statement. In programming terms this is quite a common way to do things and makes for neater code..
Scrolling up the listing you will come across this snippet of code:-
* Referenced by a CALL
at Address: :0045181E
:004526B8 55
push ebp
:004526B9 8BEC
mov ebp, esp
:004526BB 83C4E8
add esp, FFFFFFE8
This looks promising, a single call starts
all these routines that handle the initial nag screen reminder, including
how many days left you have to evaluate this program.. Lets now locate
this call instruction at memory offset: 0045181E
:00451817 E8F8060000
call 00451F14
:0045181C 8BC3
mov eax, ebx
:0045181E E8950E0000
call 004526B8 ;This is our Nag Screen
:00451823 B201
mov dl, 01
:00451825 8BC3
mov eax, ebx
After placing a Softice breakpoint on
this location and then forcing the program to 'skip' over this call statement
confirmed that this was in deed, our startup Nag Screen reminder.. So all
we need to do then is simply Nop (90h) out this call completely.. I will
explain at the end of this essay what bytes you need to change for this
That's the Nag screen taken care of..
Our next task is to change certain references
to this program being a Shareware program so that it now says it's a Registered
Where would you start?.. Well the best
place to begin with is the routines used in the 'About' Screen, these are
almost identical in operation as the initial Nag screen and also inform
the User how many days left they have to evaluate this program.
Searching through W32Dasm for "DropConvert
v2.3 Shareware Edition" we find the
start of the 'About' screen code here.
* Referenced by a (C)onditional
Jump at Address:00452E25(C)
:00452E8C 55
push ebp
:00452E8D 8BEC
mov ebp, esp
:00452E8F 6A00
push 00000000
:00452E91 6A00
push 00000000
It's clear then, we have to somehow change the code to something else, but what?. In keeping with the rest of the program I opted to make all future accesses to the 'About Screen' so that instead of displaying a dialog screen it will instead bring up the file Order.txt' file (found in the same directory as Drop Convert) inside WordPad, just as it does with the other options under Help.
Here's the revised code for the 'new' About
* Referenced by a (C)onditional
Jump at Address: 00452E25(C)
:00452E8C E87B0B0000
Call 00453A0C ;Display License.txt
:00452E91 c3
:00452E92 6A00
push 00000000
:00452E94 6A00
push 00000000
I shall be showing you later what bytes
to change within the program later for this patch..
Now we come to the fun bits.. We now need
to work out what shareware related messages get shown and which ones to
change.. Caution must be used in order to keep our changes within the bounds
of the existing text, else we could overwrite important program code..
For this job all I need is Hex Workshop or if you haven't this utility
any hex Editor will do..
Bellow are all the changes you need to make to this program for it to run as *registered*
Job Done.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
Ripping off software through serials
and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial
numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere
on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.
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