There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
"TechFacts 95 is a powerful Windows 95/NT tool that empowers you to diagnose, solve and report Windows problems.
TechFacts is structured into 3 separate areas:
1. A Resource \ Disk
\ CPU \ Memory monitor with several unique views and individual alarms.
2. A Spy \ Trace \
Diagnostic tool that explores all aspects of Windows.
3. A powerful reporting
tool that lets you transmit TechFacts information via 3 different communications
TechFacts is unique in that
it is 100% self contained. The Setup program, the executable and the Help
file are all inclusive in the EXE file."
The following snippet of code should now
be shown..
* Referenced by a (C)onditional
Jump at Address: 00485D9B(C)
:00485ED3 6A30
push 00000030
:00485ED5 E81611F8FF
Call User32!Messagebeep
:00485EDA B830604800
mov eax, 00486030 ;"Registration Key Failed!"
:00485EDF E8E8D9FBFF
call 004438CC
What we're interested in here, is where
in the target program this 'Beggar off Cracker' message is called from
and here W32Dasm tells us that at memory offset 00485D9B there is a single
conditional jump instruction that executes this routine, so lets
go and examine this jump instruction a little more closely..
:00485D95 41
inc ecx
:00485D96 E8B1CFF7FF
call 00402D4C ;Check our serial no
:00485D9B 0F8532010000
jne 00485ED3 ;If serial not equal to original
;serial no then display 'Beggar off
;Cracker' message.
:00485DA1 8D45AF
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-51] ;Else register this
:00485DA4 BA945F4800
mov edx, 00485F94
OK, we now 'suspect' that this is where the program decides wether or entered serial no is correct or invalid and displays the appropriate message.. We now want to make sure our thinking is correct and we can do this very quickly by using our trusty Softice to test this out before we start patching this program..
Close down W32Dasm, save it's contents first if you wish.
Run TechFacts, go into it's 'Registration Screen'.
Fill in the required fields.
Press the Ctrl & D keys together to start up Softice.
type: bpx getwindowtexta then x to leave Softice.
6. Click
the 'register' key.
Softice Breaks at the start of the system function getwindowtexta routine.
While still in Softice press the 'F11' key once. We return back
into the TeckFacts code
type u 485d9b this will display our jne instruction.
Type bpx 485d9b this tells Softice we want to break on this
Type bc 00 this tells Softice to clear our previous breakpoint.
Press x to leave Softice and let the program run as normal.
Softice now breaks on our jne instruction.
type r eip=00485DA1
This tells Softice
to 'skip' over this jump instruction and start on the next assembly instruction
below it. Once you've done this type x to leave Softice.
This is a manual way of doing what the program does automatically when the User enters the correct serial no, or, had we Nop'd out this jump instruction completely. What we are trying to achieve here is to test the program to see if it will 'accept' our invalid serial and not reject it later on as it tries to register itself.. Some programs will perform further checks on the Serial number entered by the User just to see if someone has made any attempts to patch the program itself.. Some programmers know about Nop'ing conditional jumps just as well as we do..:)
We also want to see and check that the program on restarting, will still accept our 'invalid' serial number.. It doesn't always mean we've registered a program if we patch it like this, many programs can and do reject entries found in the System Registry file if it doesn't make sense..
OK, you should now see in the 'About' Screen that the text in it has changed to:
Licensed Version. Do Not Copy!
So far so good..
Now exit the program and restart it.. If you see no nag screen and can still go into the 'About Screen' and still see the 'Licensed Copy. Do Not Copy' message then our job is completed.. It's always a good idea to now test the program just to satisfy to ourselves that there are no other checks that the program does.. Some programs have more than one protection system attached to it, just in case of tampering etc.. You could also set your computer's clock say two months in advance from now and see if any new shareware messages pop-up..
I've tested the program these past two
days and haven't seen anything out of the ordinary so I'm happy that this
patch works as expected..
Job Done.
Load up tekfct95.exe into your favourite Hex-Editor ( I prefer hexWorkshop-32) but just about any will do..
: F7FF0F8532010000
BYTES : F7FF909090909090
Our patch should look like this:
:00485D95 41
inc ecx
:00485D96 E8B1CFF7FF
call 00402D4C ;Check our serial no
:00485D9B 90
:00485D9C 90
:00485D9D 90
:00485D9E 90
:00485D9F 90
:00485DA0 90
:00485DA1 8D45AF
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-51] ;register this babe
:00485DA4 BA945F4800
mov edx, 00485F94
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
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