There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. |
"Aardvark Pro for Windows is a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) editor.
Aardvark Pro is, essentially, an ASCII editor not unlike a turbo charged version of Notepad. The big difference is that it knows about HTML.
Many options have been included
to speed up the process of creating HTML documents. As soon
as the program is loaded you are presented with a new template that has
all of the main sections of a HTML document. Simply start writing
your document."
On successful registration the program will place your User name in a file called: C:\Windows\aardvark.ini with the following entry:-
[Application Header]
User Name=The Sandman
As always run the target program a few times, try and register it and jot down the error messages the program spits out at you when you get the serial number wrong, they will come in very handy later on..:)
Once you've done this we need to create a 'Dead Listing' of this program, I use W32Dasm V8.9 to do this but make sure you have enough disk space for the resulting file, it will be nearly 24mb in size!.
While still in W32Dasm open up the program's
String Data Resources and find the line that says "Sorry!
The Registration Key you entered was invalid...". Now
double-click on this line and W32Dasm will take you to this very
interesting section of code:-
:005055A7 E8C0E9FBFF
call 004C3F6C
;Check registration
:005055AC 3C01
cmp al, 01
;Result 1=correct
; 0=invalid
:005055AE 7558
jne 00505608
;Beggar off Cracker
:005055B0 8D55F4
lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:005055B3 A188075100
mov eax, dword ptr [00510788]
:005055B8 8B00
mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:005055BA E8C1B3F2FF
call 00430980
:005055BF 8B4DF4
mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:005055C2 8D45F8
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-08]
* StringData Ref from
Code Obj ->"Thank you for Registering your "
->"copy of "
:005055C5 BA58565000
mov edx, 00505658
:005055CA E885E9EFFF
call 00403F54
:005055CF 8B45F8
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-08]
:005055D2 E819DFF3FF
call 004434F0
:005055D7 A180075100
mov eax, dword ptr [00510780]
:005055DC 8B00
mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:005055DE 50
push eax
:005055DF A170055100
mov eax, dword ptr [00510570]
:005055E4 8B00
mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:005055E6 8B8094070000
mov eax, dword ptr [eax+00000794]
* StringData Ref from
Code Obj ->"User Name"
:005055EC B988565000
mov ecx, 00505688
* StringData Ref from
Code Obj ->"Application Header"
:005055F1 BA9C565000
mov edx, 0050569C
:005055F6 E8C149F6FF
call 00469FBC
:005055FB 8B83F8010000
mov eax, dword ptr [ebx+000001F8]
:00505601 E806EAFBFF
call 004C400C
:00505606 EB0A
jmp 00505612
* Referenced by a (C)onditional
Jump at Address: :005055AE(C)
Here's the start of our "beggar off Cracker" message routine..
* StringData Ref from
Code Obj ->"Sorry! The Registration Key you "
->"entered was not valid for the "
->"User Name you entered"
:00505608 B8B8565000
mov eax, 005056B8
:0050560D E8DEDEF3FF
call 004434F0
All the ingredients of our crack are here,
the program calls memory location 004C3F6C
and process our entered serial number,
then it returns with a value in the lower part of the eax register (al)
which the jne (jump not equal) instruction will act upon depending wether
or not the returned value is a '1' or '0'.
:005055A7 E8C0E9FBFF
call 004C3F6C
;Check registration
:005055AC 3C01
cmp al, 01
;Result 1=correct
; 0=invalid
:005055AE 7558
jne 00505608
;Beggar off Cracker
OK, some of you might be thinking at this point that we could nop (90h) out the jne instruction in which case the program will always *register* itself regardless of whatever serial number is entered into the program and to a point your right. However, what will happen is that the program when run again will reject your User details and your back to square one, the program reverts back to being a Shareware program again.. Now if you were to continue with this approach you would now have to locate where in the program it rejects the user's details (after loading the info from it's aardvak.ini file ) then patch this location as well..
There is perhaps, another way, one which is sometimes overlooked by those new to cracking and that is to find out where and how the al register is 'set' to a value of '1' so that patching this will always return a value of '1' instead of a '0' which to the program represents that there either was no serial found or that it was rejected so run as a Shareware program..
Let's now take a closer look at that Call 004C3F6C instruction which comes just before the program checks the al register. OK, now locate where in our 'Dead Listing' this memory location..
I found it here...
push ebx
mov ebx, eax
8A4324 mov
al, byte ptr [ebx+24]
E871A3FFFF call 004BE2E8
8B432C mov
eax, dword ptr [ebx+2C]
E835E3FFFF call 004C22B4
894330 mov
dword ptr [ebx+30], eax
mov eax, ebx
E84F000000 call 004C3FD8
cmp al, 04
je 004C3F97 ;Serial Passed, now set
837B3000 cmp dword ptr
[ebx+30], 00000000
jge 004C3F97 ;Serial Passed, now set al=1
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
serial check passed then come here and 'set' the AL register to '1'
Referenced by a (C)onditional Jumps at Addresses:
mov al, 01
pop ebx
Hmmm, so there are TWO serial checks, either one of them will make the program return a value of '1' in the AL register. It's a good bet that the above routine will be called many times by the program so it's best to patch here rather than anywhere else..
Right, it's clear then, if we patch the the FIRST jump instruction je 004C3F97 and change it into a local jump then it will ALWAYS jump to the small routine that 'sets' the al register to '1'. We can then forget about this conditional jump instruction since the program will never execute this code, we've permanently diverted it away from here..:)
So here's what our patched code will look like:-
jmp 004C3F97 ;Serial Passed, now
set al=1
837B3000 cmp dword ptr
[ebx+30], 00000000
jge 004C3F97 ;Serial Passed, now set al=1
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
Just a one byte change
makes all the difference..
Job Done.
[Application Header]
3. Save this file. This is only necessary if you wish the program to show your Name/Handle as being the registered owner of this program.. If the program can't find this file or your User Name then it will display: Registered To: Unregistered instead.
4. Load up ardpro32..exe into your favorite
Hex-Editor ( I prefer hexWorkshop-32) but just about any hexeditor will
BYTES : 750A837B30007D04
BYTES : EB0A837B30007F04
Many people have asked me how 'Dead Listings'
work and do you need to understand Assembler first before you can use 'Dead
Listings' so with this in mind expect within a few days from now an essay
written by me that will try and explain how these listings work. It won't
be fancy but it will get you by a few hurdles and hopefully on the road
to exploiting them to your own needs.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest
source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end
of the tunnel.
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