Aug 1998
"Addsoft V2.18"
( 'The Memory Echo Crack'  )
Win Code Reversing
by The Sandman 
Code Reversing For Beginners 
Program Details
Program Name: addsoft2.exe
Program Type: Shareware Site Updater Program Location: Here 
Program Size: 990K 
Tools Used:
 Softice V3.2 - Win'95 Debugger
W32Dasm V8.9 - Win'95 Dissembler
Easy ( X  )  Medium (   )  Hard (    )  Pro (    ) 
There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.
AddSoft V2.18
( 'The Memory Echo Crack'  )
Written by The Sandman
The author(s) of AddSoft  says:-
"AddSoft is a one-of-a-kind application for software developers.  While there are a couple of other programs that advertise automated shareware submissions, none are even close to as full-featured and automated as AddSoft.

· AddSoft doesn't just E-Mail or post HTTP.  It also uploads via FTP and Zips your application archive when required.  How does another package submit to a site like Tucows?  They require you to manually upload your file.

· AddSoft has *TRUE* automated support for major sites like ZDNet, BHS, Simtel -- Not just partial or limited support.

· AddSoft creates site-specific readme files when required.  If you have ever submitted to Simtel or Winsite, you know how time consuming it can be to try to meet the exact specifications.  The others don't handle this, and AddSoft does it all.... automatically.

· AddSoft comes with a site builder that allows you to add sites not supported by AddSoft.  No need to submit a request to add a new shareware site.  Just add it yourself with our comprehensive scripting.  The others require you to download an update if there is a change, or new sites.

· AddSoft is reasonably priced at just $89.00.  How much is your time worth?  You will surely pay for it many times over in time saved the first time you use it."
About this protection system
The protection system employed within this program can be difficult or fairly easy to work out depending on how you approach it.  There are many routines nested waist deep within each other and it can get pretty messy if your trying to keep your notes up to date as you explore the program's code.
As in most programs the User registration details and program settings are kept in your System Registry file and can be found here.

On successful *registration* the following values are placed in this key:
Convert210 = 1
RN             = 298051659
UN             = THE SANDMAN
The Essay 
I original tried a number of different ways to crack this babe before finding what I think is the best method to use.
You first job before cracking this program is to run it a few times and get the feel of how it works.  Makes notes of any message boxes you see and the actual text used within them as you *try* and register it using random numbers & text. Any attempts to bpx on messageboxa and getwindowtexta etc won't help you here, the program obviously does things a little differently.  Which from the programmers point of view is a good thing.  If you want to make life for the cracker a little harder then you don't keep displaying little 'helpful' message boxes informing the User they've got the registration code wrong which are like neon signs to crackers when we do a dead listing of the target program but instead, ignore failed attempts to register the program and continue on with the rest of the program. Legitimate Users with valid registration codes only need one chance to enter their serial codes into the program per session anyway..

Other ways to make life *difficult* for crackers is for the programmers to study the toolz that will ultimately crack their software, find it's weaknesses, for instance, I've already see some code that can disrupt dead listings created by W32Dasm and IDA Pro so if I can find this information so can you..  Enough said, lets wrap this babe up..
Create a Dead Listing of Addsoft.exe using W32Dasm, then open up the program's String Data Resource and search for the text "Thanks for Registering! :)".  Talk about neon signs, this one is positively flashing!.  Double-click on this text and W32Dasm will now display this code snippet.
:00480179 E8EE4EFFFF       call 0047506C
:0048017E 8BD8             mov ebx, eax
:00480180 A118444A00       mov eax, dword ptr [004A4418]
:00480185 8B00             mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:00480187 889875070000     mov byte ptr [eax+00000775], bl
:0048018D A118444A00       mov eax, dword ptr [004A4418]
:00480192 84DB             test bl, bl
:00480194 740A             je 004801A0
:00480196 B8E0014800       mov eax, 004801E0 ;"Thanks for registering! :)"
:0048019B E898D3FBFF       call 0043D538

As newbie crackers we should test this section of code in order that we might understand the following:-
1. To see what values are returned from the Call 0047506C that might look useful from our point of view..
2.What value is stored in the low byte of ebx (bl)  because not only is this value being saved into a memory location it is being tested by the instruction test bl,bl.
Right, in order to get into the program's code using Softice you will need to press Ctrl-D in order to fire up Softice.

Type: bpx messageboxa  then X to leave Softice.
Now run AddSoft and click Continue at the Nag Screen. Once in, select the File menu option THEN the View Reports option. Softice now breaks at the beginning of the system function GetWindowTexta.
From here press the 'F11' once and your now in Addsoft's program code.
Now type:

bc * to clear away our previous breakpoint. We don't need it any more.
u 00480179 to display where our next breakpoint will be.
bpx 00480179 to create our Softice Breakpoint.
X to leave Softice.

Now every time you run Addsoft and try to register it using random numbers for your serial number Softice will always break on our single breakpoint.  Now go and try it out.  Once you've done this you should know the following about the above code snippet:-

:00480179 E8EE4EFFFF       call 0047506C ;Create then check both serials.
                                         ;Returns with:
                                         ;BL = 0 if serial No invalid.
                                         ;BL = 0Ch if serial correct
                                         ;EAX = 1 if serial correct
                                         ;ECX = 1 if serial correct
:0048017E 8BD8             mov ebx, eax
:00480180 A118444A00       mov eax, dword ptr [004A4418]
:00480185 8B00             mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:00480187 889875070000     mov byte ptr [eax+00000775], bl ;*REG FLAG*
:0048018D A118444A00       mov eax, dword ptr [004A4418]
:00480192 84DB             test bl, bl
:00480194 740A             je 004801A0 ;Beggar off cracker
:00480196 B8E0014800       mov eax, 004801E0 ;"Thanks for registering! :)"
:0048019B E898D3FBFF       call 0043D538
For those who have already tried, you can't place a value of '1' into the low byte of the ebx register once you've executed the call 0047506c in order to try and fool the program because it will perform other checks down the line.  You also can't nop out the je 004801A0 instruction in order to force the program to register itself because again, the program performs checks to see if certain memory locations have also been updated when the User's serial number was found to be correct.
OK, lets now follow where the call 0047506C takes us..
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses: :00480179   , :0049C301
;Address 00480179 is used when the User tries to register this program.
;Address 0049C301 is used at Run-Time to check if the User has already
;registered this program.

:0047506C 55               push ebp      ;Save register ebp on STACK
:0047506D 8BEC             mov ebp, esp  ;Adjust ebp
:0047506F 6A00             push 00000000 ;Save empty mem locations
:00475071 6A00             push 00000000 ;on to the
:00475073 6A00             push 00000000 ;STACK
:00475075 53               push ebx      ;Save new changes
:00475076 56               push esi      ;Save register esi address
:00475077 8BF0             mov esi, eax  ;swap esi with eax
:00475079 33C0             xor eax, eax  ;zero eax register = 00000000
:0047507B 55               push ebp      ;save new changes
:0047507C 6811514700       push 00475111 ;save this address
:00475081 64FF30           push dword ptr fs:[eax]     ;save address
:00475084 648920           mov dword ptr fs:[eax], esp ;update eax
:00475087 33DB             xor ebx, ebx                ;ebx = 00000000

; Memory address [ebp-04] is empty at this point, but will shortly contain
; a memory address that points to where our User name will be stored so
; that this serial generating routine can find and use it.

:00475089 8D55FC           lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-04] ;see above
:0047508C 8BC6             mov eax, esi
:0047508E E85DFDFFFF       call 00474DF0 ;Place address of where our
                                         ;User Name is into [ebp-04]

:00475093 8B45FC           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-04];eax = User name
:00475096 E855ECF8FF       call 00403CF0          ;Get length of User Name
:0047509B 85C0             test eax, eax          ;is User Name empty?
:0047509D 7457             je 004750F6            ;yes? then exit routine

; Memory address [ebp-08] is empty at this point, but will shortly contain
; a memory address that points to where our *fake* serial will be stored so
; that this serial generating routine can find and use it.
:0047509F 8D55F8           lea edx, dword ptr [ebp-08];See above.
:004750A2 8BC6             mov eax, esi  ;Copy esi register to eax register
:004750A4 E80FFEFFFF       call 00474EB8 ;Place address of where our serial
                                         ;is into [ebp-08]

:004750A9 8B45F8           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-08] ;eax=our fake serial
:004750AC E83FECF8FF       call 00403CF0 ;Calculate length of our serial
:004750B1 85C0             test eax, eax ;Is Serial Number empty?
:004750B3 7441             je 004750F6   ;yes? then exit routine.
; Memory address [ebp-0C] is empty at this point, but will shortly contain
; a memory address that points to where our *REAL* serial will be stored so
; that this serial generating routine can compare it with whatever we have
; typed in.
:004750B5 8D4DF4           lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-0C];See above.
:004750B8 BACE070000       mov edx, 000007CE
:004750BD 8B45FC           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-04] ;eax = User Name
:004750C0 E84BCBFFFF       call 00471C10  ;Place in memory location
                                          ;[ebp-0C] the address of
                                          ;where we can find our
                                          ;*real* serial number.
:004750C5 8B45F4           mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-0C] ;eax=*REAL* SERIAL!
:004750C8 8B55F8           mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-08] ;edx=*FAKE* SERIAL!
:004750CB E830EDF8FF       call 00403E00              ;Compare both serials

So, once you get to the memory segment: 004750C8 all you need to do is type: d eax and the serial number based on your User Name/Handle will be revealed to you.
Job Done.
The Crack
None required.

If you intend on using this program beyond it's evaluation period then please BUY IT!
Final Notes 
While this program doesn't use too many 'Shareware' text messages for us to navigate around it's code it only takes just one shareware message to show us the way to crack this babe. Notice how we were able to get Softice to break on the bpx messagebox by accessing the View Reports setting, I suspect the programmers made a good effort to limit our access into their program code by using alternative system functions but perhaps forgot about the one that generates an error if we try and use View reports when there aren't any reports yet!.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
Fravia+ for providing possibly the greatest source of Reverse Engineering
knowledge on the Web.
+ORC for showing me the light at the end of the tunnel.
Ob Duh 
Do I really have to remind you all that by buying and NOT stealing the software you use will ensure that these software houses will be encouraged to producing even *better* software for us to use and enjoy.

Ripping off software through serials and cracks is for lamers..
If your looking for cracks or serial numbers from these pages then your wasting your time, try searching elsewhere on the Web under Warze, Cracks etc.

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Essay by:          The Sandman
Page Created: 23rd August 1998