ULTRAEDIT 5.00 S/N Generator
(a very funny dynamic addressing process as copy procedure)
by Aesculapius
(24 November 1997, slightly edited by fravia+)
Courtesy of fravia's page
of reverse engineering
Well, Aesculapius is back, and he is pretty crossed... somebody
has annoyed him. He opens with a "war declaration" against harassing protectionists... Tsch, tsch...
I like Ultraedit a lot, it's a very good program, and I'm seriously thinking
to buy it (when my ALLOWED 45 days trial will be finished, of course)... the only thing that
really annoys me about Uedit is the completely nut "thank-god page" of its
Author Mead... man, I have never seen something so crazy, you won't believe it
until you read it :-)
Anyway I like this program a lot, and therefore I have checked
the situation before releasing this essay (that explains the delay, Aescu) and found out that the target is already
irremediably compromised: there are at least
6 different ready made cracks for version 5.0 (this target here explained by Aesculapius
to-day) all over the web and, as if those were not enough, there are
hundreds of 'regged' userid/registration
combinations, the most common one being the ubiquitous userID: "lxcore97"
(no, I won't give you the 16-chars registration code as well... how many time d'I have to
repeat it: LEARN HOW TO REVERSE YOUR TARGETS, don't use ready made code like thiefs and
lusers... the whole fun is to reverse our targets, to 'earn' them somehow even if we won't use
them... if you are here in order
to find some software for free you have chosen a damn complicated way to get
at it... you better jump over to the 'warez-world', farewell).
So I checked, and this good program is everywhere to have, regged, for free. I think therefore that
Aesculapius work, far from damaging him, can actually be USEFUL to Ian Mead... here is the point he
should take care of:however, the program still has to read the registration file to
gather its initiation values, so a bpx on readfile should be enough to find
a fairly close entry point to it
Learn here
from Aesculapius how this protection scheme works. It's interesting and the keygenerator in asm at the
bottom can easily be modified for other targets. If you crack Ultraedit register it
after 45 days, it deserves it (IMHO). Enjoy!
ULTRAEDIT 5.00 S/N Generator
"What has God brought"
By Aesculapius
Well, I've been retired for a while due to heavy censoring, however
I think the best way to solve this problem is facing it, striking back.
All the programs which protection scheme I have only cracked, will be
extensively explained so even a less than 50 IQ lamer will be able to
defeat them; if this harassment continues, I'll then apply some virii
techniques to the cracks which will ruin any protection scheme making it
totally useless, the apps will be cracked without the user even noticing
it, and eventually a gorgeous computer virus will be released to strike my
enemies only; after they and their customers are infected with the virus,
not even Aesculapius himself, the mighty Greek God of Healing will be able
to cure them and they will die under the shadow of a new breed of
biological computer warfare.
To successfully complete this essay, you will need: wdsm89, SoftICE
3.X, any hex editor. The program is located at www.idmcomp.com, named
uedit32.exe and is less than 1MB long.
This scheme is not as strong as I thought it would be, given the
fact that UltraEdit's author changes the algorithm with every new version.
UltraEdit has become a standard for us to write our cracking essays, so it
should be worthy to unveil the scheme behind it. UltraEdit author learned a
lot since +Rezident and I cracked his baby. In this new version, Windows
API's use is kept at minimum to avoid possible intrusion via SoftICE
breakpointing on them. Even the string lengths are calculated trough a
rather old fashion custom mathematical procedure to avoid the use of any
API; however, the program still has to read the registration file to
gather its initiation values, so a bpx on readfile should be enough to find
a fairly close entry point to it.
Once we're in, you'll eventually find this:
:0045BE35 56 push esi
:0045BE36 8BF1 mov esi, ecx
:0045BE38 E8C8FAFFFF call 0045B905 ; Copy your name to
memory location :0094229C
:0045BE3D 8B06 mov eax, dword ptr [esi] ; Your name
offset in EAX
:0045BE3F 8B542408 mov edx, dword ptr [esp+08] ; 02H in EDX
:0045BE43 8A4C240C mov cl, byte ptr [esp+0C] ; 09H in CL
:0045BE47 5E pop esi
:0045BE48 880C10 mov byte ptr [eax+edx], cl ; Move byte
09H to
the third
letter of
your name
:0045BE4B C20800 ret 0008 ; return
This piece of code prepares the address offset, where EAX points to
your name, EDX is 02H so EAX+EDX points to the third character in your
name, finally CL which is equal to 09H is copied over the third character
of your name. In my case, Aesculapius, the first 's' letter is substituted
with 09H.
:00426813 E81D560300 call 0045BE35 ; Return from the previous
:00426818 A1E0014A00 mov eax, dword ptr [004A01E0]; Memory
offset of
your name
:0042681D 8D4D0C lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+0C]
:00426820 8A4005 mov al, byte ptr [eax+05] Load fifth
of your
name in AL
:00426823 0C55 or al, 55 Inclusive
OR of that
:00426825 50 push eax
:00426826 6A05 push 00000005
:00426828 E808560300 call 0045BE35 ; We'll continue here
As you can see, there are two copies of your name at :004A01E0 and
:0094229C. The last location contains a copy from first one. The copy
procedure is a very funny dynamic addressing process located somewhat
before. As you can see, the original offset memory location of your name at
:004A01E0 is stored in EAX, then at :00426820 the fifth character of your
name is loaded in AL and then, the code executes an 'Inclusive or' with it.
Now lets trace inside call at :004268B8;
:0045BE35 56 push esi
:0045BE36 8BF1 mov esi, ecx
:0045BE38 E8C8FAFFFF call 0045B905 ; Checks some characters
; in your name
:0045BE3D 8B06 mov eax, dword ptr [esi] ; Points to your name
:0045BE3F 8B542408 mov edx, dword ptr [esp+08] ; 05H in EDX
:0045BE43 8A4C240C mov cl, byte ptr [esp+0C] ; Inclusive
OR result
on CL
:0045BE47 5E pop esi
:0045BE48 880C10 mov byte ptr [eax+edx], cl ; Substitute
character in
your name
with the
Inclusive OR
:0045BE4B C20800 ret 0008
The Inclusive OR calculation of the fifth character in your name is
stored, then it substitutes the real fifth character in your name.
Until now this is the result of the previous code: The third
character in your name has been substituted with byte 09H and the fifth
character after an Inclusive OR with byte 55H is copied back to its place.
All these mathematical games could be there to ease the task of
changing the algorithm very often, as in fact happens with this
:0040B645 6A3C push 0000003C; push 60 bytes in stack
:0040B647 8D45C0 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-40] ; Points to
the memory
where the
valid code
will be
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00046: "Line: "
:0040B64A 6A2E push 0000002E ; Store 2E into the stack
:0040B64C 50 push eax ; Push valid code offset into
; the stack
:0040B64D E85E8A0300 call 004440B0 ; Lets trace inside this
The memory location where the valid code will be calculated is
stored in EAX and then pushed to the stack. Byte 2EH '.' is also pushed.
Lets now trace inside call at :0040B64D;
:004440B0 8B54240C mov edx, dword ptr [esp+0C]; Load hex
value 3CH
equal to 60
dec. from
the stack
:004440B4 8B4C2404 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+04]; Load offset
of valid
code memory
location in
:004440B8 85D2 test edx, edx
:004440BA 7447 je 00444103
:004440BC 33C0 xor eax, eax
:004440BE 8A442408 mov al, byte ptr [esp+08]; load Hex value
2C equal to
'.' decimal
:004440C2 57 push edi
:004440C3 8BF9 mov edi, ecx ; Load offset of valid code
memory location to EDI
:004440C5 83FA04 cmp edx, 4
:004440C8 722D jb 004440F7
:004440CA F7D9 neg ecx
:004440CC 83E103 and ecx, 3
:004440CF 7408 je 004440D9
:004440D1 2BD1 sub edx, ecx
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:004440D7(C)
:004440D3 8807 mov byte ptr [edi], al; Move 2EH to first
byte of valid
code memory
:004440D5 47 inc edi next byte
:004440D6 49 dec ecx decrease counter
from 3CH==60
:004440D7 75FA jne 004440D3 Repeat cycle
until ECX==0
Well, what happens now: the memory location where the final valid
code will be calculated is filled with 60 bytes containing Hexadecimal
value 2EH which is a dot '.' in decimal. Why? How the hell would I know?
I'm a cracker not a magician! However I think this could be some sort of
future expansion configuration. We later see that the valid code is only
16 characters long (10H) but the code memory location is prepared with 60
characters (3CH) instead. Probably the programmer thought to leave some
additional space, so it is possible that in the future, Ultraedit valid
code will be 18 or even 20 characters long, who knows.
:0040B655 8D45C0 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-40]; Loads the
valid code
:0040B658 56 push esi
:0040B659 57 push edi
:0040B65A 50 push eax
:0040B65B E860860300 call 00443CC0 Moves
name to
the valid
code memory
:0040B660 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:0040B663 32C0 xor al, al ; Erase AL
:0040B665 33C9 xor ecx, ecx; Erase ECX
:0040B667 3BF3 cmp esi, ebx; Load your name lenght in ESI
:0040B669 885C35C0 mov byte ptr [ebp+esi-40], bl; Terminates
your name
with 00H
:0040B66D 7E09 jle 0040B678
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B676(C)
:0040B66F 02440DC0 add al, byte ptr [ebp+ecx-40]; Add Hex
value of
byte of
your name
to AL
:0040B673 41 inc ecx Increase
:0040B674 3BCE cmp ecx, esi; All characters in your
name added? No repeat
cycle, otherwise go on
:0040B676 7CF7 jl 0040B66F
This is very simple. All Hex values of every character in your
modified name (the name with the 09H in the third position and the
Inclusive OR of the fifth character in fifth position) are added and the
result is stored in AL. This is a checksum procedure.
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B66D(C)
:0040B678 884508 mov byte ptr [ebp+08], al; Addition
stored in
:0040B67B 33F6 xor esi, esi ; Erase ESI
:0040B67D F65508 not [ebp+08] ; Executes complement
negation of your name's
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B6D6(C)
:0040B680 8BC6 mov eax, esi
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00004: "*.MAC"
This segment calculates the offset of the magic numbers block
location using a funny dynamic addressing system:
:0040B682 6A04 push 00000004
:0040B684 99 cdq
:0040B685 5F pop edi
:0040B686 8D4C35C0 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+esi-40];
; Offset of valid code memory location
in ECX
:0040B68A F7FF idiv edi
:0040B68C 8BC6 mov eax, esi
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00016: "All Files, (*.*)"
:0040B68E 6A10 push 00000010
:0040B690 5B pop ebx
:0040B691 8BFA mov edi, edx
:0040B693 99 cdq
:0040B694 F7FB idiv ebx
:0040B696 8BC2 mov eax, edx
:0040B698 99 cdq
:0040B699 2BC2 sub eax, edx
:0040B69B 8B14BDE08B4900 mov edx, dword ptr [4*edi+00498BE0]
; First byte of magic block in EDX
:0040B6A2 D1F8 sar eax, 1
:0040B6A4 8A0402 mov al, byte ptr [edx+eax]; Load first
byte of magic
block in AL
:0040B6A7 324508 xor al, byte ptr [ebp+08]; XOR magic byte
complement NOT
of your
modified name
result in AL
:0040B6AA FEC0 inc al ; Increase result
in one
:0040B6AC 3001 xor byte ptr [ecx], al; XOR result with
first byte of
your modified
name, result
is stored
directly in
valid code memory
:0040B6AE 8A09 mov cl, byte ptr [ecx]; Load first byte
of valid code in
:0040B6B0 0FB6C1 movzx eax, cl; Load it in EAX
:0040B6B3 83FE08 cmp esi, 00000008; If we reach eight
character of the
valid code then jump
at :0040B6B7
:0040B6B6 99 cdq
:0040B6B7 7D0A jge 0040B6C3
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00026: "Run Windows Program"
:0040B6B9 6A1A push 0000001A ; Push value 1AH into the
:0040B6BB 59 pop ecx ; Pop it in ECX
:0040B6BC F7F9 idiv ecx ; Signed divide it with
EAX and remainder in DL
:0040B6BE 80C241 add dl, 41 ; Add 41H to remainder
:0040B6C1 EB08 jmp 0040B6CB ; Jump ahead
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B6B7(C)
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00010: "Thank you for supporting Shareware."
:0040B6C3 6A0A push 0000000A; If ESI was 8 or greater
then code continues here
from :0040B6B7; Push 0A
into the stack
:0040B6C5 59 pop ecx ; Pop it in ECX
:0040B6C6 F7F9 idiv ecx ; Signed divide ECX with
EAX; remainder in DL
:0040B6C8 80C230 add dl, 30 ; Add 30H to remainder
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B6C1(U)
This piece of code follows two possible paths; from character 1 to
8 of the valid code, all result characters are letters and from 9
to 16, all characters are numbers. There are two XORing processes, the
first between a magic number and the Complement NOT of the checksum from
your modified name and the second one between the result from the first and
one byte of your modified name. Finally the two paths will assure that the
first eight characters of the valid code are letters and the last ones
On very important fact is that the result from all the calculations is
directly stored in the valid code memory location. Unfortunately, as you
will notice, the first eight letters of the code are unprintable ASCII
characters, so the author created a second valid code, which is stored in
the next lines:
:0040B6CB 88943540FFFFFF mov byte ptr [ebp+esi-000000C0], dl
; Store second valid code in ebp+esi-C0
:0040B6D2 46 inc esi; Increase counter
:0040B6D3 83FE3C cmp esi, 0000003C ; Process 60 bytes
:0040B6D6 7CA8 jl 0040B680 ; repeat cycle
Now the following code fixes the final validation code:
:0040B6D8 33DB xor ebx, ebx
:0040B6DA 33D2 xor edx, edx
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B732(C)
:0040B6DC 8A4C15C0 mov cl, byte ptr [ebp+edx-40]
; Load first byte of first valid code
in CL
:0040B6E0 8D4415C0 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+edx-40]
; Load offset of first valid code
:0040B6E4 80F980 cmp cl, 80; Compare first byte with 80H
:0040B6E7 7205 jb 0040B6EE; Jump if below
:0040B6E9 80C180 add cl, 80 ; otherwise add 80H
:0040B6EC 8808 mov byte ptr [eax], cl; Store it back
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B6E7(C)
:0040B6EE 8A08 mov cl, byte ptr [eax]; Move first
corrected byte to
:0040B6F0 80F97F cmp cl, 7F; Compare it with 7FH
:0040B6F3 7C05 jl 0040B6FA; Jump if less
:0040B6F5 80E97F sub cl, 7F ; otherwise subtract 7FH
:0040B6F8 8808 mov byte ptr [eax], cl; Store it back
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B6F3(C)
:0040B6FA 8A08 mov cl, byte ptr [eax]; Move corrected
first byte to CL
:0040B6FC 80F921 cmp cl, 21; Compare it with 21H
:0040B6FF 7F05 jg 0040B706; if greater jump
:0040B701 80C121 add cl, 21 ; Add 21H otherwise
:0040B704 8808 mov byte ptr [eax], cl; Store it back
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B6FF(C)
:0040B706 803822 cmp byte ptr [eax], 22; Compare first
Corrected byte
with 22H
:0040B709 7503 jne 0040B70E ; if not equal jump
:0040B70B C60023 mov byte ptr [eax], 23; otherwise
substitute it
with 23H
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B709(C) |
:0040B70E 803827 cmp byte ptr [eax], 27; Compare first
Corrected byte
with 27H
:0040B711 7503 jne 0040B716
:0040B713 C60028 mov byte ptr [eax], 28; substitute it
with 28H
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B711(C)
:0040B716 80382E cmp byte ptr [eax], 2E ; Compare first
byte with 2EH
:0040B719 7503 jne 0040B71E
:0040B71B C6002F mov byte ptr [eax], 2F; If equal
substitute it
with 2FH
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B719(C)
:0040B71E 803860 cmp byte ptr [eax], 60; Compare it with 60H
:0040B721 7503 jne 0040B726
:0040B723 C60061 mov byte ptr [eax], 61; If equal
substitute it
with 61H
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B721(C)
:0040B726 80387C cmp byte ptr [eax], 7C; Compare it with
:0040B729 7503 jne 0040B72E
:0040B72B C6006C mov byte ptr [eax], 6C; If equal
substitute it
with 6C
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0040B729(C)
:0040B72E 42 inc edx; Increase counter-pointer
:0040B72F 83FA3C cmp edx, 0000003C ; repeat cycle for
all bytes until 3CH
or 60 bytes are
:0040B732 7CA8 jl 0040B6DC ; Repeat cycle
As the first 8 characters of the first valid code are filled with loads of
unreadable characters, the following lines substitute bytes: 22H, 27H, 2EH,
60H AND 7CH with 23H, 28H, 2FH, 61H and 6CH. It also carries out some
additional corrections to every single byte in the code.
Well, as Samuel Morse said: What has God brought!
There are two valid codes; the first one is partially calculated
and stored in [EBP-40]; then a second valid code derivates from the first
and is stored in [EBP-C0]; the code you typed is stored in [ebp-80];
finally, the first valid code is corrected to substitute the unreadable
ASCII characters. As the second code is not corrected and perfectly
readable in the first place, we will use it in the S/N Generator along with
the partially calculated first code. The final first valid code wont be
calculated in this essay, bacause although is easy to do it, since we
clearly understood all the process, it is not neccessary to do it.
Remember, always do what you got to do, nothing more, nothing less (who
said this?).
The S/N generator is finally coded:
;* UltraEdit v. 5.00 S/N Generator *
;* Coded by Aesculapius *
;* Instructions: Compile this file as an .COM executable *
;* with TASM 4.1 and Tlink 7.1 *
;* File name should be: UEDT5KEY.COM *
;* *
;* *
ORG 100H
CODE1 DB 60 DUP (2EH); Prepare first code location with 2EH byte
; in all locations
CODE2 DB 60 DUP (2EH); Prepare second code location with 2EH
MAGIC1 DB 1 DUP (' '); Prepare location to store Complement NOT
; of your name's checksum
; These block of magic numbers were ripped with softICE
MAGIC2 DB 6EH,35H,0F7H,74H,0DEH,6FH,32H,85H,0FFH,36H,0A8H,59H,0DEH,0DEH,79H,88H
DB 6EH,35H,0F7H,74H,0DEH,6FH,32H,85H,0FFH,36H,0A8H,59H,0DEH,0DEH,79H,88H
FINAL_CODE1 DB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'$' ; Final partially
; calculated first
; code storage
LENGHT DB 00H ; Name lenght storage
CR EQU 0AH ; Carriage return definition
LF EQU 0DH ; Line Feed definition
BEEP EQU 07H ; Internal speaker definition
; Presentation and Ask for name message
GETNAME DB CR,LF,'UltraEdit v. 5.00 S/N Generator'
DB CR,LF,'Coded by Aesculapius - November 1997'
DB CR,LF,'Home Page: aesculapius.home.ml.org'
DB CR,LF,'Email Box: aesculapius@cryogen.com',CR,LF
DB CR,LF,'Please, Type Your First and Last Name (6-21 Char): '
DB '$'
; Second final validation code will be presented with final message
DB CR,LF,'Authorization Code successfully calculated!',BEEP
DB CR,LF,CR,LF,'Authorization Code: '
FINAL_CODE2 DB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,CR,LF,CR,LF,'$'
; User name storage location - no more than 21 characters long name allowed
NAMESTOR DB 15H,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
INT 21H ; Ask for user's name
INT 21H ; Store it in NAMESTOR location
MOV SI, OFFSET NAMESTOR+02H; Load name lenght in SI
MOV DI, OFFSET CODE1 ; First code offset in DI
MOV CL, [SI-1] ; Name lenght in CL
MOV BYTE PTR [BX], CL ; Store name lenght in LENGHT
; location
REP MOVSB ; Move name from NAMESTOR to CODE1
XOR CX, CX ; Terminate it with 00H
MOV [DI], CL ; Store 00H
CODE_GEN PROC NEAR ; Calculate valid code
XOR AX, AX ; Erase AX, BX, CX
MOV SI, OFFSET CODE1 ; Offset of first valid code in SI
MOV BYTE PTR [SI+02H], 09H ; Substitute first character
; of user's name with 09H
OR BYTE PTR [SI+05H], 55H ; Inclusive OR of fifth character
; with 55H
MOV DI, OFFSET LENGHT ; Load name lenght in DI
MOV CL, BYTE PTR [DI] ; Load lenght in CL
AGAIN1: ADD AL, BYTE PTR [SI] ; Add all characters of modified
; name to AL
INC SI ; Increase pointer
INC BX ; Increase counter
CMP CX, BX ; Compare counter with name lenght
; if checksum is not finished
; then repeat cycle
JNZ AGAIN1 ; otherwise go ahead
NOT AL ; Complement NOT of
MOV DI, OFFSET MAGIC1 ; Offset of magic1 storage location
; in DI
MOV BYTE PTR [DI], AL ; Store Complement NOT of modified
; name checksum in MAGIC1
XOR CX, CX ; Erase CX and BX
AGAIN2: MOV DI, OFFSET CODE1 ; Offset of first valid code in DI
MOV SI, OFFSET MAGIC2 ;Offset of magic numbers block in SI
MOV AL, BYTE PTR [SI+BX] ; Move first byte of magic block
; to AL
MOV SI, OFFSET MAGIC1 ; Complement NOT checksum result in
; SI
MOV AH, BYTE PTR [SI] ; First byte of magic block in AH
XOR AL, AH ; Xor AH with AL; result in AL
INC AL ; Increase AL in one
XOR AL, BYTE PTR [DI+BX] ; XOR result with first byte of
; first valid code; result in AL
MOV DI, OFFSET CODE1 ; Store result in first valid code
; memory location
MOV BYTE PTR [DI+BX], AL ; Store it
XOR AX, AX ; Erase AX and DX
MOV AL, BYTE PTR [DI+BX] ; Load first byte of already
; partially calculated first
; valid code
CMP BX, 08H ; Eight digits already?
JAE NUMBER ; No then continue, otherwise JUMP
MOV CL, 1AH ; Load 1AH in CL
IDIV CX ; Integer divide with AL
ADD DL, 41H ; Remainder in DL+41H
NUMBER: MOV CL, 0AH ; If eight digit reached execute
; this code. Load 0AH in CL
IDIV CX ; Integer divide CL with AL
ADD DL, 30H ; Remainder in DL+30H
LETTER: MOV DI, OFFSET CODE2 ; Load offset of second valid
; code
MOV BYTE PTR [DI+BX], DL ; Store remainder in it
INC BX ; Increase counter
CMP BX, 003CH ; 60 bytes reached?
JNZ AGAIN2 ; No? then repeat cycle for
; the rest of both codes
XOR CX, CX ; Erase CX
MOV CX, 0010H ; Load 16 bytes in CL
MOV SI, OFFSET CODE1 ; Points to CODE1 offset
MOV DI, OFFSET FINAL_CODE1 ; Points to partially calculated
; first valid code
MOV CX, 0010H ; Do the same with second valid code
MOV DI, OFFSET FINAL_CODE2 ; Store final second valid code
INT 21H ; Present final message and second
; valid code
INT 21H ; Terminate program
END START In the S/N generator, 60 bytes of code are also calculated, even
when only 16 bytes are used; off course, I'm thinking in the future too,
he, he..
Well, that's it; as always if you have any doubt, write me, I'm
willing to help you understand...
Aesculapius - November 97
Email Box: aesculapius@cryogen.com
Home Page: aesculapius.home.ml.org
(c) Aesculapius All rights reversed
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