Reverse Engenering The Protections From WestWood
by zoltan
(24 September 1999)
CD-ROM faking
Courtesy of fravia's pages of reverse engineering ~ slightly edited by fravia+
Reverse Engenering The Protections From WestWood
(As example: DUNE 2000)
Another Aproach On The CD Check Protection, using ripped version from
CLASS and the update from WESTWOOD (do FTPSEARCH).
Author : zoltan
Tools Needed :
Hackers View (HIEW)
The patch for DUNE2000
and search for
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This game was/is (being) played alot in the world, and no wonder because this game is from one of the best game companys
in the whole world, WESTWOOD. Yeah that's right, the same company that made the smash hit's back in 94-95 if i remember
right, Command & Conquer and Command & Conquer 2: RED ALERT. DUNE 2000 was released to the public long ago
and has of course been availible for download on the inet since then.
I did some job for you and discovered that Dune2000 isnt the main exe but Dune2000.dat
however is the real one, so we
start off by running the game, run (dune2000.exe). What happens? A messagebox pops up telling ous to insert the CD.
Arg!, let's fix this obvious bug, so we can run it without the CD in.
I personaly dont like this cinda protections, mainly
because you cant play over network with your friends (with one cd) and you cant
listen to music (if possible) when
you play either.
Alright load up the (.dat) in W32dasm, now look at the API imports and se if you can se
any CD-Check releated
API's like GetDriveTypeA, GetVolumeInformationA, yeah you found getdrivetypea...
I have cracked this before so i will be
blind tracing and showing you stuff from W32Dasm, but you can follow in SoftIce if
youd like that
Double click on it
once/or break on it in SoftIce and we should be landing somewhere around here :
* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetDriveTypeA, Ord:00DFh <---- Very common in today's cd-checks
:004826EA 8B2D48F58C00 mov ebp, dword ptr [008CF548]
* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetVolumeInformationA, Ord:014Fh
| <---- Very common in today's cd-checks
:004826F0 8B3D58F58C00 mov edi, dword ptr [008CF558]
* Reference To: KERNEL32.Sleep, Ord:023Fh
| <---- lame ...
:004826F6 8B1DE8F48C00 mov ebx, dword ptr [008CF4E8]
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0048275A(C)
:004826FC 8D4C2410 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+10] <- esp+10 holds the drive_string it's checking
:00482700 51 push ecx - IE: C:\, D:\, E:\ and returns a value in eax.
:00482701 FFD5 call ebp <- GetDriveTypeA - HD=EAX=3, CD=EAX=5.
:00482703 83F805 cmp eax, 5 <- compare if the drive we are checking is a CD drive.
:00482706 7546 jne 0048274E <- jump if not ...
:00482708 6A00 push 0
:0048270A 6A00 push 0
:0048270C 6A00 push 0
:0048270E 6A00 push 0
:00482710 6A00 push 0
:00482712 8D542428 lea edx, dword ptr [esp+28]
:00482716 6A64 push 64
:00482718 8D442428 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+28]
:0048271C 52 push edx
:0048271D 50 push eax
:0048271E FFD7 call edi <- call getvolumeinformationa
:00482720 85C0 test eax, eax
:00482722 742A je 0048274E <- jump if no label found .. ?
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00001: "Dummy for list box "
:00482724 6A01 push 01
* StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Dune2000CDLabel" <- Dune 2000 CD it checks for the
| label on the current Drive (wich is supposed
:00482726 68CC8B4E00 push 004E8BCC to be the CD Drive).
:0048272B E8E0B40000 call 0048DC10
:00482730 83C404 add esp, 00000004
:00482733 50 push eax
:00482734 E887B50000 call 0048DCC0
:00482739 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0048273C 8D4C2414 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+14]
:00482740 50 push eax
:00482741 51 push ecx
:00482742 E8D9A30300 call 004BCB20
:00482747 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0048274A 85C0 test eax, eax
:0048274C 7418 je 00482766 <- Jump if it's the same label :)
* Referenced by a Jump at Addresses:00482706(C), :00482722(C)
:0048274E 68F4010000 push 000001F4
:00482753 FFD3 call ebx <- sleep! this crap is lame ...
:00482755 8BD6 mov edx, esi
:00482757 4E dec esi
:00482758 85D2 test edx, edx
:0048275A 75A0 jne 004826FC
:0048275C 32C0 xor al, al <- xor al, al = bad cracker go away!
:0048275E 5F pop edi
:0048275F 5E pop esi
:00482760 5D pop ebp
:00482761 5B pop ebx
:00482762 83C468 add esp, 68
:00482765 C3 ret
* Referenced by a Jump at Address:0048274C(C)
:00482766 B001 mov al, 01 <- mov al, 01 = continue_flag!
:00482768 5F pop edi
:00482769 5E pop esi
:0048276A 5D pop ebp
:0048276B 5B pop ebx
:0048276C 83C468 add esp, 68
:0048276F C3 ret
Ok, Change :
:00482703 83F805 cmp eax, 5 <- compare if the drive we are checking is a CD drive.
:00482703 83F803 cmp eax, 3 <- Get the hard drive HD
And Change :
:00482722 742A je 0048274E
:00482722 9090 nop <- No operational Process...(do nothing)
And change :
:0048274C 7418 je 00482766 <- Jump if it's the same label :)
:0048274C EB18 jmp 00482766 <- Jump! no matter what :)
Ok we made it on the cd-check routine with the lame label check ...lets try
and make the changes permanent with
hackersview and run the game. What happends? yes a gay messagebox poping
up telling us "Oh No! Cant open movies
it cant find the movies. Al right, run it again but this time
put a break on MessageBoxA, when it breaks you
just backtrace the call and simply nop it, coz you are inside of the movie
playing routine. So now it wont even
look for the movie's it will just go pass the whole crap. ;) Also i must admit that I
dont know if there where any
more protections in the original game exe, coz you know this
is the patch im working on, but i dont think so.
The Movie Routine Call (read the text below before trying to understand it):
:0048D92C C605B878510001 mov byte ptr [005178B8], 01
:0048D933 E8285BF7FF call 00403460 <- that's the one ...
:0048D938 83C404 add esp, 00000004
Change :
:0048D933 E8285BF7FF call 00403460
:0048D933 9090909090 nop
Special greets to: BMonkey, Carphatia, Fravia+, Neural_Noise ...
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