More Demo Evaluations: Caligari Pioneer Pro v1.1
("Timelock32.dll version 1.0 Key generator")

by +daQ
(26 July 1997)

Courtesy of Fravia's page of reverse engineering

Well, +daQ has re-sent his work on Caligari's program. I'm no big fan of keygenerators, which are all the rage among many crackers, because I don't believe that we should give any lamer the chance to steal software without any understanding of our trade (I believe, on the countrary, that we should TEACH people how to reverse engineer ANY software they fancy, provided they do understand a little our trade). But timelock.dll is a "commercial" protection, and our aim is to destroy them, teaching shareware programmers how useless it is to rely on this crap and how better (and cleverer) it would be to insert a couple of small own routines -in assembly of course- inside their programs in order to defeat the casual cracker... therefore this keygenerator for Timelock32.dll is welcome, and carries a serious lesson for all shareware programmers!

More Demo Evaluations: Caligari Pioneer Pro v1.1 by +daQ

Timelock32.dll version 1.0 Key generator

Difficulty:    Beginner
Time to Fish:  1-3 hours
Tools:         SoftIce, C/C++ compiler (djp)
Comments:      I apologize to everyone for my poor planning
               as this turns out, this describes a key generator
               for all programs that use tlock32.dll (version 1.0)
               This came to my attention after reading Riz la+'s 
               essays; in fact, as i had known yet failed to say,
               the code in he C program presented below can generate
               a reg code for any tlock program (i think, having
               tested it with Pioneer, PioneerPro...all it takes is
               the 'secret' ID number from the exe file.  In both the
               PioneerPro and Pionneer, it was presented right after
               a search for 'ini' in the executable.

Preamble to a patch
Welcome!  If you read my first essay, you know to download this program
and experiment on it.  Well, as it turned out, I was able to write a key
generator for it;  This is my first ever attempt at a key generator.  I
wrote it a long time ago, so please bear with me if my explanations souds
weak or missing items.  

To begin with, let's start softice.  We know that there is a 'purchase' 
option, so before disassembling the target, lets just observe it running.
We want to look for any oddities that might be occuring, like comparing
strings (lstrcmpA),
Start softice, and instead of loading a module, just run pioneer pro.
Choose 'purchase', then cntrl-d.  Set a standard series of breakpoints
(at least, standard for me), of
bpx getwindowtexta
bpx getwindowtext
bpx getdlgitemtexta
bpx getdlgitemtext
Enter some bogus info, 123454321 for a unlock code, +daQ 4 EvR, and HCU
as the organization
Soft ice pops up in the at getwindowtexta; clear our other breakpoints,
and hit F5 to continue (3 entry fields, so maybe more than one bpx?)
Ok, so now we see it scans in 2 of our fields with getwindowtexta.  We rerun
the purchase option, enter the same information, and pop into softice again.

Before we crack, lets just examine the code.
Look carefully at what is going on;  We come out of our 2nd getwindowtexta
(with F11), and now are faced with some code.  Here is a listing from Wdasm85
of tlock32.dll

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Please enter your name" | :10002136 6890D20010 push 1000D290 :1000213B 6A00 push 00000000 * Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA, Ord:0188h | :1000213D FF1564030110 Call dword ptr [10010364] :10002143 E938FEFFFF jmp 10001F80 * Referenced by Jump at Address: 1000212A(C) | :10002148 8D442424 lea eax, dword ptr [esp + 24] :1000214C 6A28 push 00000028 :1000214E 50 push eax :1000214F 57 push edi :10002150 FFD3 call ebx :10002152 8D442424 lea eax, dword ptr [esp + 24] ;HERE! is where you enter :10002156 8D4C2410 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp + 10] ;after the second BPX :1000215A 50 push eax ;pointer to name :1000215B 51 push ecx ;pointer to reg code entered :1000215C E89FF1FFFF call 10001300 ;call 'purchase user' routine :10002161 83C408 add esp, 00000008 ;do a d esp-8 :10002164 85C0 test eax, eax ;if eax is non-zero, then ;the code is good. :10002166 0F84C1000000 je 1000222D ;wrong code; beggar off :1000216C 6A01 push 00000001 :1000216E E87DF2FFFF call 100013F0 :10002173 83C404 add esp, 00000004 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"rb+" | :10002176 6848D00010 push 1000D048 :1000217B 6870E50010 push 1000E570 :10002180 E89B0D0000 call 10002F20 :10002185 83C408 add esp, 00000008 :10002188 8BF8 mov edi, eax :1000218A 85FF test edi, edi :1000218C 0F84ED000000 je 1000227F :10002192 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp + 10] :10002196 6A00 push 00000000 :10002198 6A02 push 00000002 :1000219A 50 push eax :1000219B 57 push edi :1000219C E82F020000 call 100023D0 :100021A1 8D442434 lea eax, dword ptr [esp + 34] :100021A5 83C410 add esp, 00000010 :100021A8 68D0E40010 push 1000E4D0 :100021AD 50 push eax * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"User" | :100021AE 6880D00010 push 1000D080 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Registration" | :100021B3 6880D20010 push 1000D280 * Reference To: KERNEL32.WritePrivateProfileStringA, Ord:0253h ;If the purchase code | ;had been accepted, this :100021B8 FF1554020110 Call dword ptr [10010254] ;is where your file would ;be written. * Possible Reference to Dialog: DLG_PURCHASE2, CONTROL_ID:2335, "" | :100021BE 6835230000 push 00002335 :100021C3 56 push esi :100021C4 FFD5 call ebp :100021C6 8D4C2424 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp + 24] :100021CA 6A28 push 00000028 :100021CC 51 push ecx :100021CD 50 push eax :100021CE FFD3 call ebx :100021D0 8D442424 lea eax, dword ptr [esp + 24] :100021D4 68D0E40010 push 1000E4D0 :100021D9 50 push eax * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Company" | :100021DA 6878D20010 push 1000D278 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Registration" | :100021DF 6880D20010 push 1000D280 * Reference To: KERNEL32.WritePrivateProfileStringA, Ord:0253h | :100021E4 FF1554020110 Call dword ptr [10010254] :100021EA 57 push edi :100021EB E8500D0000 call 10002F40 :100021F0 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :100021F3 6820E60010 push 1000E620 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"RegNum" | :100021F8 684CD00010 push 1000D04C :100021FD 6850E60010 push 1000E650 * Reference To: KERNEL32.WriteProfileStringA, Ord:025Ah | :10002202 FF1550020110 Call dword ptr [10010250] :10002208 C705C0E4001003000000 mov dword ptr [1000E4C0], 00000003 :10002212 6A02 push 00000002 :10002214 E8D7F1FFFF call 100013F0 :10002219 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :1000221C 6800200000 push 00002000 :10002221 6850E60010 push 1000E650 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Thank you for your purchase!" | :10002226 6858D20010 push 1000D258 :1000222B EB4A jmp 10002277 * Referenced by a Jump at Address:10002166(C) ;beggar off jump lands here | :1000222D 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp + 10] ;pointer to entered reg code :10002231 50 push eax :10002232 E8F9EFFFFF call 10001230 ;call 'restore trial' routine :10002237 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :1000223A 85C0 test eax, eax ;if result is nonzero, trial is restored :1000223C 742A je 10002268 ;Final beggar off jump :1000223E C705C0E4001001000000 mov dword ptr [1000E4C0], 00000001 :10002248 E873F9FFFF call 10001BC0 :1000224D 6A01 push 00000001 :1000224F E89CF1FFFF call 100013F0 :10002254 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :10002257 6800200000 push 00002000 :1000225C 6850E60010 push 1000E650 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Your trial period has been restored." | :10002261 6830D20010 push 1000D230 :10002266 EB0F jmp 10002277 * Referenced by a Jump at Address:1000223C(C) | :10002268 6800200000 push 00002000 :1000226D 6850E60010 push 1000E650 * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"You have entered an incorrect " ->"code please contact the vendor." | :10002272 68F0D10010 push 1000D1F0 Ok..... If you've followed the poor marks i left, you can see there if *two* regcode checks. One is at offset 10001300 and the other is at 10001230 The first one, if it doesn't jump away, leads to the final message, "Thank you for your purchase". This is the one we want (althought the second is just as fun). Please note :10002161 83C408 add esp, 00000008 If you do an d esp-8, and look around that area, you will notice both the bogus reg code and the actual reg code we enetered. So how can we crack this? Well, lets screw the patch, and just read in our little regnumber so nicely displayed for us. Or, if you feel like having to type all that bull in everytime, just nop the jmp (it's not nop sensitive...) *grin* I'd like to take this moment to thank Riz la+ for making the point of listing Caligari's PPro .... otherwise i would never have checked timelocks's site fore more information. (see another article on Timelock's code.) Now, we will show you how to get *any* code for pioneer...let's build +daQ's first keygenerator.

Key Generation for Pioneer Pro by +daQ

To the best of my knowledge, no key generator exists. Therefore, this is a truly first. Remember back when we discussed that call and test eax, eax? Well, lets have a look at the source code around that call. Some notes: Do a d eax, d esp, d edx, etc often in this section. Step through it slowly, taking notes (i ended up with 3 pages front and back for my code generator) ESP points to our finished code, ECX points to our registration ID, and EDX to the *secret* code, which is actually hidden in the exe...hard coded is always so poor. It would have been better to generate it on the fly, and store it, rather than leaving blatantly out in the open. My key generator isn't well documented; BUT you should print both out and study where they are the same. I have moved the store parts of the regcode in a more natural fashion (ie, save the correct digit before loading a new one), to make it easier to read. A couple of notes here (this is how i did it) 2 1 2 9 7 2 7 7 1 1 1 6 <---the serial number you are presented 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B <---the offeset used with [1000E62_] where the _ is the hex below the code 6 5 3 3 1 0 <--the *secret* code "from.class" tppabs="" the executable 0 1 2 3 4 5 <--the offest used with EDX ESP points to the finished registration code. It is referenced with +x where x is an offset. Very nice. (for us) Final comments: this version generates a file called .tdk ( in the /windows dir. Remove it and you can experiment more with these generators. * Referenced by a CALL at Address:10001308 | :10001A50 A13CD00010 mov eax, [1000D03C] :10001A55 83EC0C sub esp, 0000000C * Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"00000000" | :10001A58 B93CD00010 mov ecx, 1000D03C :10001A5D 8D542400 lea edx, dword ptr [esp] :10001A61 8902 mov dword ptr [edx], eax :10001A63 8B4104 mov eax, dword ptr [ecx+04] :10001A66 8A4908 mov cl, byte ptr [ecx+08] :10001A69 894204 mov dword ptr [edx+04], eax :10001A6C 884A08 mov byte ptr [edx+08], cl :10001A6F 8B15C4E40010 mov edx, dword ptr [1000E4C4] ;this is the pointer to the ;secret code in the .exe file :10001A75 8A0D2AE60010 mov cl, byte ptr [1000E62A] ;CL==1 :10001A7B 8A4203 mov al, byte ptr [edx+03] ;Al==3 :10001A7E 3AC1 cmp al, cl :10001A80 7C02 jl 10001A84 ;if 3 is less then 1, jmp away :10001A82 8AC1 mov al, cl ;AL==1 * Referenced by a Jump at Address:10001A80(C) | :10001A84 8B15C4E40010 mov edx, dword ptr [1000E4C4] ;this is the pointer to the ;secret code in the .exe file :10001A8A 8A0D2BE60010 mov cl, byte ptr [1000E62B] ;CL==6 :10001A90 88442400 mov byte ptr [esp], al ;writes our 1st digit (1) :10001A94 8A4204 mov al, byte ptr [edx+04] ;AL==1 :10001A97 3AC1 cmp al, cl :10001A99 7F02 jg 10001A9D ;if 1 is greater than 6, jmp away :10001A9B 8AC1 mov al, cl ;AL==6 * Referenced by a Jump at Address:10001A99(C) | :10001A9D 8B15C4E40010 mov edx, dword ptr [1000E4C4] ;this is the pointer to the ;secret code in the .exe file :10001AA3 8A0D26E60010 mov cl, byte ptr [1000E626] ;CL==7 :10001AA9 88442401 mov byte ptr [esp + 01], al ;writes our 2nd digit (6) :10001AAD A029E60010 mov al, [1000E629] ;AL==1 :10001AB2 88442402 mov byte ptr [esp + 02], al ;write then 3rd digit (1) ;Notice no compare, straight store :10001AB6 8A4201 mov al, byte ptr [edx+01] ;AL==5 :10001AB9 3AC1 cmp al, cl :10001ABB 7F02 jg 10001ABF ;if 5 is greater than 7, jmp away :10001ABD 8AC1 mov al, cl ;AL==7 * Referenced by a Jump at Address:10001ABB(C) | :10001ABF 8B15C4E40010 mov edx, dword ptr [1000E4C4] ;this is the pointer to the ;secret code in the .exe file :10001AC5 8A0D27E60010 mov cl, byte ptr [1000E627] ;CL==7 :10001ACB 88442403 mov byte ptr [esp + 03], al ;write the 4th digit (7) :10001ACF A028E60010 mov al, [1000E628] ;AL==1 :10001AD4 88442404 mov byte ptr [esp + 04], al ;write 5th digit (1) ;Notice no compare, straight store :10001AD8 8A4205 mov al, byte ptr [edx+05] ;AL==0 :10001ADB 3AC1 cmp al, cl :10001ADD 7C02 jl 10001AE1 ;if 0 is less than 7, jmp away :10001ADF 8AC1 mov al, cl ;nothing happens * Referenced by a Jump at Address:10001ADD(C) | :10001AE1 8B15C4E40010 mov edx, dword ptr [1000E4C4] ;this is the pointer to the ;secret code in the .exe file :10001AE7 8A0D2BE60010 mov cl, byte ptr [1000E62B] ;CL==6 :10001AED 88442405 mov byte ptr [esp + 05], al ;write 6th digit (0) :10001AF1 A025E60010 mov al, [1000E625] ;AL==2 :10001AF6 88442406 mov byte ptr [esp + 06], al ;write the 7th digit (2) ;Notice no compare, straight store :10001AFA 8A4202 mov al, byte ptr [edx+02] ;AL==2 :10001AFD 3AC1 cmp al, cl :10001AFF 7F02 jg 10001B03 ;if 2 is greater than 6, jmp away :10001B01 8AC1 mov al, cl ;AL==6 * Referenced by a Jump at Address:10001AFF(C) | :10001B03 8B4C2410 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp + 10] :10001B07 88442407 mov byte ptr [esp + 07], al ;write the last digit (6) :10001B0B 8D442400 lea eax, dword ptr [esp] :10001B0F 50 push eax :10001B10 51 push ecx * Reference To: KERNEL32.lstrcpyA, Ord:026Fh | :10001B11 FF155C020110 Call dword ptr [1001025C] :10001B17 83C40C add esp, 0000000C :10001B1A C3 ret ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you see what is happening? Pioneer Pro is taking the given registration ID, and comparing certain number positions with the *secret* ID, and if one is larger or smaller, storing that value!!!!!! Rather weak for a protection, cuz once the *secret* ID is found, and the code looked at, it falls fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- :oh yeah, you can't see the #includes...they are stdio.h, and string.h #include #include #define NumOfNums 13 void main(void) { int RegArray[NumOfNums]; int RegArrayNormal[NumOfNums-1]; int PionCnstArray[7]; int PionNrmArray[7]; int AuthArray[9]; int AL, CL =0; /*lets use register names to keep it simple and understandable*/ int z=0; int x; printf("\nCode Generator for PioneerPro by +daQ\n\n"); printf("Please Enter your registration numbers\n"); printf("without the PR-, and no spaces:\n"); for (x=0; x<13; x++) { RegArray[x]="getchar();" /*Storing our registration number for use*/ } for (x="0;" x<13; x++) { RegArrayNormal[x]="(RegArray[x]" 48); /*converting the getchar into decimal nums we can compare and use*/ } printf("\nNow please enter the 'secret' code "embedded.class" tppabs="" in the"); printf("\nexecutable file right after the programs 'ini' entry."); printf("\nFor example, pionPro is 653310, pioneer is 448610."); printf("\nIt is 6 digits long: "); for (x="0;" x<6; x++) { PionCnstArray[x]="getchar();" /*Storing our targets number for use*/ } for (x="0;" x<6; x++) { PionNrmArray[x]="(PionCnstArray[x]" 48); /*converting the getchar into decimal nums we can compare and use*/ } printf("\n\nIn order to more fully evaluate the PioneerPro program, the\n"); printf("correct authorization number for the registration code of\n\n\t"); for (x="0;" x<12; x++) { printf("%d",RegArrayNormal[x]); } printf(" would be:\n"); /* Here is the guts of our code generator */ CL="RegArrayNormal[10]" ; /*first mov cl, ecx+A(hex)*/ AL="PionNrmArray[3]" ; if (AL> CL) AL=CL; AuthArray[0]=AL; CL = RegArrayNormal[11] ; /*2nd move and compare*/ AL = PionNrmArray[4] ; if (AL CL) AL=CL; AuthArray[5]=AL; AL = RegArrayNormal[5] ; AuthArray[6]=AL; CL = RegArrayNormal[11] ; /*first mov cl, ecx+A(hex)*/ AL = PionNrmArray[2] ; if (AL Version 4.62.
Patches are out... teh code seems to detect and screw your own commands.
Finally, these are the next two tutorials I'll send (assuming fravia accepts my poor work):
1) As promised: Peagasys philter (, already done (Photoshop hacking).
2) Windows' LPR spooler v.4.1
(c) +daQ 1997. All rights reserved.
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