Flexcrypt is used by Globetrotter to try to prevent
unauthorized parties from acquiring
information and examining it. From a cryptographic
point of view, the capability of this software is not
adaquate. The "key" which
is provided in most cases is an authorization code
only, and does not contain cryptographic information
required to decode the encrypted file - it is only an
index into a table of existing keys which
are stored within the executable. Two methods of
attacking this program will be described. The
first method is an attack on the key generator. The
second method examines the algorithm used in
the encryption.
The information provided here doesn't provide much additional ability to decode over Pilgrim's essay on Flexcrypt. That essay provides enough information to decode flexcrypted files. After reading this essay, it should be apparent that the security provided for the encrypted files is minimal, and this program should not be used for anything that requires even minimal security. Reading and understanding this essay will give you the ability to generate flexcrypt keys using makekey and to write programs that are capable of automatically decoding flexcrypted files.
The first attempt at building a key generator used vendor keys extracted from the global data area of the running program, and converted to version 6. An area matching the fc_keytab was found, and an fc_keytab table was generated that would produce an identical table to the one in core. I could not get the Globetrotter version 6 makekey program to generate keys that would work with the version 5.11 version of flexcrypt. I decided that obtaining the correct version of flexcrypt would be required.
The version 5.11 flexcrypt kit is not encoded with that version of flexcrypt - an older variant is used. The methods that Pilgrim used to extract the keys, such as breaking in sprintf statements, was used to extract a set of possible keys. There is no checksum confirmation process for that earlier version of flexcrypt, so a file for each of the decrypted strings was generated, then a decompression attempt was done on each of the files. Two files passed the full decompression test, corresponding to entry 32 in the decryption table. One of the entries was for the specific host that I was decrypting on, the other key was for ANY host.
The key to decode the flexcrypt 5.11 kit is 5537-2182-6912-6163-32 - I provide this so that interested parties can follow along.
The locations where the encryption keys xored with vendor_key5 were both 0, so I didn't worry about these yet. I built a trial makekey program with the kit, using vendor keys extracted from the global memory area. Vendor_key5 was derived from a custom program, although the standard technique of using l_svk to extract this key would work as well.
The compiler aligns the structure so that each element will start on a word boundary, and then pads the rest of the structure with nulls. The pattern that I saw showed a pattern of xxxxxxxx xx000000 when I used my own data, so I looked for a similar pattern in core. I used the pattern that they suggest in their mycode.c file. The val1/val2 keys were extracted from the core file, and fed through the following program. 0xfe9f9a1d is actually vendorcode 5 for this product.
40001560: 6E20746F 20737464 6F75740A 00000000 Here we see the start of the vendorcode structure... V 00040000 00000000 00000000 36448C29 40001580: AFD74F22 875F072B 53EDC41B 00000000 Start of fc_keytab structure. V 16B658E8 F5000000 B590444E 56000000 400015A0: FE239DE3 1D000000 8D0C8951 6E000000 2BE6A5B7 C8000000 C6DFD6E5 25000000
Once we have extracted the keys, they were organized into k1,k2 pairs, and then XORed with vendorkey5.
#include<stdio.h> main() { unsigned long val1; unsigned long val2; char instr[1024]; int i = 0; while (fgets(instr,1024,stdin)) { sscanf(instr,"%x %x", &val1, &val2); val1 = val1 ^ 0xfe9f9a1d; val2 = val2 & 0xff ^ 0x1d; printf (" { 0x%08x ^ K1, K2(0x%02x)}, /* Offset %d */\n", val1, val 2,i); i++; } }
The key table and the vendorcode values extracted from core are added to mycode.c, and then makekey generates correct decoding values. Vendor defined encryption is used to generate the decoding keys. lc_crypt() is used to generate a key, then it appears that custom modifications are done to the result by fc_crypt(). It may be possible to completely reverse the key generation mechanism, however this isn't required to decode the files.
The algorithms that encode data in FLEXcrypt are very weak. There is a strong relationship between input and output data, and it is possible to derive the encryption key from a single plaintext/ciphertext pair. The process used to generate the real encryption keys use data more than once, making it possible to mostly verify whether a key is valid or not. Very little additional functionality was gained by cracking the algorithm, except for some minor convenience in figuring out the encryption code offset. It is satisfying to know exactly how something works, and to be able to reproduce the operation of a program completely. The attack on this part of the algorithm is independent of the attack on the makekey program. To decode the files with this method, vendorkey5 and the values of fc_keytab aren't required, only the real encryption key, and this can be be extracted from the encrypted file.
The first part to reversing flexcrypt was to write a test program that called the actual encryption routines. The constituent files of the libraries were extracted, and encrypt.o was replaced by a test program which called the encryption code directly. This somewhat simplified the debugging process, and allowed modification of individual calls to library functions. The first call of interest is to fc_string_crypt.
The first key derivation comes in the fc_split_code() routine. This one was of interest as it took in data from fc_keytab, and the index into the encryption table. This indicated that it was involved in the key generation process. This routine takes the 40 bit key found in fc_keytab and merges them with VENDOR_CODE5 to produce a 64 bit key. The 64 bit key is the actual key used in the encryption operations. l_svk (which extracts VENDOR_CODE5 from the other 4 vendor codes) is actually called from within fc_split_code(). Here is a subroutine that has the same functionality, but it takes vendorcode5 as an argument.
/******************************************************************************* * * my_split_code * * This routine generates a split code (a full 64 bit key) from * vendorcode5 and the input key (first 5 bytes). * this was modified from the original code, and doesn't * reflect exactly how fc_split_code works, but the algorithm * is the same. * * inkey (input) 40 bit input key. * vc5 (input) 32 bit vendorcode5 key * outval(output) 64 bit split code. ********************************************************************************/ int my_split_code(char *inkey, char *vc5, char *outval) { unsigned long keys[8]; unsigned long dbytes[5]; unsigned long xorbytes[4]; int i; /* Load keys */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { keys[i] = (unsigned long) (vc5[i] & 0xff); } /* Load data */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { dbytes[i] = (unsigned long) (inkey[i] & 0xff); } /* Build XOR'ed values */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { xorbytes[i] = dbytes[i] ^ keys[i]; } outval[0] = xorbytes[3]; outval[5] = xorbytes[2]; outval[2] = xorbytes[1]; outval[7] = xorbytes[0]; outval[4] = dbytes[4]; outval[1] = xorbytes[1] ^ xorbytes[0]; /* Redundant rule 1 */ outval[6] = xorbytes[3] ^ dbytes[4]; /* Redundant rule 2 */ outval[3] = xorbytes[2] ^ xorbytes[1]; /* Redundant rule 3 */ return(0); }
The three redundant rules allow us to check to see if the split code is correct with a very high degree of certainty. Why this is important will be demonstrated shortly.
The next interesting routine is fc_block_crypt. Calls to this routine were intercepted, and the arguments before and after the call were examined. The following observations were made.
The cipher is using cipher block chaining with the key as the initialization vector. I suppose some improvement could be had by using a random IV, but other weaknesses are still there to be exploited.
A special flexcrypt header is written to the output file, then the encrypted blocks are written sequentially to the output file.
What was that mystery code? As it turns out, it is the encryption offset turned into a string using this highly secret algorithm:
sprintf(keystring, "%02x%03d%03d", offsetval, offsetval, 255-offsetval);
What this means is that there are 256 possible plaintexts which can match the ciphertext. Since the encryption algorithm is so simple, it is a simple matter to extract the key given a plaintext/ciphertext pair. here is the encryption algorithm.
/***************************************************************** * * my_block_crypt: * this routine is is a combination permute/xor transformation. * inkey(input) input encryption key * dval(input/output) block to be transformed. *****************************************************************/ int my_block_crypt(char *inkey, char *dval) { unsigned long keys[8]; unsigned long dbytes[8]; int i; /* Load keys */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { keys[i] = (unsigned long) (inkey[i] & 0xff); } /* Load data */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { dbytes[i] = (unsigned long) (dval[i] & 0xff); } dval[0] = dbytes[7] ^ keys[3]; dval[1] = dbytes[5] ^ keys[5]; dval[2] = dbytes[4] ^ keys[1]; dval[3] = dbytes[2] ^ keys[7]; dval[4] = dbytes[6] ^ keys[2]; dval[5] = dbytes[3] ^ keys[4]; dval[6] = dbytes[0] ^ keys[0]; dval[7] = dbytes[1] ^ keys[6]; return(0); }Therefore
/***************************************************************** * * my_recover_key: * recover key from a plaintext/ciphertext pair. * * nfb 22-aug-1999 - initial coding. * *****************************************************************/ int my_recover_key(char *plaintext, char *ciphertext, char *outkey) { unsigned long ptext[8]; unsigned long ctext[8]; int i; /* Load plaintext */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ptext[i] = (unsigned long) (plaintext[i] & 0xff); } /* Load data */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ctext[i] = (unsigned long) (ciphertext[i] & 0xff); } outkey[3] = ptext[7] ^ ctext[0]; outkey[5] = ptext[5] ^ ctext[1]; outkey[1] = ptext[4] ^ ctext[2]; outkey[7] = ptext[2] ^ ctext[3]; outkey[2] = ptext[6] ^ ctext[4]; outkey[4] = ptext[3] ^ ctext[5]; outkey[0] = ptext[0] ^ ctext[6]; outkey[6] = ptext[1] ^ ctext[7]; return(0); }
Once we have the key, we can see if it's valid. This code validates the returned keys.
int my_validate_key(char *inval) { int i; unsigned long dbytes[8]; /* Transfer bytes */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { dbytes[i] = (unsigned long) (inval[i] & 0xff); } /* Redundant rule 1 */ if (dbytes[1] != (dbytes[2] ^ dbytes[7])) { return(-1); } /* Redundant rule 2 */ if (dbytes[6] != (dbytes[0] ^ dbytes[4])) { return(-1); } /* Redundant rule 3 */ if (dbytes[3] != (dbytes[5] ^ dbytes[2])) { return(-1); } /* All OK, return 0 */ return(0); }
The real decryption key can be located by cycling through the 256 possible indexes, checking to see if the resulting key passes validate_key, and using that key if one is found. If multiple keys are found, try the keys and check the output data. Most likely, one and only one key will be found. From this point it is a simple matter to decrypt the file a block at a time, and you will have your plaintext data.
Questions: 1. Why should encryption algorithms rely on strong design rather than design secrecy? 2. Why should encryption algorithms be resistant to known plaintext attacks? 3. Why should encryption programs avoid encrypting known data such as headers into files? 4. Why did the NSA approve this program for export? 5. Describe the decrypt_block algorithm. Answers: 1. Since there is always the possibility that the encryption process may be made available to cryptanalysists, it is highly unlikely that the actual encryption algorithm will remain secret. Once the algorithm is known, any security from algorithm secrecy is lost. 2. There is often a stereotyped beginning and/or ending to a message. If the algorithm isn't resistant to known plaintext attacks, the encryption key can be derived from the plaintext/ciphertext pairs, and the message can be decoded. 3. This simplifies brute force attacks. If a ciphertext/plaintext pair is known, it may be possible to extract the key, depending on the strength of the algorithm. Although encryption algorithms should provide protection against this, weaknesses in implementation may cause security weaknesses. Questions 2 and 3 are closely related. 4. The real key length is short enough, and the algorithm weak enough that it can easily be broken, thus providing no secrecy advantage to foreign powers. 5. int my_block_crypt(char *inkey, char *dval) { unsigned long keys[8]; unsigned long dbytes[8]; int i; /* Load keys */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { keys[i] = (unsigned long) (inkey[i] & 0xff); } /* Load data */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { dbytes[i] = (unsigned long) (dval[i] & 0xff); } dval[0] = dbytes[7] ^ keys[3]; dval[1] = dbytes[5] ^ keys[5]; dval[2] = dbytes[4] ^ keys[1]; dval[3] = dbytes[2] ^ keys[7]; dval[4] = dbytes[6] ^ keys[2]; dval[5] = dbytes[3] ^ keys[4]; dval[6] = dbytes[0] ^ keys[0]; dval[7] = dbytes[1] ^ keys[6]; return(0); } Exercise: Write a program to decrypt any file encrypted with Flexcrypt 5.11.
Some of the code which seems wasteful of cycles is to deal with big endian/little endian issues.
Only limited testing was done. It is possible that there are conditions which could yield incorrect results.
This code writes a file for chosen plaintext attacks. It isn't really part of this project, it is provided only for convenience and for verification.
#include<stdio.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; unsigned long data[4]; int i; data[0] = 0x00000001; data[1] = 0x00000010; data[2] = 0x00000200; data[3] = 0x00000400; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: wrdata file\n"); exit(1); } if ((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0755)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed open of %s\n", argv[1]); perror("open"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { if (write(fd,(void *) data, 16) != 16) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed writing block %d to %s\n", i, argv[1]); perror("write"); exit(1); } } close(fd); printf ("Done.\n"); }
Version 6.1 of Flexcrypt uses the SAME algorithms, however the keys required for decrypt are different. The real keys used to encrypt the file are the same though.