get a full set of prototypes for ASM in a fast and automated way
4 October 1998

Courtesy of fravia's pages of reverse engineering

I hope you are well, I am starting to see the small changes you are
making and it is a good idea...

I have pasted in at the bottom, the code for a MASM application skeleton

as I know you have an eye for assembler and I thought you may like the
use of the MASM pseudo/high level syntax. it compiles at 5.5k with a
menu & icon and I have some GDI graphics written into the test piece.

I found that there are no header files from M$ for MASM so instead of
writing them manually which would take years, I have written a special
purpose utility that raeds the function name out of the Platformsdk
libraries and converts them into PROTOTYPES.

It reads them in the form "_FunctionName@12" and converts them to the

BeginUpdateResourceA PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD
BeginUpdateResource equ 

BuildCommDCB equ 

BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts equ 

CallNamedPipe equ 

CancelIo PROTO :DWORD etc...

The idea is to be able to get a full set of prototypes for ASM in a fast

and automated way. The template pasted in below uses them. I have
attached the EXE which I hope gets to you. If not, give me a yell and I
will post it on my page for you.


Steve Hutchesson < >



      include ..\include\
      include ..\include\
      include ..\include\

      includelib j:\sdktools\lib\user32.lib
      includelib j:\sdktools\lib\kernel32.lib
      includelib j:\sdktools\lib\gdi32.lib


;     Equates
;     ~~~~~~~
;     COLORREF format colors. = 00-BB-GG-RR
;     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      crRed   equ 000000FFh
      crGreen equ 0000FF00h
      crBlue  equ 00FF0000h
      crWhite equ 00FFFFFFh
      crBlack equ 00000000h
      crGray  equ 00808080h
      crDgray equ 00404040h
      crLgray equ 00B0B0B0h

;     Local prototypes
;     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      TopXY proto      :DWORD, :DWORD
      Paint_Proc proto :DWORD, :DWORD
      FrameWin proto   :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
      WinMain proto    stdcall :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD

;     Local macros
;     ~~~~~~~~~~~~
      szText MACRO Name, Text    ; embedd zero terminated string
        LOCAL lbl
          jmp lbl
            Name db Text,0

      m2m MACRO M1, M2           ; memory to memory copy
        push M2
        pop  M1

      return MACRO arg:VARARG    ; return in eax & call ret
        mov eax, arg


        szDisplayName db "fravia, Cracking the 21st Century",0

        hInstance     dd 0  ; Useful as global variable
        hWnd          dd 0  ; Useful as global variable
        CommandLine   dd 0

        invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
        mov hInstance, eax

        invoke GetCommandLine
        mov CommandLine, eax

        invoke WinMain,hInstance,NULL,CommandLine,SW_SHOWDEFAULT
        invoke ExitProcess,eax


WinMain proc hInst     :DWORD,
             hPrevInst :DWORD,
             CmdLine   :DWORD,
             CmdShow   :DWORD

        LOCAL wc   :WNDCLASSEX
        LOCAL msg  :MSG

        LOCAL Wwd  :DWORD
        LOCAL Wht  :DWORD
        LOCAL Wtx  :DWORD
        LOCAL Wty  :DWORD

        mov wc.cbSize,         sizeof WNDCLASSEX
        mov,          CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW \
              or CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW
        mov wc.lpfnWndProc,    offset WndProc
        mov wc.cbClsExtra,     NULL
        mov wc.cbWndExtra,     NULL
        m2m wc.hInstance,      hInst           ; my macro, looks nicer !

        mov wc.hbrBackground,  COLOR_3DFACE+1
        mov wc.lpszMenuName,   NULL
        mov wc.lpszClassName,  offset szClassName
          invoke LoadIcon,hInst,500    ; icon ID
        mov wc.hIcon,          eax
        mov wc.hIconSm,        0
          invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
        mov wc.hCursor,        eax

        invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc

        mov Wwd, 500
        mov Wht, 350

        invoke GetSystemMetrics,SM_CXSCREEN
        invoke TopXY,Wwd,eax
        mov Wtx, eax

        invoke GetSystemMetrics,SM_CYSCREEN
        invoke TopXY,Wht,eax
        mov Wty, eax

        szText szClassName,"Template_Class"

        invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
             ADDR szClassName,
             ADDR szDisplayName,
        mov   hWnd,eax

        invoke LoadMenu,hInst,600  ; menu ID
        invoke SetMenu,hWnd,eax

        invoke ShowWindow,hWnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL
        invoke UpdateWindow,hWnd

      invoke GetMessage,ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
      cmp eax, 0
      je ExitLoop
      invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
      invoke DispatchMessage,  ADDR msg
      jmp StartLoop

      return msg.wParam

WinMain endp


WndProc proc hWin   :DWORD,
             uMsg   :DWORD,
             wParam :DWORD,
             lParam :DWORD


    .if uMsg == WM_COMMAND
    ;======== menu commands ========
        .if wParam == 1000
            invoke SendMessage,hWin,WM_SYSCOMMAND,SC_CLOSE,NULL
        .elseif wParam == 1900
            szText TheMsg,"fravia, Cracking the 21st Century"
            invoke MessageBox,hWin,ADDR TheMsg,ADDR szDisplayName,MB_OK
    ;====== end menu commands ======

    .elseif uMsg == WM_PAINT
        invoke BeginPaint,hWin,ADDR Ps
          mov hDC, eax
          invoke Paint_Proc,hWin,hDC
        invoke EndPaint,hWin,ADDR Ps
        return 0

    .elseif uMsg == WM_CLOSE
        szText TheText,"Please Confirm Exit"
        invoke MessageBox,hWin,ADDR TheText,ADDR szDisplayName,MB_YESNO
          .if eax == IDNO
            return 0

    .elseif uMsg == WM_DESTROY
        invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL
        return 0

    invoke DefWindowProc,hWin,uMsg,wParam,lParam


WndProc endp


TopXY proc wDim:DWORD, sDim:DWORD

    shr sDim, 1      ; divide screen dimension by 2
    shr wDim, 1      ; divide window dimension by 2
    mov eax, wDim    ; copy window dimension into eax
    sub sDim, eax    ; sub half win dimension from half screen dimension

    return sDim

TopXY endp


Paint_Proc proc hWin:DWORD, hDC:DWORD

    LOCAL btn_hi   :DWORD
    LOCAL btn_lo   :DWORD

    invoke GetSysColor,20
    mov btn_hi, eax

    invoke GetSysColor,21
    mov btn_lo, eax

    invoke FrameWin,hWin, hDC, btn_hi, btn_lo, 2
    invoke FrameWin,hWin, hDC, btn_lo, btn_hi, 4
    invoke FrameWin,hWin, hDC, btn_hi, btn_lo, 7

    return 0

Paint_Proc endp


FrameWin proc hWin:DWORD,hDC:DWORD,

    LOCAL Rct      :RECT
    LOCAL rv       :DWORD
    LOCAL var      :DWORD
    LOCAL hPen     :DWORD
    LOCAL hPen2    :DWORD
    LOCAL hpenOld  :DWORD

    invoke GetClientRect,hWin,ADDR Rct

    m2m var, step
    mov eax, var
    sub Rct.right, eax

    mov eax, var
    sub Rct.bottom, eax

    invoke CreatePen,0,1,btn_hi
    mov hPen, eax

    invoke SelectObject,hDC,hPen
    mov hpenOld, eax

        invoke MoveToEx,hDC,var,var,NULL
        invoke LineTo,hDC,Rct.right,var

        invoke MoveToEx,hDC,var,var,NULL
        invoke LineTo,hDC,var,Rct.bottom

    invoke CreatePen,0,1,btn_lo
    mov hPen2, eax

    invoke SelectObject,hDC,hPen2
    mov hPen, eax
    invoke DeleteObject,hPen

        invoke MoveToEx,hDC,var,Rct.bottom,NULL
        invoke LineTo,hDC,Rct.right,Rct.bottom

        invoke MoveToEx,hDC,Rct.right,var,NULL
        inc Rct.bottom
        invoke LineTo,hDC,Rct.right,Rct.bottom

    invoke SelectObject,hDC,hpenOld
    invoke DeleteObject,hPen2

    return 0

FrameWin endp


    end start
