Game hack secrets
how to stop lamers from hex-editing your cracks
by Jon
5 January 1997
please reformat using formamus.htm
(please refer to rules.htm for an explanation)
(Sorry about this, Jon, I'm "overworked"... but I corrected both links
you asked me to)
GameHack 1.0 -- Cracked by Jon, January 4, 1998!
Hi, and a happy (and crack-filled) new-year everybody!
In this essay I'll describe how I cracked GameHack 1.0. GameHack is an
utility that runs
in the background of a game, and it's activated by a hot-key. GameHack
is sort of a
"debugger for games" in other words: A trainer. It allows you to enter a
value (like number
of lives, energy, etc.), go back to the game, then go back to the
trainer and enter the new
value, which will make the list of possible addresses smaller. This
process is VERY simple,
and allows you to gain total control over your games, another way to put
this: Cheat!
As always, the greedy shareware programmer has crippled this program in
the following ways:
1. You're not able to save the cheats to a file, for later usage.
2. You're not able to enter addresses and values (the cheats) manually.
3. And finally it has a NAG text.
Well, let's go!
What you'll need:
GameHack itself -- Fetch it from in order to
follow this essay!
W32Dasm 8.9 -- My favorite tool (because it's so much more faster
than IDA).
A Hex-editor -- To apply the patch on the EXE.
BRW -- To check out the dialogs inside the EXE.
Tasm/Tlink -- To compile the patch included later in this essay.
The Crack.
Start by making a copy of the executable, gamehack.exe --> backup.exe.
Now load backup.exe inside W32Dasm. While W32Dasm disassembles, open the
help file
in Netscape (to search for hints). At the first picture, you should see
that the NAG
text title-bar has been replaced by a name -- the pictures are from a
regged version!
This could mean that you're able to register it with a name/serial, but
you can't.
Anyway, open gamehack.exe inside BRW. Besides noticing that all the
dialogs have a
Spanish version, we discover a Register dialog at number 151! But
there's no way to
start it from the program. Maybe the programmer did as Nico Mak did with
the early
versions of WinZip -- made the dialog a secret, with a special hot-key
to activate it.
I sure don't know (and I don't really care, because we don't need that
dialog :-))
Anyway, W32Dasm should be done by now... Go to string reference,
" - UNREGISTERED copy" *TWICE* (the first is not interesting). You
should see this:
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:00405FB5(C), :00405FBC(C)
;Where it's referenced from.
:00406021 8DBE88000000 lea edi, dword ptr [esi+00000088]
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0088
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00136: " - UNREGISTERED copy"
;The NAG text we wish to avoid.
:00406027 6888000000 push 00000088
:0040602C 8BCF mov ecx, edi
Let's take a look from where it was referenced from:
* Reference To: MSVCRT._stricmp, Ord:01BEh
:00405F93 FF1554D94000 Call dword ptr [0040D954]
:00405F99 8944241C mov dword ptr [esp+1C], eax
:00405F9D 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:00405FA0 DB442414 fild dword ptr [esp+14]
:00405FA4 D825109B4000 fsub dword ptr [00409B10]
:00405FAA D81D149B4000 fcomp dword ptr [00409B14]
:00405FB0 DFE0 fstsw ax
:00405FB2 F6C440 test ah, 40
;First check.
:00405FB5 746A je 00406021
;If equal jmp to bad_guy.
:00405FB7 8B17 mov edx, dword ptr [edi]
:00405FB9 395AF8 cmp dword ptr [edx-08], ebx
;Second check.
:00405FBC 7463 je 00406021
;If equal jmp to bad_guy.
:00405FBE 57 push edi
:00405FBF 8D442418 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+18]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->" - "
;This is what we want the title-bar to say.
:00405FC3 687CC24000 push 0040C27C
:00405FC8 50 push eax
Now, we patch the target:
at 53B5h change: 746A --> 4048 (inc eax, dec eax -- like nops)
at 53BCh change: 7463 --> 4048 (inc eax, dec eax -- like nops)
This will force the target to always display " - " instead of " -
I myself though that more patching would be necessary, but it isn't.
This is because
the code below :00405FC8 unlocks the crippled functions. (and we have
just made sure that
it always does that).
Here's the source code for the patcher:
<--------------------=[Start cutting here!]=-------------------->
.Model Small
Org 100h
Crack Proc
Mov Dx,OffSet Intro
Call Print
Mov Dx,OffSet FileName
Call OpenFile
Call FindError
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53B5h
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Si,OffSet Chg1.1
Call CheckByte
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53B5h
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Cx,1
Mov Dx,OffSet Chg1.0
Call FileWrite
Call FindError
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53B6h
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Si,OffSet Chg2.1
Call CheckByte
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53B6h
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Cx,1
Mov Dx,OffSet Chg2.0
Call FileWrite
Call FindError
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53BCh
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Si,OffSet Chg3.1
Call CheckByte
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53BCh
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Cx,1
Mov Dx,OffSet Chg3.0
Call FileWrite
Call FindError
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53BDh
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Si,OffSet Chg4.1
Call CheckByte
Mov Cx,0
Mov Dx,53BDh
Call FileSeek
Call FindError
Mov Cx,1
Mov Dx,OffSet Chg4.0
Call FileWrite
Call FindError
Call CloseFile
Call FindError
Mov Dx,OffSet CrackOK
Call Print
Call Quit
CrackOK Db 'The crack was Successfull!',13,10,'$'
FHand Dw 0
FileName Db 'GAMEHACK.EXE',0
Chg1 Db 40h,74h
Chg2 Db 48h,6Ah
Chg3 Db 40h,74h
Chg4 Db 48h,63h
Buffer Db 1 Dup(1)
Intro Db 13,10,'GameHack 1.0 -- Cracked by Jon, January 4, 1998!'
Db 13,10,'Patching: GAMEHACK.EXE',13,10,13,10,'$'
Db 'Happy Cheating! Enjoy :-)$'
Crack EndP
Quit Proc
Mov Ax,4C00h
Int 21h
Quit EndP
Print Proc
Mov Ah,9
Int 21h
Print EndP
OpenFile Proc
Mov Ax,3D02h
Int 21h
Jnc Open
Xor Ax,Ax
XChg Ax,Bx
Mov FHand,Bx
OpenFile EndP
FileSeek Proc
Mov Ax,4200h
Int 21h
Jnc Seek
Mov Ax,4
FileSeek EndP
FileRead Proc
Mov Ah,3Fh
Int 21h
Jnc Read
Mov Ax,2
FileRead EndP
FileWrite Proc
Mov Ah,40h
Int 21h
Jnc Write
Mov Ax,3
FileWrite EndP
CloseFile Proc
Mov Bx,FHand
Mov Ah,3Eh
Int 21h
Jnc Close
Mov Ax,1
CloseFile EndP
FindError Proc
Jnc Exit
Cmp Al,0
Jne Er1
Mov Dx,OffSet FnFErr
Call Print
Jmp Quit2
Cmp Al,1
Jne Er2
Mov Dx,OffSet FcErr
Call Print
Jmp Quit2
Cmp Al,2
Jne Er3
Call CloseFile
Mov Dx,OffSet FrErr
Call Print
Jmp Quit2
Cmp Al,3
Jne Er4
Call CloseFile
Mov Dx,OffSet FwErr
Call Print
Jmp Quit2
Cmp Al,4
Jne Er5
Call CloseFile
Mov Dx,OffSet FsErr
Call Print
Jmp Quit2
Cmp Al,5
Jne Quit2
Call CloseFile
Mov Dx,OffSet SneErr
Call Print
Jmp Quit2
Int 20h
SneErr Db 'Wrong version (or file already patched)!',13,10,'$'
FnFErr Db 'File not found!',13,10,'$'
FcErr Db 'File close error!',13,10,'$'
FrErr Db 'File read error!',13,10,'$'
FwErr Db 'File write error!',13,10,'$'
FsErr Db 'File seek error!',13,10,'$'
FindError EndP
CompareString Proc
Push Bx
Xor Bx,Bx
Cmp Es:[Di],Al
Jnz CmpEr
Inc Di
Inc Bx
Cmp Cx,Bx
Jz CmpOk
Jmp Cmp1
Jmp CmpEx
Mov Ax,5
Pop Bx
CompareString EndP
CheckByte Proc
Mov Cx,1
Mov Dx,OffSet Buffer
Call FileRead
Call FindError
Mov Di,OffSet Buffer
Mov Cx,1
Call CompareString
Call FindError
CheckByte EndP
End Start
<--------------------=[Stop cutting here!]=-------------------->
This should be compiled with:
tasm crack.asm
tlink /t crack.asm
BTW, if you don't want lamers to hex-edit your cracks (I hate that!),
take the following steps:
1. Encrypt your about 5-10 times with a com-cryptor.
2. Convert the encrypted com-file to a exe with a convert utility.
3. Use an exe-protector to protect crack.exe
This should make it difficult for the stupid hex'ers!
Enjoy this app! Happy cheating! :-)
Greetings to:
+ORC, The +HCU, all +crackers, and everybody reading this!