Benzedrin's contribution and my answer to him (and others)
Benzedrin's contribution
dear +fravia,
first to say that this is the first time I'm writing such a mail as
on visiting a webside.
I'm something like a quiet visitor and enjoyer of sides like yours,
neither a
hacker/cracker or programmer at all. Perhaps I'd like to be but I'm not
kind of man doing such abstract things. It's not my way. I love
computers and
would like to use them more the way I wish to, so I try to get
about it where it's possible.
About half a year ago I came to your side and was so impressed I
downloaded a lot (sorry for that if you mind...) to be able to read it
because so much information I never got to was to large to pick up
I read all I downloaded, I tried to understand it which isn't that easy
- I'm
not English and not used to your terminology- but I'll keep trying
this is the most precious thing I found in the web yet. Now that I have
studied a
lot of your site I realize why the web can be so powerful and new.
But it's not only the information, it's also your attitude,opinion and
thoughts I'm profiting of. For weeks I wanted to thank you for that and
to encourage you going on like this, to continue what you started years
together with your +crackers. Now that I've read your september news I
offended. I am something like a newbe and have no chance in
co-operating but
receiving what masters as you or +gthorne and all others offer me. In my
opinion masters have a obligation to teach not only the elite. These
should be
able to do it yourself. But what's their knowledge worth if it's not
and spread? I think it will die out or wither in a secret circle.
Well, I'm not against a change, for example sometimes I find it hard to
back to lets say an essay I want to read again which is lost deep down
in your
sides, but who if not you teaches me about javascripts, what an M$
Explorer does when I'm surfing, who gives me a sealight-searchmachine
can I read such a funny article like IH8U's about Bypassing Win98's
Check and so on. I think there are lots of people like me who come to
page to get such information not only to search for cracks of games or
or things like that.
In hope you don't mind me telling you this, I hope you understand what I
trying to tell you. I would be sad being shut out as a non-reverser and
loosing what we call "esprit" as you offer.
I just read Freeman's mail and his words about the child and the
Maybe you're disappointed or bored but isn't it very satisfying if you
at least with one child?
No matter what your decision might be
i love to come back
my answer to Benzedrin (and others)
Ah, the old problem!
How dÆyou find information? ThatÆs the first question. What dÆyou do with the info you have found? ThatÆs the second one.
See, Benzedrin, I'm not fed up with people like you,
IÆm fed up with people that donÆt want to give, because IÆm fed up with
people that donÆt want to LEARN. See, one of the things I have learned (and that
I wish all readers of my site will learn in due time) is that you should always
WORK on the info you find, and then you should give at least a little part
of this work as æfeedbackÆ, as stimulus to the development of the material
you did read. ThatÆs the real spirit of the web of æoldÆ.
Now, see you donÆt need to be a ætop elite insiderÆ to give a little. Why do you
say that you "have no chance in co-operating"? In
fact there are MANY helpful things you could do, if you wanted. LetÆs
imagine youÆr really interested in an advanced section of mine (this one
does not exist, itÆs just an example), let's say...
"advanced section on code flow charting analysers" and flow analysing
So you plod through my basic æflow analysingÆ section and then read "please
understand: to access the advanced section you should contribute somehow".
Oh my! Restricted information! How awful! Fravia+, you bloody Anti+ORC!
Now, would it really be so difficult to gather a lot of information on code
flowcharting, and, say, put together a small essay about the existing tools?
Or, say, prepare a small page of links to what you have already found that is
not listed in my basic section? Or, say, criticise the text you found on my
basic section on this and that points you donÆt agree with? Or, say, point
out some interesting connections that have not been seen yet? And so on, and
so on... dÆyou get the picture? There are MANY forms of contributing that
require a little (a little!) work on your part and that are so easy to
accomplice I could shriek... when I see how few actually care to give
something (something, just something!) back. I'm not speaking of you, Benzedrin,
(although I cannot remember you did contribute until now :-) I'm speaking of
those that
instead of contributing, instead of working just a little to show that they
care for what they are doing, that they
have learned that the net is based upon mutual help, instead of giving
something, even small crumbs... instead of that I keep
finding a lotta readers ready to defend their holy right to leech
whatever they want, even that what is meant only for real students...
ah, those readers donÆt seem to know the ABC of information...
Should I open my advanced site-busting pages to all teenagers that
just want to brag around? DÆyou really want the spammers to know how to
defeat every anti-spamming defense? Should any idiot be capable of nuking
his neighbourÆs email address just because he does not like the way he
looks/smells/speaks? We are speaking of (in part) real information here,
and real information is powerful (yeah, I know this sounds stupid, yet
it is damn true :-(
Therefore real information deserves your own work, your attempt in
yourself... c'mon, at least a little. Besides myy site is already
quite dangerous as it
is, as anyone can see and many testify... and I think IÆll soon shut down most of it
See, readers, the ABC of information is that information
is NOT free. It must be found, it must be reversed, it must be
passed to others... all this requires work and understanding. $
Either you are capable to work and give, either you understand the
VALUE of the (free) information you can gather on this site (and
some other sites, I'm -thanks godzilla- not the only one), or
you do not, and you just want to exploit pre-chewed info that others
have gathered without your contribution and without your help.
If that is the case (and I hope not), then, only for those readers... get lost.