CDROM check protection I'm writing you this tutorial, to share my first cracking experience with you, to reveal the cracking from the perspective of a newbye. This tut deals with cracking a "CDROM check" type protection, in wich the program searches for a particular data on the original CD. This type of protection you'll encounter in many today's games which are distributed on CD. After you complete this tutorial you'll know how to: -deal with a DOS4GW program -tackle a CD check type protection You probably won't know how to crack any CD check protection, but, at least, you'll know how to start with it. To better follow this tut you'll need: - the game "Silent Hunter", a wonderful WW II submarine simulator, a must have for the strategy freaks. I worked on a Razor distribution, and I think you'll find it on the web. It's a CD ripped version, and it's just what we need, with animation files removed. - a patch for Silent Hunter, from version 1.0 to version 1.11. You can download it from SSI web site. This version is protected, so it won't work. It must be cracked. - some tools. I recommend: SoftIce for Win95 (DOS version is useless with all new programs), KGB ( the best spy I found, and it's with source code so you can modify it), DOS Navigator (for editing large files, and for many more...) and much patience :-) Now let's get to work. I'll describe my approach. I'm quite lazy so I always try to find the easiest way in doing something. This is how we'll do it: 1. When you run the program it asks you to put the original CD in drive. What do you do now? Well, I don't know, but my first try is to run a fakeCD utility (a little TSR wich emulates a CDROM drive on your hard disk) Doesn't work. 2. What next? I'll install KGB.exe and run the game again. This TSR will log some DOS INT 21h file access functions to a file. Now sit down and study the log. Here is an extras from the log file: OpenFile-R : ART\GUI_1.FNT OpenFile-R : ART\FONT1.FNT OpenFile-R : ART\FONT1.FNT OpenFile-R : BUD\10.SMK OpenFile-R : BUD\10.SMK OpenFile-R : BUD\10.SMK As you can see the program tries to open BUD\10.smk and, since it can't find it, assumes it doesn't have the right CD in drive. This is an animation file quite big, probably, to be sure it is left apart when the program is ripped from CD. 3. As I told you, I want to do it the easy (but the right) way. I don't want to step through code. At least not until I use all other means. So I make a file 10.smk, and put some crap in it. Run again the program. Doesn't work again! How stupid I can be! 4. Well, maybe it needs a valid smk file. OK. Let's give it one. I take a smk file from another game (smk files are quite standard for animation in games), and rename it 10.smk. Run SH again. No change. Still asks for CD. 5. Now, I think it's time to do it the hard way.It's time for little assembler and crackin'. I modify KGB to log all DOS functions (not only Open, Close, Execute File) and dump registers for each function (how cool was the guy who wrote the program, cause he gave the source code too). Launch (Yamato)KGB then run SH.EXE. Then you'll have a trace of all DOS functions called by program. 6. Now it's time to remember about what +ORC has taught us. It's time to use his best advice: Take a cool Martini Vodka, sit down, and meditate. (I don't use Martini Vodka due to reasons I cannot tell you. I drink only mineral water or orange juice. But remember! Only pure, sparkling mineral water from Carpatian mountains will do) Well, the log looks like this (I'll show you only AX register, here): any other file than "10.smk" ax=3d00, bx=... open file ax=4400, bx=... get device info (why?) ax=4201, bx=... seek current ax=4202, bx=... seek end (check length?) ax=4200, bx=... seek start ax=3e05, bx=... close handle ax=3d00, bx=... reopen file ax=4400, bx=... get device info ax=3f00, bx=... read data ax=3f00, bx=... ax=3e05, bx=... close for good the 10.smk file access looks different ah=2a wow! this is weird (get current date of system, maybe for a future compare?!) ax=3d00 ... open ax=4400 ... get device info ax=4400 ... again (?) ax=5700 ... get time stamp (REALLY WEIRD!!!!) As you can see, the program checks the time stamp of the original file, and probably it compares it with a built in value. This must be the protection. But how can we crack it?????? Well, load the exe in your favourite hex editor (mine is DOS Navigator) and search the string 57,CD,21.(mov ah,57; int 21) And, bingo, only one occurrence. Now write down on a paper some bytes from that address. This will be the signature of our timestamp function. 6. Now it's time to use our programming experience. As you know probably, today's games are written in C/C++ with some few parts in assembler (for optimizing). The most used compiler for DOS games is Watcom C/C++. It cames with support libraries and debugger for DOS4GW extender. So. A typical today's game is a program written in C, compiled with Watcom and linked with Watcom 32 bit libraries. You can verify this. Just run your favourite game and you'll see a message like: "Rational DOS4GW Runtime System v1.97...." (A little parenthesis: it seems that more and more games are written to work in Windows95 with DirectX. Maybe it's easier for the guys who program the game but for us, the users, this is shit. I used to play my favourite DOS game, with 8Megs of RAM, a 486 DX2 66 processor, and it works very well. It loads in a few seconds. But now, to play a game I must have a Pentium processor 16 Megs of RAM, and to tweak my Win95, and only to load the game I need 40 seconds. And why all this? Because Micro$oft wants to sell its fat operating systems, Intel to sell its processors. But we don't want that. Who cares? This stinks! >:-P . Sorry, but I'm pissed) Well, back to cracking. A DOS program with DOS extender(like DOS4GW) consists of 3 parts: -an initialisation code, which puts the processor in protected mode -the main program (written by programmer; this is the most important part) -some exit code which puts processor back in real mode. Parts 1 and 3, usually doesn't interest us, but we have to find a method to skip it in our stepping through program, and find the real entry point, in the main() function (that main() from C language) Now remember what +ORC thaught us in lesson 6.1: " for INT 21, AH=4c.It should be after the call to main function". All right! Let's search! But ... :-( , what a disappointement; too much INTs 21,4c. I got to find another method to reach the main function ('cause I'm lazy) Let's search for the string "WATCOM"... and... toward the end of file I find "Watcom c/c++32 runtime system". Great , this must be the runtime library, linked with the main program. And just before this string is a "EB 76" relative jump. Search again for "int 21, ah=4c" from here. ONE occurence. Yeah. This must be the int21 +ORC talked about. But if I am wrong? Check another DOS4GW program (Warcraft2 for example). Same "watcom c/c++32" string and same EB 76. Great. Try to replace EB 76 with CD 03 (int 3) and run program. SoftIce pops up (assumed you set I3HERE on) and finnaly you're in protected mode code. Put back EB 74, and see what happens. The prog reads the environment, the command line and then, calls main(). 7. Search the signature you wrote on paper :"57 CD 21...". Found. BPX on the entry point in routine (you'll find the entry point looking up in the code till you encounter some PUSH instructions or ENTER. Here you'll find both) When BPX is toggled, fetch the calling address from the stack. In SH the at the calling address you find: E84D030A00 call get_time_stamp Now find the entry point of this routine too and BPX on the entry point. The call to protection routine looks like this: E8760B0000 call protection Then sit down, take a cool mineral water (remember, only sparkling mineral water from Carpatians will do :-) ) and watch the program running. After some observation you'll notice that the protection routine is called only for the "10.smk" file. Till then, no call. So, if the call isn't made, it's a chance the protection to be removed. Well, let's try to deactivate the call protection instruction, and see if it works. Replace E8760B0000 with 5033C05890 i.e push eax xor eax,eax pop eax nop As +ORC told us, always try to avoid using too much NOP's! Newer protection schemes smell NOP patches. Here we used only one NOP. And maybe there is a solution with no nop. But I dunno all opcodes. 8. Now it's a good chance that the program checks for CD several times, not just once. If this is the case, our disable trick won't work. To see if this is the case, set a breakpoint on memory range over the two routines, to see if there is some access on them across the game. And, incredible there is no other access. The game runs smooth, never checks the file on CD, and the player is happy. 9. Here is the complete code for the protection routine. It's pretty well explained: 000857A2: C9 leave 000857A3: 5E pop edx ▌ 000857A5: 59 pop ecx ▌ 000857A6: 5B pop ebx ▌ 000857A7: C3 retn . . . ▌ 00086151: 53 push ebx ; entry point ▌ 00086152: 51 push ecx ▌ 00086153: 52 push edx ▌ 00086154: 56 push esi ▌ 00086155: C8480000 enter 0048,00 ▌ 00086159: 31F6 xor esi,esi ▌ 0008615B: 85F6 test esi,esi ▌ 0008615D: 0F853FF6FFFF jnz 000857A2 ;if esi not 0 goto leave... ▌ 00086163: 6A0A push 0A ▌ 00086165: 68543A0100 push 000013A54 ▌ 0008616A: 6875010000 push 000000175 ▌ 0008616F: 68B48C0200 push 000028CB4 ▌ 00086174: E885000A00 call 001261FE ▌ 00086179: 83C410 add esp,010 ▌ 0008617C: 6800020000 push 000000200 ▌ 00086181: 68B48C0200 push 000028CB4 ▌ 00086186: BE01000000 mov esi,000000001 ▌ 0008618B: E815010A00 call 001262A5 ;try to open 10.smk ▌ 00086190: 83C408 add esp,008 ▌ 00086193: 89C3 mov ebx,eax ;eax=handle of opened file ▌ 00086195: 83F8FF cmp eax,-001 ;or -1 if file not found ▌ 00086198: 7504 jne 0008619E ;jmp if opened OK ▌ 0008619A: 31F6 xor esi,esi ▌ 0008619C: EB1F jmps 000861BD ▌ 0008619E: 8D55B8 lea edx,[ebp][-0048] ▌ 000861A1: E84D030A00 call 001264F3 ;GET TIME STAMP ▌ 000861A6: 83F8FF cmp eax,-001 ▌ 000861A9: 7409 je 000861B4 ▌ 000861AB: 817DCEA4D60301 cmp dword [ebp][-0032],00103D6A4 ;!!!!compare timestamp ▌ 000861B2: 7402 je 000861B6 ▌ 000861B4: 31F6 xor esi,esi ▌ 000861B6: 89D8 mov eax,ebx ▌ 000861B8: E824040A00 call 001265E1 ;close handle ▌ 000861BD: 85F6 test esi,esi ▌ 000861BF: 759A jne 0008615B ▌ 000861C1: 687E010000 push 00000017E ▌ 000861C6: B985010000 mov ecx,000000185 ▌ 000861CB: BB88010000 mov ebx,000000188 ▌ 000861D0: BA9E010000 mov edx,00000019E ▌ 000861D5: B8C0010000 mov eax,0000001C0 ▌ 000861DA: E8278F0300 call 000BF106 ;put nag screen ▌ 000861DF: 83F8FE cmp eax,-002 ;eax = user input (retry,cancel) ▌ 000861E2: 0F8573FFFFFF jne 0008615B ;if retry goto ^ test esi,esi ▌ 000861E8: 31D2 xor edx,edx ▌ 000861EA: 31C0 xor eax,eax ▌ 000861EC: E8C7590200 call 000ABBB8 ▌ 000861F1: E965FFFFFF jmp 0008615B ;goto ^test esi,esi and leave ▌ 000861F6: 0000 add [eax],al ;never reach this address??? ▌ 000861F8: C3 retn Well that's all. So I cracked my first program. Now, when I'm looking back it seems easy, but it took me one week of full work to crack it. And it was a simple call. I wonder if there was multiple CD checks across the game, how long would have taken?