There are patches available for the "land" attack for Windows 95. They include fixes for all the previous IP DOS attacks we have seen, including jolt, ssping, exploit, synk4, teardrop, winnuke (in conjunction with the VTCPUPD patch). There are two patches, one if you have Winsock 1.1, and one if you have Winsock2. (If you have a file called ws2_32.dll in \windows\system, then you've got Wisock2) > For Winsock 1.1: > > > For Winsock 2: > > You also need to install the VTCPUPD patch: Remember -- we can't test all configurations, etc., in this little time, so don't apply to large numbers of machines blindly. I'd advise that you make a backup copy of your current vip.386, vtcp.386 and vnbt.386 before applying -- if things go badly, just put them back. (They're in \windows\system.)