Macro Virii

This section is a cooperative effort between myself and a dear friend of mine, who it turns out has an affinity for writing these wonderful little nasties in his free time. I do hope you enjoy it... and notice exactly how much control a macro can have over your system. As it turns out, visual bast*rd (basic to some) has some use afer all - the macros in the documents are based on it (called VBA) - and they have an unbelievable amount of control over windows. Hopefully, with a few simple tricks, it will become apparent how to defend against these as well as programming your own new ways to maneuver around the OS in ways that really were not intended by the original programmers --- (or were they?) Through several discussions over a few beers and a little source code - we have come up with plenty of ideas (and some nice new hangouts as well ;)


If you open any file with macros in Office'97, and you wish not to be infected - but still want to see the source code, you can hold down the shift key as you click the enable macros button (the shift key is also handy for bypassing win'95 startup files on bootup)

Then hit ALT-F11 to switch to the VBA screen you will notice a module on the document tree, and unless there are more than one module, that is the source code of the macro virus

laroux.bas (laroux-pldt macro virus for microsoft excel)

A good example of a simple self replicator - which doesnt have much of a payload - therefore relatively safe to play with

Here are about a dozen macro virii, a virus generator and a few texts on the subject - included in THIS ZIP FILE and listed in THIS TEXT FILE