;                                YAIP
;               Yet Another (pseudoIntelligent!!!) Patcher
;                     Written by Oskar Nurb, 14-4-97
;                        oskar_nurb@nym.alias.net
;  GREETZ: +ORC, +Gthorne, Fravia+ and all the readers of RevEngE
;  Please improve and expread this program. I consider I must learn a lot
;  before making good software... I'm on the commercial standards now! :)
;  Yeah, I can see your faces... You are surely thinking: Another patcher?
;  Yes, but this patcher is written in ASM, and it isn't based on the file
;  offset method that most pathers out there use. It searches and patches.
;  There is a BIG difference between both metods. Using this code you crack
;  several versions of a program :)
;  As it is written in ASM, you can generate a .COM and encrypt it as you
;  wish. Or you can just build a C program that uses this code.
;  Enjoy!

		.model small
                org 100h

bufsize equ     20000
CR      equ     0dh
LF      equ     0ah

; As usual, some directives.

        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ax,3d02h
        mov     dx,offset fname
        int     21h

; Please chech HelpPc for a refference if you are a newbye.

        jc      Erroropening
        mov     word ptr cs:[Fhandle],ax
        jmp     prinbuc

; I love to write odd modules :)
; Why can't you see any procs? Because I wrote this in order to
; be heavily compiler-encrypted... And I thought it would be a
; mess otherwise.

        mov     dx,offset eamsg
        mov     ah,09
        int     21h

; Don't you think I'm a very user-friendly programmer?

        mov     ah,4ch
        int     21h

; Here starts the search engine. You only have to put that
; search string in little bytes. Or even better, you can
; write a function that only needs a string as arg.

;All the jc stuff is there in order to left the read proc
;as free as possible. If you don't like it, just modify it.
;I personally don't care.

        call    read
        jc      finalox
        cmp     ah,54h
        jne     searchbuc
        call    read
        jc      finalox
        cmp     ah,75h
        jne     prinbuc
        call    read
        jc      finalox
        cmp     ah,72h
        jne     prinbuc
        call    read
        jc      finalox
        cmp     ah,62h
        jne     prinbuc

;Bingo. If you are here, you've found the match.

;Let's take our File Pointer

        mov     ax,4201h
        mov     bx,word ptr cs:[Fhandle]
        mov     cx,0
        mov     dx,0
        int     21h

;Let's manage it to point the start of string.

        mov     bx,word ptr cs:[Fhandle]
        mov     cx,dx
        mov     dx,ax
        sub     dx,word ptr cs:[Inbuf]
        add     dx,word ptr cs:[readed]
        sub     dx,3
        mov     ax,4200h
        int     21h

;Let's write the patch

        mov     bx,word ptr cs:[Fhandle]
        mov     ah,40h
        mov     cx,3
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx,offset wbuff
        int     21h

;Close file

        mov     bx,word ptr cs:[Fhandle]
        mov     ah,3eh
        int     21h

;Bye dear user!

        mov     dx,offset hecho
        mov     ah,09
        int     21h

        mov     ah,4ch
        int     21h

wbuff   db      90h,90h,90h
hecho   db      'OK!!$'

        mov     ah,4ch
        int     21h

; This is our read function, with a little buffer, of course.
; It is free of internal weird/end jumps for easy modification
; pourposes. It just returns CF on EOF, and if not CF the next byte of the
; file (stream??) in AH. You can surely write it better, but, hey,
; I'm not a programmer! :)
; May be some day... :)

        push    si
        mov     si,word ptr cs:[readed]
        cmp     si,word ptr cs:[Inbuf]
        jne     cont
        call    fullbuf
        jnc     cont
        pop     si
        mov     ah,byte ptr cs:[Buff+si]
        inc     word ptr cs:[readed]
        pop     si

        mov     bx,word ptr cs:[Fhandle]
        mov     ah,3fh
        mov     cx,bufsize
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx,offset Buff
        int     21h
        jc      error
        cmp     ax,0
        je      error
        mov     word ptr cs:[Inbuf],ax
        mov     word ptr cs:[readed],0

fname   db      'test.exe',0
eamsg   db      'Error opening file',CR,LF,'$'

readed  dw      0
Fhandle dw      ?
Inbuf   dw      ?
Buff    dw      bufsize dup(?)

end start