Number One Son
TheGun.Exe 1.6b
 21st Century Missile Ware
Download TheGun.Exe
TheGun.Exe has been fully re-written in 32 bit Microsoft assembler (MASM) to put it on a diet, it now weighs in at a disk hogging 6176 bytes while delivering near identical performance. If it gets any skinnier, it will have trouble holding its pants up so if you give it a good home and work it out on a regular basic, it will do your simple file editing with great enthusiasm.
As usual it requires no Visual C++ or Visual Basic runtime libraries. It has been developed on NT4 to ensure reliable operation.
It is fully drap & drop enabled, it edit files up to 4 meg, has normal word wrap and now has case INSENSITIVE search which is more flexible in most instances. An additional function on the file menu lets you start up another instance if you need it. It maintains its load and save speed through the use of dynamically allocated string memory.
This version impliments printing through the operation system which in turn, farms it out to Wordpad.Exe so if you need to set the margins for printing, you simply set them in Wordpad.