Last Updated: xx JUN 99 New: Dos4Gw Added Links!! Email Indian_Trail Whats da News

CrackerZ ParadizE

Beginner Lessons:

These essay starts from the very basics (lesson 2) and then moves on to the more common and easier protections do defeat:

Intermediate Lessons:

The intermediate lessons will start very easy and move on to be more complicated. The purpose of these upcoming lessons will be to teach you how to approach a target. In this lessons I will leave out alot of code and instead give more explanations. That way there will be alot (sometimes) for you to dig out on your own. The first lesson will be a visual basic program and the approach used to crack it differs from all others approaches in my lessons.
  1. Pluck it 3.0 the first intermediate lesson
  2. A Study of Cool Edit'96Solving more complex puzzles



Well I know very Well that it has been months since i updated my site. You'll have to bear with me a little longer. I plan to continue with the intermedieate lessons. Probably after the summer. Next up is CD-Protections and more or less hard time trial protections. See you then

Don't send emails to cause I don't use that account anymore since Microsoft bought hotmail.
Last Updated: 14 sep 98 New: Dos4Gw in Lesson 4c up!! Links!! Email Indian_Trail Whats da News