April  1999
"Spector v2"
( 'Was trial ? Now it's fully functioning'  )
Win Code Reversing
by The Snake
Code Reversing For Beginners
Program Details
Program Name: spector_eval.exe
Program Type: Screen recorder
Program Location: Here
Program Size: 1.15mb

Tools Used:
 Softice V3.23 - Win'95 Debugger
W32Dasm V8.93 - Win'95 Dissembler
Easy (X)  Medium ( )  Hard (    )  Pro (    )

Spector v2
( 'Was trial ? Now it's fully functioning'  )
Written by The Snake

The author of  Spector v2 says :

    Spector is the first automatic screen recording software designed
    for consumers and corporations.
    Spector records PC and Internet activity, much like a camcorder,
    and lets you play back the recorded information. Spector records
    all applications loaded, all web sites visited, all chat
    conversations,and all incoming and out going e-mail activity.
    You see what THEY see.
About this protection system

 The only way to register this tool, is to connect online to the author website. you
 will get by e-mail the url for download the registered version.
 The author tells us that this trial version does not count the days, but it lets you
 using it up to 1000 screen recordings.

 With this information in our head, that's the time to start work on it...
The Essay

 Since we don't have any registration screen to type in our details, the best thing
 to do is to create a dead list. I use W32dasm. After done it, we will go to the
 "String Data References" to see if there is any string that can help us...
 Can you see this : "Your Trial version of Spector will expire in %d days. Pleas"
 Hey, what's this ?? we know that "....does not count the days, but it lets you
 using it up to 1000 screen recordings." Anyway, double-click on the string will
 take you to this part of the asm code :

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:00408791 A1603F4600        mov eax, dword ptr [00463F60]
:00408796 85C0              test eax, eax                        ; eax = 0 ?
:00408798 741D              je 004087B7                             ; jump if eax = 0
:0040879A 8B15803F4600      mov edx, dword ptr [00463F80]
:004087A0 8D8398000000      lea eax, dword ptr [ebx+00000098]
:004087A6 52                push edx

* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00170: "Your Trial version of Spector will expire in %d days. Pleas"
:004087A7 68AA000000        push 000000AA
:004087AC 50                push eax
:004087AD E8D6250200        call 0042AD88
:004087B2 83C40C            add esp, 0000000C
:004087B5 EB42              jmp 004087F9    ;jump to beggar off message

 From looking in the above code, we can tell that if we used all our 1000 screen
 recordings, EAX at location 408796 will not hold the value '0', and we will get the
 'expire' message. We can assume that we didn't used them all by now, so we
 want to check what will happen when we jump to lcation 004087B7.

 The message that inform us how many screens left is shown in the Help/About
 screen. Run Spector and click on Help. Before you click on About, fire up Softice
 by click on 'Ctrl+D'. Type "bpx setwindowtexta', this should break in before the
 about screen pops up. Type 'X' to leave, and click on the About option.
 Softice breaks, press 'F11' once and we are in Spector's code. Now we want
 to set a new bp, so, clear all bpx's with 'bc *', and type 'bpx 408791'. Type 'x'
 and we break again in here :

:00408791 A1603F4600      mov eax, dword ptr [00463F60]; we land here !
:00408796 85C0            test eax, eax                        ; eax = 0 ?
:00408798 741D            je 004087B7                               ; we jump here !!

Press 'F10' 3 times, and we jump to this code :

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004087B7 8DB398000000      lea esi, dword ptr [ebx+00000098]
:004087BD 68AC000000        push 000000AC
:004087C2 8BCE              mov ecx, esi
:004087C4 E8FE910200        call 004319C7
:004087C9 E8AC330000        Call 0040BB7A         ; check windows used (eax)
:004087CE B9E8030000        mov ecx, 000003E8  ;ecx = 1000 !!!
:004087D3 2BC8              sub ecx, eax           ; ecx = ecx - windows used
:004087D5 85C9              test ecx, ecx        ; ecx = 0 ?
:004087D7 7E20              jle 004087F9            ; jump if ecx = 0
:004087D9 51                push ecx
:004087DA 8D4C240C          lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+0C]
:004087DE 6828054600        push 00460528
:004087E3 51                push ecx

 Can you see what is the code above ? We see how this protection routine is
 calculating how many screens left for us to use. If we steel have windows
 recording to use, we don't jump, and we get a message in the about window.
 So, if we don't want it to show it, we need to force the jump to take place.
 To do it, keep press 'F10' until you land on location 004087D7, and then type
 in 'r fl z' to change the zero flag, now the jump will be executed. type 'x' and we
 got the about screen but this time without the 'windows left'. We found the right
 place, but we steel have the 'Register' botton enabled.
 Go again in the Help/About menu, but now, when softice break, clear the
 bp 'bc *', keep going without changing the jle 004087F9 and keep press
 'F10' for 19 times, you'll be back to the location where we have the 'call' to all
 checks :

:00430398 85C0            test eax, eax ;eax = 0 ? registered version ??
:0043039A 59              pop ecx
:0043039B 740C            je 004303A9  ;jump if eax = 0 (ignore checks)
:0043039D 8B10            mov edx, dword ptr [eax]
:0043039F 8BC8            mov ecx, eax
:004303A1 FF92BC000000    call dword ptr [edx+000000BC] ;all checks !!!
:004303A7 EB07            jmp 004303B0 ; we land here from 'ret'  !!!

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004303A9 6A01            push 00000001
:004303AB 58              pop eax
:004303AC EB02            jmp 004303B0

 We can see that if we jump at :0043039B 740C    je 004303A9, the 'call' at
 location will not be excuted !!  We can check it this way :
 type 'bpx 0043039B', type 'x' and Help/About again. When SI break, type
 'r fl z' and press 'x'.
 WOW, we have now the 'about screen' without 'windows left' counting and
 without the botton for 'Register'  !!

 But, a few days later, when i was ready to check the program for the last time
 before i remove it from my hard drive, i've got this :
 "The maximum recording time has been reached..." so, now i was sure that there is
 another check that i missed. I decide to go to the dead list to look for something
 like checkif any register is equal to 1000. just to remind you, number values
 usualy will be  in HEX VALUE, so 1000 Decimal will be 3E8 in hex. Hey, we had
 this a few lines above :

 * Reference To: SHMSWNRC.?ShGetFrames@@YAKXZ, Ord:0002h ;get frames ???
:004087C9 E8AC330000       Call 0040BB7A         ; check windowsused.returns
                                                                                             ; with eax = windows used
:004087CE B9E8030000       mov ecx, 000003E8  ;ecx = 1000 !!!
:004087D3 2BC8             sub ecx, eax             ; ecx = ecx - windows used
:004087D5 85C9             test ecx, ecx        ; ecx = 0 ? no more ?
:004087D7 7E20             jle 004087F9            ; jump if ecx = 0

 The best idea is to set a bpx here :  :004087C9         Call 0040BB7A.
 When you do it, press 'F8', and we land in SHMSWNRC code, you can see this :
 shmswnrc!.text+4c74at the top of the data window. Well, search for this file in
 your computer, in c:\windows\system you'll find shmswnrc.dll. Create a dead list
 of it and we will look in "String Data References" for the good stuff. The one that
 i liked, was this one that looks like an entry in the registry file :

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{23DD4C01-A3D6-11d2-BA8C-444553540000}"
:10035D0C 68C8E20310              push 1003E2C8
:10035D11 6802000080              push 80000002

* Reference To: ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyExA, Ord:015Fh
:10035D16 FF150CB00310            Call dword ptr [1003B00C]
:10035D1C 85C0                    test eax, eax
:10035D1E 7536                    jne 10035D56
:10035D20 C745F404000000          mov [ebp-0C], 00000004
:10035D27 C745F004000000          mov [ebp-10], 00000004
:10035D2E 8B55F0                  mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-10]
:10035D31 52                      push edx
:10035D32 6824000410              push 10040024
:10035D37 8B45F4                  mov eax, dword ptr [ebp-0C]
:10035D3A 50                      push eax
:10035D3B 6A00                    push 00000000

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"OLERange"
:10035D3D 6808E30310              push 1003E308
:10035D42 8B4DF8                  mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp-08]
:10035D45 51                      push ecx

* Reference To: ADVAPI32.RegSetValueExA, Ord:0186h
:10035D46 FF1500B00310            Call dword ptr [1003B000]
:10035D4C 8B55F8                  mov edx, dword ptr [ebp-08]
:10035D4F 52                      push edx

 We can see that the program creates an entry in the registry file, named :
 Then it creates OLERange this will be the dword that holds the value of how many
  screens we used, and it updates by the function RegSetValueExA.
 So, if we force the program not to get there, it will not update the numbers of
  screens we already used, and we never reach the 1000 screens !!!
  This can be done in this way :
 * Reference To: ADVAPI32.RegCreateKeyExA, Ord:015Fh
:10035D16 FF150CB00310            Call dword ptr [1003B00C]
:10035D1C 85C0                    test eax, eax
:10035D1E 7536                    jne 10035D56  ;change it to jmp !!

 Remember to create a backup of the dll file before you do the patch, just in case
 somthing happened !!!

 * if you already reached the 1000 screens by now, go to the registry file and
    change it to a number less the that.... :)
The Patches

 Load up Spector.exe into your Hex-Editor ( I use hexWorkshop-32).


Load up shmswnrc.dll into your Hex-Editor


Don't forget it need to be in c:\windows\system !!!

REMEMBER, i'm doing my cracks as a hobby and challenge, so please, if you
like this utility and want to keep using it, support the author and pay for it.
Final Notes

You can protect Spector from beeing used by others with a password, here is a
short tutorial that cupofcoffe wrote about how to bypass this password,
thanks cupofcoffe :).

In this essay, i showed 2 ways how to crack a Trial Version, so it will work like a
full functional version.
The first one was how to stop showing the [Trial Version] and counting the
screens left.
The second one was how to stop updating the registry file. this one is good for
most of 'time limited' versions as well.

My thanks and gratitude goes to:-

The Sandman for all what he is doing for us, newbies.

Rhayader for helping me with Reverse Code Engineering and useful tips

Essay by:          The snake
Page Created: 27th April 1999