[Chapter Fourteen][Previous] [Art of Assembly][Randall Hyde]

Art of Assembly: Chapter Fourteen

14.5 - Sample Program: Additional Trigonometric Functions

14.5 Sample Program: Additional Trigonometric Functions

This section provides various examples of 80x87 FPU programming. This group of routines provides several trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions using various algebraic identities. All these functions assume that the input values are on the stack are are within valid ranges for the given functions. The trigonometric routines expect angles expressed in radians and the inverse trig routines produce angles measured in radians.

This program (transcnd.asm) appears on the companion CD-ROM.
; Transcnd.asm
; Some transcendental functions for the 80x87 FPU

                include         stdlib.a
                includelib      stdlib.lib

                option  segment:use16

dseg            segment para public 'data'

result          real8   ?

; Some variables we use to test the routines in this package:

cotvar          real8   3.0
cotRes          real8   ?
acotRes         real8   ?

cscvar          real8   1.5
cscRes          real8   ?
acscRes         real8   ?

secvar          real8   0.5
secRes          real8   ?
asecRes         real8   ?

sinvar          real8   0.75
sinRes          real8   ?
asinRes         real8   ?

cosvar          real8   0.25
cosRes          real8   ?
acosRes         real8   ?

Two2xvar        real8   -2.5
Two2xRes        real8   ?
lgxRes          real8   ?

Ten2xVar        real8   3.75
Ten2xRes        real8   ?
logRes          real8   ?

expVar          real8   3.25
expRes          real8   ?
lnRes           real8   ?

Y2Xx            real8   3.0
Y2Xy            real8   3.0
Y2XRes          real8   ?

dseg            ends

cseg            segment para public 'code'
                assume  cs:cseg, ds:dseg

; COT(x) - computes the cotangent of st(0) and leaves result in st(0).
;          st(0) contains x (in radians) and must be between
;               -2**63 and +2**63
;          There must be at least one free register on the stack for this
;          routine to operate properly.
;       cot(x) = 1/tan(x)

cot             proc    near
cot             endp

; CSC(x) - computes the cosecant of st(0) and leaves result in st(0).
;          st(0) contains x (in radians) and must be between
;               -2**63 and +2**63.
;          The cosecant of x is undefined for any value of sin(x) that
;               produces zero (e.g., zero or pi radians).
;          There must be at least one free register on the stack for this
;          routine to operate properly.
;       csc(x) = 1/sin(x)

csc             proc    near
csc             endp

; SEC(x) - computes the secant of st(0) and leaves result in st(0).
;          st(0) contains x (in radians) and must be between
;               -2**63 and +2**63.
;          The secant of x is undefined for any value of cos(x) that
;               produces zero (e.g., pi/2 radians).
;          There must be at least one free register on the stack for this
;          routine to operate properly.
;       sec(x) = 1/cos(x)

sec             proc    near
sec             endp

; ASIN(x)-      Computes the arcsine of st(0) and leaves the result in st(0).
;               Allowable range: -1<=x<=+1
;               There must be at least two free registers for this function
;               to operate properly.
;       asin(x) = atan(sqrt(x*x/(1-x*x)))

asin            proc    near
                fld     st(0)           ;Duplicate X on tos.
                fmul                    ;Compute X**2.
                fld     st(0)           ;Duplicate X**2 on tos.
                fld1                    ;Compute 1-X**2.
                fdiv                    ;Compute X**2/(1-X**2).
                fsqrt                   ;Compute sqrt(x**2/(1-X**2)).
                fld1                    ;To compute full arctangent.
                fpatan                  ;Compute atan of the above.
asin            endp

; ACOS(x)-      Computes the arccosine of st(0) and leaves the
;                       result in st(0).
;               Allowable range: -1<=x<=+1
;               There must be at least two free registers for
;               this function to operate properly.
;       acos(x) = atan(sqrt((1-x*x)/(x*x)))

acos            proc    near
                fld     st(0)           ;Duplicate X on tos.
                fmul                    ;Compute X**2.
                fld     st(0)           ;Duplicate X**2 on tos.
                fld1                    ;Compute 1-X**2.
                fdivr                   ;Compute (1-x**2)/X**2.
                fsqrt                   ;Compute sqrt((1-X**2)/X**2).
                fld1                    ;To compute full arctangent.
                fpatan                  ;Compute atan of the above.
acos            endp

; ACOT(x)-      Computes the arccotangent of st(0) and leaves the
;                       result in st(0).
;               X cannot equal zero.
;               There must be at least one free register for
;               this function to operate properly.
;       acot(x) = atan(1/x)

acot            proc    near
                fld1                    ;fpatan computes
                fxch                    ; atan(st(1)/st(0)).
                fpatan                  ; we want atan(st(0)/st(1)).
acot            endp

; ACSC(x)-      Computes the arccosecant of st(0) and leaves the
;                       result in st(0).
;               abs(X) must be greater than one.
;               There must be at least two free registers for
;               this function to operate properly.
;       acsc(x) = atan(sqrt(1/(x*x-1)))

acsc            proc    near
                fld     st(0)           ;Compute x*x
                fld1                    ;Compute x*x-1
                fld1                    ;Compute 1/(x*x-1)
                fsqrt                   ;Compute sqrt(1/(x*x-1))
                fpatan                  ;Compute atan of above.
acsc            endp

; ASEC(x)-      Computes the arcsecant of st(0) and leaves the
;                       result in st(0).
;               abs(X) must be greater than one.
;               There must be at least two free registers for
;               this function to operate properly.
;       asec(x) = atan(sqrt(x*x-1))

asec            proc    near
                fld     st(0)           ;Compute x*x
                fld1                    ;Compute x*x-1
                fsqrt                   ;Compute sqrt(x*x-1)
                fpatan                  ;Compute atan of above.
asec            endp

; TwoToX(x)-    Computes 2**x.
;               It does this by using the algebraic identity:
;               2**x = 2**int(x) * 2**frac(x).
;               We can easily compute 2**int(x) with fscale and
;               2**frac(x) using f2xm1.
;               This routine requires three free registers.

SaveCW          word    ?
MaskedCW        word    ?

TwoToX          proc    near
                fstcw   cseg:SaveCW

; Modify the control word to truncate when rounding.

                fstcw   cseg:MaskedCW
                or      byte ptr cseg:MaskedCW+1, 1100b
                fldcw   cseg:MaskedCW

                fld     st(0)           ;Duplicate tos.
                fld     st(0)
                frndint                 ;Compute integer portion.

                fxch                    ;Swap whole and int values.
                fsub    st(0), st(1)    ;Compute fractional part.

                f2xm1                   ;Compute 2**frac(x)-1.
                fadd                    ;Compute 2**frac(x).

                fxch                    ;Get integer portion.
                fld1                    ;Compute 1*2**int(x).
                fstp    st(1)           ;Remove st(1) (which is 1).

                fmul                    ;Compute 2**int(x) * 2**frac(x).

                fldcw   cseg:SaveCW     ;Restore rounding mode.
TwoToX          endp

; TenToX(x)-    Computes 10**x.
;               This routine requires three free registers.
;       TenToX(x) = 2**(x * lg(10))

TenToX          proc    near
                fldl2t          ;Put lg(10) onto the stack
                fmul            ;Compute x*lg(10)
                call    TwoToX  ;Compute 2**(x * lg(10)).
TenToX          endp

; exp(x)-       Computes e**x.
;               This routine requires three free registers.
;       exp(x) = 2**(x * lg(e))

exp             proc    near
                fldl2e          ;Put lg(e) onto the stack.
                fmul            ;Compute x*lg(e).
                call    TwoToX  ;Compute 2**(x * lg(e))
exp             endp

; YtoX(y,x)-    Computes y**x (y=st(1), x=st(0)).
;               This routine requires three free registers.
;               Y must be greater than zero.
;       YtoX(y,x) = 2 ** (x * lg(y))

YtoX            proc    near
                fxch            ;Compute lg(y).

                fmul            ;Compute x*lg(y).
                call    TwoToX  ;Compute 2**(x*lg(y)).
YtoX            endp

; LOG(x)-       Computes the base 10 logarithm of x.
;               Usual range for x (>0).
;       LOG(x) = lg(x)/lg(10).

log             proc    near
                fyl2x           ;Compute 1*lg(x).
                fldl2t          ;Load lg(10).
                fdiv            ;Compute lg(x)/lg(10).
log             endp

; LN(x)-        Computes the base e logarithm of x.
;               X must be greater than zero.
;       ln(x) = lg(x)/lg(e).

ln              proc    near
                fyl2x           ;Compute 1*lg(x).
                fldl2e          ;Load lg(e).
                fdiv            ;Compute lg(x)/lg(10).
ln              endp

; This main program tests the various functions in this package.

Main            proc
                mov     ax, dseg
                mov     ds, ax
                mov     es, ax


; Check to see if cot and acot are working properly.

                fld     cotVar
                call    cot
                fst     cotRes
                call    acot
                fstp    acotRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, cot(x)=%8.5gf, acot(cot(x)) = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   cotVar, cotRes, acotRes

; Check to see if csc and acsc are working properly.

                fld     cscVar
                call    csc
                fst     cscRes
                call    acsc
                fstp    acscRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, csc(x)=%8.5gf, acsc(csc(x)) = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   cscVar, cscRes, acscRes

; Check to see if sec and asec are working properly.

                fld     secVar
                call    sec
                fst     secRes
                call    asec
                fstp    asecRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, sec(x)=%8.5gf, asec(sec(x)) = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   secVar, secRes, asecRes

; Check to see if sin and asin are working properly.

                fld     sinVar
                fst     sinRes
                call    asin
                fstp    asinRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, sin(x)=%8.5gf, asin(sin(x)) = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   sinVar, sinRes, asinRes

; Check to see if cos and acos are working properly.

                fld     cosVar
                fst     cosRes
                call    acos
                fstp    acosRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, cos(x)=%8.5gf, acos(cos(x)) = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   cosVar, cosRes, acosRes

; Check to see if 2**x and lg(x) are working properly.

                fld     Two2xVar
                call    TwoToX
                fst     Two2xRes
                fstp    lgxRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, 2**x  =%8.5gf, lg(2**x)     = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   Two2xVar, Two2xRes, lgxRes

; Check to see if 10**x and l0g(x) are working properly.

                fld     Ten2xVar
                call    TenToX
                fst     Ten2xRes
                call    LOG
                fstp    logRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, 10**x =%8.2gf, log(10**x)   = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   Ten2xVar, Ten2xRes, logRes

; Check to see if exp(x) and ln(x) are working properly.

                fld     expVar
                call    exp
                fst     expRes
                call    ln
                fstp    lnRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, e**x  =%8.2gf, ln(e**x)     = %8.5gf\n",0
                dword   expVar, expRes, lnRes

; Check to see if y**x is working properly.

                fld     Y2Xy
                fld     Y2Xx
                call    YtoX
                fstp    Y2XRes

                byte    "x=%8.5gf, y     =%8.5gf, y**x         = %8.4gf\n",0
                dword   Y2Xx, Y2Xy, Y2XRes

Quit:           ExitPgm
Main            endp

cseg            ends

sseg            segment para stack 'stack'
stk             byte    1024 dup ("stack   ")
sseg            ends
zzzzzzseg       segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes       byte    16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg       ends
                end     Main

Sample program output:

x= 3.00000, cot(x)=-7.01525, acot(cot(x)) = 3.00000
x= 1.50000, csc(x)= 1.00251, acsc(csc(x)) = 1.50000
x= 0.50000, sec(x)= 1.13949, asec(sec(x)) = 0.50000
x= 0.75000, sin(x)= 0.68163, asin(sin(x)) = 0.75000
x= 0.25000, cos(x)= 0.96891, acos(cos(x)) = 0.25000
x=-2.50000, 2**x  = 0.17677, lg(2**x)     = -2.50000
x= 3.75000, 10**x = 5623.41, log(10**x)   = 3.75000
x= 3.25000, e**x  = 25.79,   ln(e**x)     = 3.25000
x= 3.00000, y     = 3.00000, y**x         = 27.0000
14.5 - Sample Program: Additional Trigonometric Functions

Art of Assembly: Chapter Fourteen - 28 SEP 1996

[Chapter Fourteen][Previous] [Art of Assembly][Randall Hyde]