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Art of Assembly Language: Chapter Sixteen
- Chapter 16 - Pattern Matching
- 16.1 - An Introduction to Formal Language
(Automata) Theory
- 16.1.1 - Machines vs. Languages
- 16.1.2 - Regular Languages
- - Regular Expressions
- - Nondeterministic
Finite State Automata (NFAs)
- - Converting Regular
Expressions to NFAs
- - Converting an NFA
to Assembly Language
- - Deterministic Finite
State Automata (DFAs)
- - Converting a DFA
to Assembly Language
- 16.1.3 - Context Free Languages
- 16.1.4 - Eliminating Left Recursion
and Left Factoring CFGs
- 16.1.5 - Converting REs to
- 16.1.6 - Converting CFGs to
Assembly Language
- 16.1.7 - Some Final Comments
on CFGs
- 16.1.8 - Beyond Context Free
- 16.2 - The UCR Standard Library
Pattern Matching Routines
- 16.3 - The Standard Library
Pattern Matching Functions
- 16.3.1 - Spancset
- 16.3.2 - Brkcset
- 16.3.3 - Anycset
- 16.3.4 - Notanycset
- 16.3.5 - MatchStr
- 16.3.6 - MatchiStr
- 16.3.7 - MatchToStr
- 16.3.8 - MatchChar
- 16.3.9 - MatchToChar
- 16.3.10 - MatchChars
- 16.3.11 - MatchToPat
- 16.3.12 - EOS
- 16.3.13 - ARB
- 16.3.14 - ARBNUM
- 16.3.15 - Skip
- 16.3.16 - Pos
- 16.3.17 - RPos
- 16.3.18 - GotoPos
- 16.3.19 - RGotoPos
- 16.3.20 - SL_Match2
- 16.4 - Designing Your Own Pattern
Matching Routines
- 16.5 - Extracting Substrings
from Matched Patterns
- 16.6 - Semantic Rules and Actions
- 16.7 - Constructing Patterns
for the MATCH Routine
- 16.8 - Some Sample Pattern Matching
- 16.8.1 - Converting Written
Numbers to Integers
- 16.8.2 - Processing Dates
- 16.8.3 - Evaluating Arithmetic
- 16.8.4 - A Tiny Assembler
- 16.8.5 - The "MADVENTURE"
- 16.9 - Laboratory Exercises
- 16.9.1 - Checking for Stack
Overflow (Infinite Loops)
- 16.9.2 - Printing Diagnostic
Messages from a Pattern
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Chapter 16 Pattern Matching
The last chapter covered character strings and various operations on
those strings. A very typical program reads a sequence of strings from the
user and compares the strings to see if they match. For example, DOS' COMMAND.COM
program reads command lines from the user and compares the strings the user
types to fixed strings like "COPY", "DEL", "RENAME",
and so on. Such commands are easy to parse because the set of allowable
commands is finite and fixed. Sometimes, however, the strings you want to
test for are not fixed; instead, they belong to a (possibly infinite) set
of different strings. For example, if you execute the DOS command "DEL
*.BAK", MS-DOS does not attempt to delete a file named "*.BAK".
Instead, it deletes all files which match the generic pattern "*.BAK".
This, of course, is any file which contains four or more characters and
ends with ".BAK". In the MS-DOS world, a string containing characters
like "*" and "?" are called wildcards; wildcard characters
simply provide a way to specify different names via patterns. DOS' wildcard
characters are very limited forms of what are known as regular expressions;
regular expressions are very limited forms of patterns in general. This
chapter describes how to create patterns that match a variety of character
strings and write pattern matching routines to see if a particular string
matches a given pattern.
16.1 An Introduction to Formal Language (Automata) Theory
Pattern matching, despite its low-key coverage, is a very important
topic in computer science. Indeed, pattern matching is the main programming
paradigm in several programming languages like Prolog, SNOBOL4, and Icon.
Several programs you use all the time employ pattern matching as a major
part of their work. MASM, for example, uses pattern matching to determine
if symbols are correctly formed, expressions are proper, and so on. Compilers
for high level languages like Pascal and C also make heavy use of pattern
matching to parse source files to determine if they are syntactically correct.
Surprisingly enough, an important statement known as Church's Hypothesis
suggests that any computable function can be programmed as a pattern matching
problem. Of course, there is no guarantee that the solution would be efficient
(they usually are not), but you could arrive at a correct solution. You
probably wouldn't need to know about Turing machines (the subject of Church's
hypothesis) if you're interested in writing, say, an accounts receivable
package. However, there many situations where you may want to introduce
the ability to match some generic patterns; so understanding some of the
theory of pattern matching is important. This area of computer science goes
by the stuffy names of formal language theory and automata theory. Courses
in these subjects are often less than popular because they involve a lot
of proofs, mathematics, and, well, theory. However, the concepts behind
the proofs are quite simple and very useful. In this chapter we will not
bother trying to prove everything about pattern matching. Instead, we will
accept the fact that this stuff really works and just apply it. Nonetheless,
we do have to discuss some of the results from automata theory, so without
further ado...
16.1.1 Machines vs. Languages
You will find references to the term "machine" throughout
automata theory literature. This term does not refer to some particular
computer on which a program executes. Instead, this is usually some function
that reads a string of symbols as input and produces one of two outputs:
match or failure. A typical machine (or automaton ) divides all possible
strings into two sets - those strings that it accepts (or matches) and those
string that it rejects. The language accepted by this machine is the set
of all strings that the machine accepts. Note that this language could be
infinite, finite, or the empty set (i.e., the machine rejects all input
strings). Note that an infinite language does not suggest that the machine
accepts all strings. It is quite possible for the machine to accept an infinite
number of strings and reject an even greater number of strings. For example,
it would be very easy to design a function which accepts all strings whose
length is an even multiple of three. This function accepts an infinite number
of strings (since there are an infinite number of strings whose length is
a multiple of three) yet it rejects twice as many strings as it accepts.
This is a very easy function to write. Consider the following 80x86 program
that accepts all strings of length three (we'll assume that the carriage
return character terminates a string):
MatchLen3 proc near
getc ;Get character #1.
cmp al, cr ;Zero chars if EOLN.
je Accept
getc ;Get character #2.
cmp al, cr
je Failure
getc ;Get character #3.
cmp al, cr
jne MatchLen3
Failure: mov ax, 0 ;Return zero to denote failure.
Accept: mov ax, 1 ;Return one to denote success.
MatchLen3 endp
By tracing through this code, you should be able to easily convince yourself
that it returns one in ax
if it succeeds (reads a string whose
length is a multiple of three) and zero otherwise.
Machines are inherently recognizers. The machine itself is the embodiment
of a pattern. It recognizes any input string which matches the built-in
pattern. Therefore, a codification of these automatons is the basic job
of the programmer who wants tomatch some patterns.
There are many different classes of machines and the languages they recognize.
From simple to complex, the major classifications are deterministic finite
state automata (which are equivalent to nondeterministic finite state automata
), deterministic push down automata, nondeterministic push down automata,
and Turing machines. Each successive machine in this list provides a superset
of the capabilities of the machines appearing before it. The only reason
we don't use Turing machines for everything is because they are more complex
to program than, say, a deterministic finite state automaton. If you can
match the pattern you want using a deterministic finite state automaton,
you'll probably want to code it that way rather than as a Turing machine.
Each class of machine has a class of languages associated with it. Deterministic
and nondeterministic finite state automata recognize the regular languages.
Nondeterministic push down automata recognize the context free languages.
Turing machines can recognize all recognizable languages. We will discuss
each of these sets of languages, and their properties, in turn.
16.1.2 Regular Languages
The regular languages are the least complex of the languages described
in the previous section. That does not mean they are less useful; in fact,
patterns based on regular expression are probably more common than any other. Regular Expressions
The most compact way to specify the strings that belong to a regular
language is with a regular expression. We shall define, recursively, a regular
expression with the following rules:
(the empty set) is a regular language and denotes the empty
is a regular expression. It denotes the set of languages
containing only the empty string: {
- Any single symbol, a, is a regular expression (we will use
lower case characters to denote arbitrary symbols). This single symbol matches
exactly one character in the input string, that character must be equal
to the single symbol in the regular expression. For example, the pattern
"m" matches a single "m" character in the input string.
Note that
are not the same. The empty set is a regular
language that does not accept any strings, including strings of
length zero. If a regular language is denoted by {
}, then it accepts
exactly one string, the string of length zero. This latter regular language
accepts something, the former does not.
The three rules above provide our basis for a recursive definition.
Now we will define regular expressions recursively. In the following definitions,
assume that r, s, and t are any valid regular
- Concatenation. If r and s are regular expressions,
so is rs. The regular expression rs matches any string
that begins with a string matched by r and ends with a string matched
by s.
- Alternation/Union. If r and s are regular expressions,
so is r | s (read this as r or
s ) This is equivalent to r
s, (read
as r union s ). This regular expression matches any string
that r or s matches.
- Intersection. If r and s are regular expressions,
so is r
s. This is the set of all strings that both r
and s match.
- Kleene Star. If r is a regular expression, so is r*.
This regular expression matches zero or more occurrences of r.
That is, it matches
, r, rr, rrr,
rrrr, ...
- Difference. If r and s are regular expressions, so
is r-s. This denotes the set of strings matched by r that
are not also matched by s.
- Precedence. If r is a regular expression, so is (r
). This matches any string matched by r alone. The normal algebraic
associative and distributive laws apply here, so (r | s
) t is equivalent to rt | st.
These operators following the normal associative and distributive laws and
exhibit the following precedences:
Highest: (r)
Kleene Star
Lowest: Alternation/Union
(r | s) t = rt | st
rs* = r(s*)
t - s = r
(t - s)
t - s = (r
t) - s
Generally, we'll use parenthesis to avoid any ambiguity
Although this definition is sufficient for an automata theory class, there
are some practical aspects to this definition that leave a little to be
desired. For example, to define a regular expression that matches a single
alphabetic character, you would need to create something like (a | b | c
| ... | y | z ). Quite a lot of typing for such a trivial character set.
Therefore, we shall add some notation to make it easier to specify regular
- Character Sets. Any set of characters surrounded by brackets, e.g.,
[abcdefg] is a regular expression and matches a single character from that
set. You can specify ranges of characters using a dash, i.e., "[a-z]"
denotes the set of lower case characters and this regular expression matches
a single lower case character.
- Kleene Plus. If r is a regular expression, so is r+. This regular expression
matches one or more occurrences of r. That is, it matches r, rr, rrr, rrrr,
... The precedence of the Kleene Plus is the same as for the Kleene Star.
Note that r+ = rr*.
represents any single character from the allowable character
* represents the set of all possible strings. The regular
*-r is the complement of r -
that is, the set of all strings that r does not match.
With the notational baggage out of the way, it's time to discuss how to
actually use regular expressions as pattern matching specifications. The
following examples should give a suitable introduction.
Identifiers: Most programming languages like Pascal or C/C++ specify legal
forms for identifiers using a regular expression. Expressed in English terms,
the specification is something like "An identifier must begin with
an alphabetic character and is followed by zero or more alphanumeric or
underscore characters." Using the regular expression (RE) syntax described
in this section, an identifier is
Integer Consts: A regular expression for integer constants is relatively
easy to design. An integer constant consists of an optional plus or minus
followed by one or more digits. The RE is
(+ | - |
) [0-9]+
Note the use of the empty string (
) to make the plus or minus
Real Consts: Real constants are a bit more complex, but still easy to specify
using REs. Our definition matches that for a real constant appearing in
a Pascal program - an optional plus or minus, following by one or more digits;
optionally followed by a decimal point and zero or more digits; optionally
followed by an "e" or an "E" with an optional sign and
one or more digits:
(+ | - |
) [0-9]+ ( "." [0-9]* |
) (((e | E) (+ |
- |
) [0-9]+) |
Since this RE is relatively complex, we should dissect it piece by piece.
The first parenthetical term gives us the optional sign. One or more digits
are mandatory before the decimal point, the second term provides this. The
third term allows an optional decimal point followed by zero or more digits.
The last term provides for an optional exponent consisting of "e"
or "E" followed by an optional sign and one or more digits.
Reserved Words: It is very easy to provide a regular expression that matches
a set of reserved words. For example, if you want to create a regular expression
that matches MASM's reserved words, you could use an RE similar to the following:
( mov | add | and | | mul )
Even: The regular expression ( ![](/file/16341/ReverseCodeEngineeringRceCdsandman2000.iso/RCE/Library/Art Of Assembly/capsigma.gif)
)* matches all strings
whose length is a multiple of two.
Sentences: The regular expression:
* " "* )* run ( " "+ (
* " "+
)) fast (" "
* )*
matches all strings that contain the separate words "run" followed
by "fast" somewhere on the line. This matches strings like "I
want to run very fast" and "run as fast as you can" as well
as "run fast."
While REs are convenient for specifying the pattern you want to recognize,
they are not particularly useful for creating programs (i.e., "machines")
that actually recognize such patterns. Instead, you should first convert
an RE to a nondeterministic finite state automaton, or NFA. It
is very easy to convert an NFA into an 80x86 assembly language program;
however, such programs are rarely efficient as they might be. If efficiency
is a big concern, you can convert the NFA into a deterministic finite
state automaton (DFA) that is also easy to convert to 80x86 assembly
code, but the conversion is usually far more efficient.
- 16.1 - An Introduction to Formal
Language (Automata) Theory
- 16.1.1 - Machines vs. Languages
- 16.1.2 - Regular Languages
- - Regular Expressions
- - Nondeterministic
Finite State Automata (NFAs)
- - Converting Regular
Expressions to NFAs
- - Converting an NFA
to Assembly Language
- - Deterministic Finite
State Automata (DFAs)
- - Converting a DFA
to Assembly Language
- 16.1.3 - Context Free Languages
- 16.1.4 - Eliminating Left Recursion
and Left Factoring CFGs
- 16.1.5 - Converting REs to
- 16.1.6 - Converting CFGs to
Assembly Language
- 16.1.7 - Some Final Comments
on CFGs
- 16.1.8 - Beyond Context Free
- 16.2 - The UCR Standard Library
Pattern Matching Routines
- 16.3 - The Standard Library
Pattern Matching Functions
- 16.3.1 - Spancset
- 16.3.2 - Brkcset
- 16.3.3 - Anycset
- 16.3.4 - Notanycset
- 16.3.5 - MatchStr
- 16.3.6 - MatchiStr
- 16.3.7 - MatchToStr
- 16.3.8 - MatchChar
- 16.3.9 - MatchToChar
- 16.3.10 - MatchChars
- 16.3.11 - MatchToPat
- 16.3.12 - EOS
- 16.3.13 - ARB
- 16.3.14 - ARBNUM
- 16.3.15 - Skip
- 16.3.16 - Pos
- 16.3.17 - RPos
- 16.3.18 - GotoPos
- 16.3.19 - RGotoPos
- 16.3.20 - SL_Match2
- 16.4 - Designing Your Own Pattern
Matching Routines
- 16.5 - Extracting Substrings
from Matched Patterns
- 16.6 - Semantic Rules and Actions
- 16.7 - Constructing Patterns
for the MATCH Routine
- 16.8 - Some Sample Pattern Matching
- 16.8.1 - Converting Written
Numbers to Integers
- 16.8.2 - Processing Dates
- 16.8.3 - Evaluating Arithmetic
- 16.8.4 - A Tiny Assembler
- 16.8.5 - The "MADVENTURE"
- 16.9 - Laboratory Exercises
- 16.9.1 - Checking for Stack
Overflow (Infinite Loops)
- 16.9.2 - Printing Diagnostic
Messages from a Pattern
Art of Assembly: Chapter Sixteen - 29 SEP 1996
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