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Art of Assembly: Chapter Nineteen
- 19.5.3 - The UCR Standard Library Semaphore
- 19.5.4 - Using Semaphores to Protect
Critical Regions
- 19.5.5 - Using Semaphores for Barrier
19.5.3 The UCR Standard Library Semaphore Support
The UCR Standard Library process package provides two functions to manipulate
semaphore variables: WaitSemaph
and RlsSemaph
These functions wait and signal a semaphore, respectively. These routines
mesh with the process management facilities, making it easy to implement
synchronization using semaphores in your programs.
The process package provides the following definition for a semaphore data
semaphore struct
SemaCnt word 1
smaphrLst dword ?
endsmaphrLst dword ?
semaphore ends
The SemaCnt
field determines how many more processes can share
a resource (if positive), or how many processes are currently waiting for
the resource (if negative). By default, this field is initialized to the
value one. This allows one process at a time to use the resource protected
by the semaphore. Each time a process waits on a semaphore, it decrements
this field. If the decremented result is positive or zero, the wait operation
immediately returns. If the decremented result is negative, then the wait
operation moves the current process' pcb
from the run queue
to the semaphore queue defined by the smaphrLst
and endsmaphrLst
fields in the structure above.
Most of the time you will use the default value of one for the SemaCnt
field. There are some occasions, though, when you might want to allow more
than one process access to some resource. For example, suppose you've developed
a multiplayer game that communicates between different machines using the
serial communications port or a network adapter card. You might have an
area in the game which has room for only two players at a time. For example,
players could be racing to a particular "transporter" room in
an alien space ship, but there is room for only two players in the transporter
room at a time. By initializing the semaphore variable to two, rather than
one, the wait operation would allow two players to continue at one time
rather than just one. When the third player attempts to enter the transporter
room, the WaitSemaph
function would block the player from entering
the room until one of the other players left (perhaps by "transporting
out" of the room).
To use the WaitSemaph
or RlsSemaph
function is
very easy; just load the es:di register pair with the address of desired
semaphore variable and issue the appropriate function call. RlsSemaph
always returns immediately (assuming a timer interrupt doesn't occur while
in RlsSemaph
), the WaitSemaph
call returns when
the semaphore will allow access to the resource it protects. Examples of
these two calls appear in the next section.
Like the Standard Library coroutine and process packages, the semaphore
package only preserves the 16 bit register set of the 80x86 CPU. If you
want to use the 32 bit register set of the 80386 and later processors, you
will need to modify the source code for the WaitSemaph
functions. The code you need to change is almost
identical to the code in the coroutine and process packages, so this is
nearly a trivial change. Do keep in mind, though, that you will need to
change this code if you use any 32 bit facilities of the 80386 and later
19.5.4 Using Semaphores to Protect Critical Regions
You can use semaphores to provide mutually exclusive access to any resource.
For example, if several processes want to use the printer, you can create
a semaphore that allows access to the printer by only one process at a time
(a good example of a process that will be in the "critical region"
for several minutes at a time). However the most common task for a semaphore
is to protect a critical region from reentry. Three common examples of code
you need to protect from reentry include DOS calls, BIOS calls, and various
Standard Library calls. Semaphores are ideal for controlling access to these
To protect DOS from reentry by several different processes, you need only
create a DOSsmaph
variable and issue appropriate WaitSemaph
and RlsSemaph
calls around the call to DOS. The following sample
code demonstrates how to do this.
; This program demonstrates how to use semaphores to protect DOS calls.
include stdlib.a
includelib stdlib.lib
dseg segment para public 'data'
DOSsmaph semaphore {}
; Macros to wait and release the DOS semaphore:
DOSWait macro
push es
push di
lesi DOSsmaph
pop di
pop es
DOSRls macro
push es
push di
lesi DOSsmaph
pop di
pop es
; PCB for our background process:
BkgndPCB pcb {0,offset EndStk2, seg EndStk2}
; Data the foreground and background processes print:
StrPtrs1 dword str1_a, str1_b, str1_c, str1_d, str1_e, str1_f
dword str1_g, str1_h, str1_i, str1_j, str1_k, str1_l
dword 0
str1_a byte "Foreground: string 'a'",cr,lf,0
str1_b byte "Foreground: string 'b'",cr,lf,0
str1_c byte "Foreground: string 'c'",cr,lf,0
str1_d byte "Foreground: string 'd'",cr,lf,0
str1_e byte "Foreground: string 'e'",cr,lf,0
str1_f byte "Foreground: string 'f'",cr,lf,0
str1_g byte "Foreground: string 'g'",cr,lf,0
str1_h byte "Foreground: string 'h'",cr,lf,0
str1_i byte "Foreground: string 'i'",cr,lf,0
str1_j byte "Foreground: string 'j'",cr,lf,0
str1_k byte "Foreground: string 'k'",cr,lf,0
str1_l byte "Foreground: string 'l'",cr,lf,0
StrPtrs2 dword str2_a, str2_b, str2_c, str2_d, str2_e, str2_f
dword str2_g, str2_h, str2_i
dword 0
str2_a byte "Background: string 'a'",cr,lf,0
str2_b byte "Background: string 'b'",cr,lf,0
str2_c byte "Background: string 'c'",cr,lf,0
str2_d byte "Background: string 'd'",cr,lf,0
str2_e byte "Background: string 'e'",cr,lf,0
str2_f byte "Background: string 'f'",cr,lf,0
str2_g byte "Background: string 'g'",cr,lf,0
str2_h byte "Background: string 'h'",cr,lf,0
str2_i byte "Background: string 'i'",cr,lf,0
dseg ends
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg
; A replacement critical error handler. This routine calls prcsquit
; if the user decides to abort the program.
CritErrMsg byte cr,lf
byte "DOS Critical Error!",cr,lf
byte "A)bort, R)etry, I)gnore, F)ail? $"
MyInt24 proc far
push dx
push ds
push ax
push cs
pop ds
Int24Lp: lea dx, CritErrMsg
mov ah, 9 ;DOS print string call.
int 21h
mov ah, 1 ;DOS read character call.
int 21h
and al, 5Fh ;Convert l.c. -> u.c.
cmp al, 'I' ;Ignore?
jne NotIgnore
pop ax
mov al, 0
jmp Quit24
NotIgnore: cmp al, 'r' ;Retry?
jne NotRetry
pop ax
mov al, 1
jmp Quit24
NotRetry: cmp al, 'A' ;Abort?
jne NotAbort
prcsquit ;If quitting, fix INT 8.
pop ax
mov al, 2
jmp Quit24
NotAbort: cmp al, 'F'
jne BadChar
pop ax
mov al, 3
Quit24: pop ds
pop dx
BadChar: mov ah, 2
mov dl, 7 ;Bell character
jmp Int24Lp
MyInt24 endp
; We will simply disable INT 23h (the break exception).
MyInt23 proc far
MyInt23 endp
; This background process calls DOS to print several strings to the
; screen. In the meantime, the foreground process is also printing
; strings to the screen. To prevent reentry, or at least a jumble of
; characters on the screen, this code uses semaphores to protect the
; DOS calls. Therefore, each process will print one complete line
; then release the semaphore. If the other process is waiting it will
; print its line.
BackGround proc
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
lea bx, StrPtrs2 ;Array of str ptrs.
PrintLoop: cmp word ptr [bx+2], 0 ;At end of pointers?
je BkGndDone
les di, [bx] ;Get string to print.
puts ;Calls DOS to print string.
add bx, 4 ;Point at next str ptr.
jmp PrintLoop
BkGndDone: die
BackGround endp
Main proc
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; Initialize the INT 23h and INT 24h exception handler vectors.
mov ax, 0
mov es, ax
mov word ptr es:[24h*4], offset MyInt24
mov es:[24h*4 + 2], cs
mov word ptr es:[23h*4], offset MyInt23
mov es:[23h*4 + 2], cs
prcsinit ;Start multitasking system.
lesi BkgndPCB ;Fire up a new process
test ax, ax ;Parent's return?
je ParentPrcs
jmp BackGround ;Go do backgroun stuff.
; The parent process will print a bunch of strings at the same time
; the background process is doing this. We'll use the DOS semaphore
; to protect the call to DOS that PUTS makes.
ParentPrcs: DOSWait ;Force the other process
mov cx, 0 ; to wind up waiting in
DlyLp0: loop DlyLp0 ; the semaphore queue by
DlyLp1: loop DlyLp1 ; delay for at least one
DlyLp2: loop DlyLp2 ; clock tick.
lea bx, StrPtrs1 ;Array of str ptrs.
PrintLoop: cmp word ptr [bx+2], 0 ;At end of pointers?
je ForeGndDone
les di, [bx] ;Get string to print.
puts ;Calls DOS to print string.
add bx, 4 ;Point at next str ptr.
jmp PrintLoop
ForeGndDone: prcsquit
Quit: ExitPgm ;DOS macro to quit program.
Main endp
cseg ends
sseg segment para stack 'stack'
; Here is the stack for the background process we start
stk2 byte 1024 dup (?)
EndStk2 word ?
;Here's the stack for the main program/foreground process.
stk byte 1024 dup (?)
sseg ends
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
end Main
This program doesn't directly call DOS, but it calls the Standard Library
routine that does. In general, you could use a single
semaphore to protect all BIOS, DOS, and Standard Library calls. However,
this is not particularly efficient. For example, the Standard Library pattern
matching routines make no DOS calls; therefore, waiting on the DOS semaphore
to do a pattern match while some other process is making a DOS call unnecessarily
delays the pattern match. There is nothing wrong with having one process
do a pattern match while another is making a DOS call. Unfortunately, some
Standard Library routines do make DOS calls (puts
is a good
example), so you must use the DOS semaphore around such calls.
In theory, we could use separate semaphores to protect DOS, different BIOS
calls, and different Standard Library calls. However, keeping track of all
those semaphores within a program is a big task. Furthermore, ensuring that
a call to DOS does not also invoke an unprotected BIOS routine is a difficult
task. So most programmers use a single semaphore to protect all Standard
Library, DOS, and BIOS calls.
19.5.5 Using Semaphores for Barrier Synchronization
Although the primary use of a semaphores is to provide exclusive access
to some resource, there are other synchronization uses for semaphores as
well. In this section we'll look at the use of the Standard Library's semaphores
objects to create a barrier.
A barrier is a point in a program where a process stops and waits for other
processes to synchronize (reach their respective barriers). In many respects,
a barrier is the dual to a semaphore. A semaphore prevents more than n processes
from gaining access to some resource. A barrier does not grant access until
at least n processes are requesting access.
Given the different nature of these two synchronization methods, you might
think that it would be difficult to use the WaitSemaph
routines to implement barriers. However, it turns
out to be quite simple. Suppose we were to initialize the semaphore's SemaCnt
field to zero rather than one. When the first process waits on this semaphore,
the system will immediately block that process. Likewise, each additional
process that waits on this semaphore will block and wait on the semaphore
queue. This would normally be a disaster since there is no active process
that will signal the semaphore so it will activate the blocked processes.
However, if we modify the wait call so that it checks the SemaCnt
field before actually doing the wait, the nth process can skip the wait
call and reactivate the other processes. Consider the following macro:
barrier macro Wait4Cnt
local AllHere, AllDone
cmp es:[di].semaphore.SemaCnt, -(Wait4Cnt-1)
jle AllHere
cmp es:[di].semaphore.SemaCnt, 0
je AllDone
AllHere: RlsSemaph
This macro expects a single parameter that should be the number of processes
(including the current process) that need to be at a barrier before any
of the processes can proceed. The SemaCnt
field is a negative
number whose absolute value determines how many processes are currently
waiting on the semaphore. If a barrier requires four processes, no process
can proceed until the fourth process hits the barrier; at that time the
field will contain minus three. The macro above computes
what the value of SemaCnt
should be if all processes are at
the barrier. If SemaCnt
matches this value, it signals the
semaphore that begins a chain of operations with each blocked process releasing
the next. When SemaCnt
hits zero, the last blocked process
does not release the semaphore since there are no other processes waiting
on the queue.
It is very important to remember to initialize the SemaCnt field to zero
before using semaphores for barrier synchronization in this manner. If you
do not initialize SemaCnt
to zero, the WaitSemaph
call will probably not block any of the processes.
The following sample program provides a simple example of barrier synchronization
using the Standard Library's semaphore package:
; This sample program demonstrates how to use the Standard Library's
; semaphore objects to synchronize several processes at a barrier.
; This program is similar to the MULTIDOS.ASM program insofar as the
; background processes all print a set of strings. However, rather than
; using an inelegant delay loop to synchronize the foreground and background
; processes, this code uses barrier synchronization to achieve this.
include stdlib.a
includelib stdlib.lib
dseg segment para public 'data'
BarrierSemaph semaphore {0} ;Must init SemaCnt to zero.
DOSsmaph semaphore {}
; Macros to wait and release the DOS semaphore:
DOSWait macro
push es
push di
lesi DOSsmaph
pop di
pop es
DOSRls macro
push es
push di
lesi DOSsmaph
pop di
pop es
; Macro to synchronize on a barrier:
Barrier macro Wait4Cnt
local AllHere, AllDone
cmp es:[di].semaphore.SemaCnt, -(Wait4Cnt-1)
jle AllHere
cmp es:[di].semaphore.SemaCnt, 0
jge AllDone
AllHere: RlsSemaph
; PCBs for our background processes:
BkgndPCB2 pcb {0,offset EndStk2, seg EndStk2}
BkgndPCB3 pcb {0,offset EndStk3, seg EndStk3}
; Data the foreground and background processes print:
StrPtrs1 dword str1_a, str1_b, str1_c, str1_d, str1_e, str1_f
dword str1_g, str1_h, str1_i, str1_j, str1_k, str1_l
dword 0
str1_a byte "Foreground: string 'a'",cr,lf,0
str1_b byte "Foreground: string 'b'",cr,lf,0
str1_c byte "Foreground: string 'c'",cr,lf,0
str1_d byte "Foreground: string 'd'",cr,lf,0
str1_e byte "Foreground: string 'e'",cr,lf,0
str1_f byte "Foreground: string 'f'",cr,lf,0
str1_g byte "Foreground: string 'g'",cr,lf,0
str1_h byte "Foreground: string 'h'",cr,lf,0
str1_i byte "Foreground: string 'i'",cr,lf,0
str1_j byte "Foreground: string 'j'",cr,lf,0
str1_k byte "Foreground: string 'k'",cr,lf,0
str1_l byte "Foreground: string 'l'",cr,lf,0
StrPtrs2 dword str2_a, str2_b, str2_c, str2_d, str2_e, str2_f
dword str2_g, str2_h, str2_i
dword 0
str2_a byte "Background 1: string 'a'",cr,lf,0
str2_b byte "Background 1: string 'b'",cr,lf,0
str2_c byte "Background 1: string 'c'",cr,lf,0
str2_d byte "Background 1: string 'd'",cr,lf,0
str2_e byte "Background 1: string 'e'",cr,lf,0
str2_f byte "Background 1: string 'f'",cr,lf,0
str2_g byte "Background 1: string 'g'",cr,lf,0
str2_h byte "Background 1: string 'h'",cr,lf,0
str2_i byte "Background 1: string 'i'",cr,lf,0
StrPtrs3 dword str3_a, str3_b, str3_c, str3_d, str3_e, str3_f
dword str3_g, str3_h, str3_i
dword 0
str3_a byte "Background 2: string 'j'",cr,lf,0
str3_b byte "Background 2: string 'k'",cr,lf,0
str3_c byte "Background 2: string 'l'",cr,lf,0
str3_d byte "Background 2: string 'm'",cr,lf,0
str3_e byte "Background 2: string 'n'",cr,lf,0
str3_f byte "Background 2: string 'o'",cr,lf,0
str3_g byte "Background 2: string 'p'",cr,lf,0
str3_h byte "Background 2: string 'q'",cr,lf,0
str3_i byte "Background 2: string 'r'",cr,lf,0
dseg ends
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg
; A replacement critical error handler. This routine calls prcsquit
; if the user decides to abort the program.
CritErrMsg byte cr,lf
byte "DOS Critical Error!",cr,lf
byte "A)bort, R)etry, I)gnore, F)ail? $"
MyInt24 proc far
push dx
push ds
push ax
push cs
pop ds
Int24Lp: lea dx, CritErrMsg
mov ah, 9 ;DOS print string call.
int 21h
mov ah, 1 ;DOS read character call.
int 21h
and al, 5Fh ;Convert l.c. -> u.c.
cmp al, 'I' ;Ignore?
jne NotIgnore
pop ax
mov al, 0
jmp Quit24
NotIgnore: cmp al, 'r' ;Retry?
jne NotRetry
pop ax
mov al, 1
jmp Quit24
NotRetry: cmp al, 'A' ;Abort?
jne NotAbort
prcsquit ;If quitting, fix INT 8.
pop ax
mov al, 2
jmp Quit24
NotAbort: cmp al, 'F'
jne BadChar
pop ax
mov al, 3
Quit24: pop ds
pop dx
BadChar: mov ah, 2
mov dl, 7 ;Bell character
jmp Int24Lp
MyInt24 endp
; We will simply disable INT 23h (the break exception).
MyInt23 proc far
MyInt23 endp
; This background processes call DOS to print several strings to the
; screen. In the meantime, the foreground process is also printing
; strings to the screen. To prevent reentry, or at least a jumble of
; characters on the screen, this code uses semaphores to protect the
; DOS calls. Therefore, each process will print one complete line
; then release the semaphore. If the other process is waiting it will
; print its line.
BackGround1 proc
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
; Wait for everyone else to get ready:
lesi BarrierSemaph
barrier 3
; Okay, start printing the strings:
lea bx, StrPtrs2 ;Array of str ptrs.
PrintLoop: cmp word ptr [bx+2], 0 ;At end of pointers?
je BkGndDone
les di, [bx] ;Get string to print.
puts ;Calls DOS to print string.
add bx, 4 ;Point at next str ptr.
jmp PrintLoop
BkGndDone: die
BackGround1 endp
BackGround2 proc
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
lesi BarrierSemaph
barrier 3
lea bx, StrPtrs3 ;Array of str ptrs.
PrintLoop: cmp word ptr [bx+2], 0 ;At end of pointers?
je BkGndDone
les di, [bx] ;Get string to print.
puts ;Calls DOS to print string.
add bx, 4 ;Point at next str ptr.
jmp PrintLoop
BkGndDone: die
BackGround2 endp
Main proc
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; Initialize the INT 23h and INT 24h exception handler vectors.
mov ax, 0
mov es, ax
mov word ptr es:[24h*4], offset MyInt24
mov es:[24h*4 + 2], cs
mov word ptr es:[23h*4], offset MyInt23
mov es:[23h*4 + 2], cs
prcsinit ;Start multitasking system.
; Start the first background process:
lesi BkgndPCB2 ;Fire up a new process
test ax, ax ;Parent's return?
je StartBG2
jmp BackGround1 ;Go do backgroun stuff.
; Start the second background process:
StartBG2: lesi BkgndPCB3 ;Fire up a new process
test ax, ax ;Parent's return?
je ParentPrcs
jmp BackGround2 ;Go do backgroun stuff.
; The parent process will print a bunch of strings at the same time
; the background process is doing this. We'll use the DOS semaphore
; to protect the call to DOS that PUTS makes.
ParentPrcs: lesi BarrierSemaph
barrier 3
lea bx, StrPtrs1 ;Array of str ptrs.
PrintLoop: cmp word ptr [bx+2], 0 ;At end of pointers?
je ForeGndDone
les di, [bx] ;Get string to print.
puts ;Calls DOS to print string.
add bx, 4 ;Point at next str ptr.
jmp PrintLoop
ForeGndDone: prcsquit
Quit: ExitPgm ;DOS macro to quit program.
Main endp
cseg ends
sseg segment para stack 'stack'
; Here are the stacks for the background processes we start
stk2 byte 1024 dup (?)
EndStk2 word ?
stk3 byte 1024 dup (?)
EndStk3 word ?
;Here's the stack for the main program/foreground process.
stk byte 1024 dup (?)
sseg ends
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
end Main
Sample Output:
Background 1: string 'a'
Background 1: string 'b'
Background 1: string 'c'
Background 1: string 'd'
Background 1: string 'e'
Background 1: string 'f'
Foreground: string 'a'
Background 1: string 'g'
Background 2: string 'j'
Foreground: string 'b'
Background 1: string 'h'
Background 2: string 'k'
Foreground: string 'c'
Background 1: string 'i'
Background 2: string 'l'
Foreground: string 'd'
Background 2: string 'm'
Foreground: string 'e'
Background 2: string 'n'
Foreground: string 'f'
Background 2: string 'o'
Foreground: string 'g'
Background 2: string 'p'
Foreground: string 'h'
Background 2: string 'q'
Foreground: string 'i'
Background 2: string 'r'
Foreground: string 'j'
Foreground: string 'k'
Foreground: string 'l'
Note how background process number one ran for one clock period before the
other processes waited on the DOS semaphore. After this initial burst, the
processes all took turns calling DOS.
- 19.5.3 - The UCR Standard
Library Semaphore Support
- 19.5.4 - Using Semaphores to Protect
Critical Regions
- 19.5.5 - Using Semaphores for Barrier
Art of Assembly: Chapter Nineteen - 29 SEP 1996
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