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Art of Assembly: Chapter Nineteen
- 19.2.2 - Dynamic Shared Memory
19.2.2 Dynamic Shared Memory
Although the static shared memory the previous section describes is
very useful, it does suffer from a few limitations. First of all, any program
that uses the global shared segment must be aware of the location of every
other program that uses the shared segment. This effectively means that
the use of the shared segment is limited to a single set of cooperating
processes at any one given time. You cannot have two independent sets of
programs using the shared memory at the same time. Another limitation with
the static system is that you must know the size of all variables when you
write your program, you cannot create dynamic data structures whose size
varies at run time. It would be nice, for example, to have calls like shmalloc
and shmfree that let you dynamically allocate and free memory in a shared
region. Fortunately, it is very easy to overcome these limitations by creating
a dynamic shared memory manager.
A reasonable shared memory manager will have four functions: initialize,
shmalloc, shmattach, and shmfree. The initialization call reclaims all shared
memory in use. The shmalloc call lets a process allocate a new block of
shared memory. Only one process in a group of cooperating processes makes
this call. Once shmalloc allocates a block of memory, the other processes
use the shmattach call to obtain the address of the shared memory block.
The following code implements a dynamic shared memory manager. The code
is similar to that appearing in the Standard Library except this code allows
a maximum of 64K storage on the heap.
; This TSR sets up a dynamic shared memory system.
; This TSR checks to make sure there isn't a copy already active in
; memory. When removing itself from memory, it makes sure there are
; no other interrupts chained into INT 2Fh before doing the remove.
; The following segments must appear in this order and before the
; Standard Library includes.
ResidentSeg segment para public 'Resident'
ResidentSeg ends
SharedMemory segment para public 'Shared'
SharedMemory ends
EndResident segment para public 'EndRes'
EndResident ends
include stdlib.a
includelib stdlib.lib
; Resident segment that holds the TSR code:
ResidentSeg segment para public 'Resident'
assume cs:ResidentSeg, ds:nothing
NULL equ 0
; Data structure for an allocated data region.
; Key- user supplied ID to associate this region with a particular set
; of processes.
; Next- Points at the next allocated block.
; Prev- Points at the previous allocated block.
; Size- Size (in bytes) of allocated block, not including header structure.
Region struct
key word ?
next word ?
prev word ?
blksize word ?
Region ends
Startmem equ Region ptr [0]
AllocatedList word 0 ;Points at chain of alloc'd blocks.
FreeList word 0 ;Points at chain of free blocks.
; Int 2Fh ID number for this TSR:
MyTSRID byte 0
byte 0 ;Padding so we can print it.
; PSP is the psp address for this program.
PSP word 0
OldInt2F dword ?
; MyInt2F- Provides int 2Fh (multiplex interrupt) support for this
; TSR. The multiplex interrupt recognizes the following
; subfunctions (passed in AL):
; 00h- Verify presence. Returns 0FFh in AL and a pointer
; to an ID string in es:di if the
; TSR ID (in AH) matches this
; particular TSR.
; 01h- Remove. Removes the TSR from memory.
; Returns 0 in AL if successful,
; 1 in AL if failure.
; 11h- shmalloc CX contains the size of the block
; to allocate.
; DX contains the key for this block.
; Returns a pointer to block in ES:DI
; and size of allocated block in CX.
; Returns an error code in AX. Zero
; is no error, one is "key already
; exists," two is "insufficient
; memory for request."
; 12h- shmfree DX contains the key for this block.
; This call frees the specified block
; from memory.
; 13h- shminit Initializes the shared memory system
; freeing all blocks currently in
; use.
; 14h- shmattach DX contains the key for a block.
; Search for that block and return
; its address in ES:DI. AX contains
; zero if successful, three if it
; cannot locate a block with the
; specified key.
MyInt2F proc far
assume ds:nothing
cmp ah, MyTSRID ;Match our TSR identifier?
je YepItsOurs
jmp OldInt2F
; Okay, we know this is our ID, now check for a verify, remove, or
; return segment call.
YepItsOurs: cmp al, 0 ;Verify Call
jne TryRmv
mov al, 0ffh ;Return success.
lesi IDString
iret ;Return back to caller.
IDString byte "Dynamic Shared Memory TSR",0
TryRmv: cmp al, 1 ;Remove call.
jne Tryshmalloc
; See if we can remove this TSR:
push es
mov ax, 0
mov es, ax
cmp word ptr es:[2Fh*4], offset MyInt2F
jne TRDone
cmp word ptr es:[2Fh*4 + 2], seg MyInt2F
je CanRemove ;Branch if we can.
TRDone: mov ax, 1 ;Return failure for now.
pop es
; Okay, they want to remove this guy *and* we can remove it from memory.
; Take care of all that here.
assume ds:ResidentSeg
CanRemove: push ds
cli ;Turn off the interrupts while
mov ax, 0 ; we mess with the interrupt
mov es, ax ; vectors.
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
mov ax, word ptr OldInt2F
mov es:[2Fh*4], ax
mov ax, word ptr OldInt2F+2
mov es:[2Fh*4 + 2], ax
; Okay, one last thing before we quit- Let's give the memory allocated
; to this TSR back to DOS.
mov ds, PSP
mov es, ds:[2Ch] ;Ptr to environment block.
mov ah, 49h ;DOS release memory call.
int 21h
mov ax, ds ;Release program code space.
mov es, ax
mov ah, 49h
int 21h
pop ds
pop es
mov ax, 0 ;Return Success.
; Stick BadKey here so that it is close to its associated branch (from below).
; If come here, we've discovered an allocated block with the
; specified key. Return an error code (AX=1) and the size of that
; allocated block (in CX).
BadKey: mov cx, [bx].Region.BlkSize
mov ax, 1 ;Already allocated error.
pop bx
pop ds
; See if this is a shmalloc call.
; If so, on entry -
; DX contains the key.
; CX contains the number of bytes to allocate.
; On exit:
; ES:DI points at the allocated block (if successful).
; CX contains the actual size of the allocated block (>=CX on entry).
; AX contains error code, 0 if no error.
Tryshmalloc: cmp al, 11h ;shmalloc function code.
jne Tryshmfree
; First, search through the allocated list to see if a block with the
; current key number already exists. DX contains the requested key.
assume ds:SharedMemory
assume bx:ptr Region
assume di:ptr Region
push ds
push bx
mov bx, SharedMemory
mov ds, bx
mov bx, ResidentSeg:AllocatedList
test bx, bx ;Anything on this list?
je SrchFreeList
SearchLoop: cmp dx, [bx].Key ;Key exist already?
je BadKey
mov bx, [bx].Next ;Get next region.
test bx, bx ;NULL?, if not, try another
jne SearchLoop ; entry in the list.
; If an allocated block with the specified key does not already exist,
; then try to allocate one from the free memory list.
SrchFreeList: mov bx, ResidentSeg:FreeList
test bx, bx ;Empty free list?
je OutaMemory
FirstFitLp: cmp cx, [bx].BlkSize ;Is this block big enough?
jbe GotBlock
mov bx, [bx].Next ;If not, on to the next one.
test bx, bx ;Anything on this list?
jne FirstFitLp
; If we drop down here, we were unable to find a block that was large
; enough to satisfy the request. Return an appropriate error
OutaMemory: mov cx, 0 ;Nothing available.
mov ax, 2 ;Insufficient memory error.
pop bx
pop ds
; If we find a large enough block, we've got to carve the new block
; out of it and return the rest of the storage to the free list. If the
; free block is at least 32 bytes larger than the requested size, we will
; do this. If the free block is less than 32 bytes larger, we will simply
; give this free block to the requesting process. The reason for the
; 32 bytes is simple: We need eight bytes for the new block's header
; (the free block already has one) and it doesn't make sense to fragment
; blocks to sizes below 24 bytes. That would only increase processing time
; when processes free up blocks by requiring more work coalescing blocks.
GotBlock: mov ax, [bx].BlkSize ;Compute difference in size.
sub ax, cx
cmp ax, 32 ;At least 32 bytes left?
jbe GrabWholeBlk ;If not, take this block.
; Okay, the free block is larger than the requested size by more than 32
; bytes. Carve the new block from the end of the free block (that way
; we do not have to change the free block's pointers, only the size.
mov di, bx
add di, [bx].BlkSize ;Scoot to end, minus 8
sub di, cx ;Point at new block.
sub [bx].BlkSize, cx ;Remove alloc'd block and
sub [bx].BlkSize, 8 ; room for header.
mov [di].BlkSize, cx ;Save size of block.
mov [di].Key, dx ;Save key.
; Link the new block into the list of allocated blocks.
mov bx, ResidentSeg:AllocatedList
mov [di].Next, bx
mov [di].Prev, NULL ;NULL previous pointer.
test bx, bx ;See if it was an empty list.
je NoPrev
mov [bx].Prev, di ;Set prev ptr for old guy.
NoPrev: mov ResidentSeg:AllocatedList, di
RmvDone: add di, 8 ;Point at actual data area.
mov ax, ds ;Return ptr in es:di.
mov es, ax
mov ax, 0 ;Return success.
pop bx
pop ds
; If the current free block is larger than the request, but not by more
; that 32 bytes, just give the whole block to the user.
GrabWholeBlk: mov di, bx
mov cx, [bx].BlkSize ;Return actual size.
cmp [bx].Prev, NULL ;First guy in list?
je Rmv1st
cmp [bx].Next, NULL ;Last guy in list?
je RmvLast
; Okay, this record is sandwiched between two other in the free list.
; Cut it out from among the two.
mov ax, [bx].Next ;Save the ptr to the next
mov bx, [bx].Prev ; item in the prev item's
mov [bx].Next, ax ; next field.
mov ax, bx ;Save the ptr to the prev
mov bx, [di].Next ; item in the next item's
mov [bx].Prev, bx ; prev field.
jmp RmvDone
; The block we want to remove is at the beginning of the free list.
; It could also be the only item on the free list!
Rmv1st: mov ax, [bx].Next
mov FreeList, ax ;Remove from free list.
jmp RmvDone
; If the block we want to remove is at the end of the list, handle that
; down here.
RmvLast: mov bx, [bx].Prev
mov [bx].Next, NULL
jmp RmvDone
assume ds:nothing, bx:nothing, di:nothing
; This code handles the SHMFREE function.
; On entry, DX contains the key for the block to free. We need to
; search through the allocated block list and find the block with that
; key. If we do not find such a block, this code returns without doing
; anything. If we find the block, we need to add its memory to the
; free pool. However, we cannot simply insert this block on the front
; of the free list (as we did for the allocated blocks). It might
; turn out that this block we're freeing is adjacent to one or two
; other free blocks. This code has to coalesce such blocks into
; a single free block.
Tryshmfree: cmp al, 12h
jne Tryshminit
; First, search the allocated block list to see if we can find the
; block to remove. If we don't find it in the list anywhere, just return.
assume ds:SharedMemory
assume bx:ptr Region
assume di:ptr Region
push ds
push di
push bx
mov bx, SharedMemory
mov ds, bx
mov bx, ResidentSeg:AllocatedList
test bx, bx ;Empty allocated list?
je FreeDone
SrchList: cmp dx, [bx].Key ;Search for key in DX.
je FoundIt
mov bx, [bx].Next
test bx, bx ;At end of list?
jne SrchList
FreeDone: pop bx
pop di ;Nothing allocated, just
pop ds ; return to caller.
; Okay, we found the block the user wants to delete. Remove it from
; the allocated list. There are three cases to consider:
; (1) it is at the front of the allocated list, (2) it is at the end of
; the allocated list, and (3) it is in the middle of the allocated list.
FoundIt: cmp [bx].Prev, NULL ;1st item in list?
je Free1st
cmp [bx].Next, NULL ;Last item in list?
je FreeLast
; Okay, we're removing an allocated item from the middle of the allocated
; list.
mov di, [bx].Next ;[next].prev := [cur].prev
mov ax, [bx].Prev
mov [di].Prev, ax
xchg ax, di
mov [di].Next, ax ;[prev].next := [cur].next
jmp AddFree
; Handle the case where we are removing the first item from the allocation
; list. It is possible that this is the only item on the list (i.e., it
; is the first and last item), but this code handles that case without any
; problems.
Free1st: mov ax, [bx].Next
mov ResidentSeg:AllocatedList, ax
jmp AddFree
; If we're removing the last guy in the chain, simply set the next field
; of the previous node in the list to NULL.
FreeLast: mov di, [bx].Prev
mov [di].Next, NULL
; Okay, now we've got to put the freed block onto the free block list.
; The free block list is sorted according to address. We have to search
; for the first free block whose address is greater than the block we've
; just freed and insert the new free block before that one. If the two
; blocks are adjacent, then we've got to merge them into a single free
; block. Also, if the block before is adjacent, we must merge it as
; well. This will coalesce all free blocks on the free list so there
; are as few free blocks as possible and those blocks are as large as
; possible.
AddFree: mov ax, ResidentSeg:FreeList
test ax, ax ;Empty list?
jne SrchPosn
; If the list is empty, stick this guy on as the only entry.
mov ResidentSeg:FreeList, bx
mov [bx].Next, NULL
mov [bx].Prev, NULL
jmp FreeDone
; If the free list is not empty, search for the position of this block
; in the free list:
SrchPosn: mov di, ax
cmp bx, di
jb FoundPosn
mov ax, [di].Next
test ax, ax ;At end of list?
jne SrchPosn
; If we fall down here, the free block belongs at the end of the list.
; See if we need to merge the new block with the old one.
mov ax, di
add ax, [di].BlkSize ;Compute address of 1st byte
add ax, 8 ; after this block.
cmp ax, bx
je MergeLast
; Okay, just add the free block to the end of the list.
mov [di].Next, bx
mov [bx].Prev, di
mov [bx].Next, NULL
jmp FreeDone
; Merge the freed block with the block DI points at.
MergeLast: mov ax, [di].BlkSize
add ax, [bx].BlkSize
add ax, 8
mov [di].BlkSize, ax
jmp FreeDone
; If we found a free block before which we are supposed to insert
; the current free block, drop down here and handle it.
FoundPosn: mov ax, bx ;Compute the address of the
add ax, [bx].BlkSize ; next block in memory.
add ax, 8
cmp ax, di ;Equal to this block?
jne DontMerge
; The next free block is adjacent to the one we're freeing, so just
; merge the two.
mov ax, [di].BlkSize ;Merge the sizes together.
add ax, 8
add [bx].BlkSize, ax
mov ax, [di].Next ;Tweak the links.
mov [bx].Next, ax
mov ax, [di].Prev
mov [bx].Prev, ax
jmp TryMergeB4
; If the blocks are not adjacent, just link them together here.
DontMerge: mov ax, [di].Prev
mov [di].Prev, bx
mov [bx].Prev, ax
mov [bx].Next, di
; Now, see if we can merge the current free block with the previous free blk.
TryMergeB4: mov di, [bx].Prev
mov ax, di
add ax, [di].BlkSize
add ax, 8
cmp ax, bx
je CanMerge
pop bx
pop di ;Nothing allocated, just
pop ds ; return to caller.
; If we can merge the previous and current free blocks, do that here:
CanMerge: mov ax, [bx].Next
mov [di].Next, ax
mov ax, [bx].BlkSize
add ax, 8
add [di].BlkSize, ax
pop bx
pop di
pop ds
assume ds:nothing
assume bx:nothing
assume di:nothing
; Here's where we handle the shared memory initializatin (SHMINIT) function.
; All we got to do is create a single block on the free list (which is all
; available memory), empty out the allocated list, and then zero out all
; shared memory.
Tryshminit: cmp al, 13h
jne TryShmAttach
; Reset the memory allocation area to contain a single, free, block of
; memory whose size is 0FFF8h (need to reserve eight bytes for the block's
; data structure).
push es
push di
push cx
mov ax, SharedMemory ;Zero out the shared
mov es, ax ; memory segment.
mov cx, 32768
xor ax, ax
mov di, ax
rep stosw
; Note: the commented out lines below are unnecessary since the code above
; has already zeroed out the entire shared memory segment.
; Note: we cannot put the first record at offset zero because offset zero
; is the special value for the NULL pointer. We'll use 4 instead.
mov di, 4
; mov es:[di].Region.Key, 0 ;Key is arbitrary.
; mov es:[di].Region.Next, 0 ;No other entries.
; mov es:[di].Region.Prev, 0 ; Ditto.
mov es:[di].Region.BlkSize, 0FFF8h ;Rest of segment.
mov ResidentSeg:FreeList, di
pop cx
pop di
pop es
mov ax, 0 ;Return no error.
; Handle the SHMATTACH function here. On entry, DX contains a key number.
; Search for an allocated block with that key number and return a pointer
; to that block (if found) in ES:DI. Return an error code (AX=3) if we
; cannot find the block.
TryShmAttach: cmp al, 14h ;Attach opcode.
jne IllegalOp
mov ax, SharedMemory
mov es, ax
mov di, ResidentSeg:AllocatedList
FindOurs: cmp dx, es:[di].Region.Key
je FoundOurs
mov di, es:[di].Region.Next
test di, di
jne FoundOurs
mov ax, 3 ;Can't find the key.
FoundOurs: add di, 8 ;Point at actual data.
mov ax, 0 ;No error.
; They called us with an illegal subfunction value. Try to do as little
; damage as possible.
IllegalOp: mov ax, 0 ;Who knows what they were thinking?
MyInt2F endp
assume ds:nothing
ResidentSeg ends
; Here's the segment that will actually hold the shared data.
SharedMemory segment para public 'Shared'
db 0FFFFh dup (?)
SharedMemory ends
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:ResidentSeg
; SeeIfPresent- Checks to see if our TSR is already present in memory.
; Sets the zero flag if it is, clears the zero flag if
; it is not.
SeeIfPresent proc near
push es
push ds
push di
mov cx, 0ffh ;Start with ID 0FFh.
IDLoop: mov ah, cl
push cx
mov al, 0 ;Verify presence call.
int 2Fh
pop cx
cmp al, 0 ;Present in memory?
je TryNext
byte "Dynamic Shared Memory TSR",0
je Success
TryNext: dec cl ;Test USER IDs of 80h..FFh
js IDLoop
cmp cx, 0 ;Clear zero flag.
Success: pop di
pop ds
pop es
SeeIfPresent endp
; FindID- Determines the first (well, last actually) TSR ID available
; in the multiplex interrupt chain. Returns this value in
; the CL register.
; Returns the zero flag set if it locates an empty slot.
; Returns the zero flag clear if failure.
FindID proc near
push es
push ds
push di
mov cx, 0ffh ;Start with ID 0FFh.
IDLoop: mov ah, cl
push cx
mov al, 0 ;Verify presence call.
int 2Fh
pop cx
cmp al, 0 ;Present in memory?
je Success
dec cl ;Test USER IDs of 80h..FFh
js IDLoop
xor cx, cx
cmp cx, 1 ;Clear zero flag
Success: pop di
pop ds
pop es
FindID endp
Main proc
mov ax, ResidentSeg
mov ds, ax
mov ah, 62h ;Get this program's PSP
int 21h ; value.
mov PSP, bx
; Before we do anything else, we need to check the command line
; parameters. If there is one, and it is the word "REMOVE", then remove
; the resident copy from memory using the multiplex (2Fh) interrupt.
cmp cx, 1 ;Must have 0 or 1 parms.
jb TstPresent
je DoRemove
Usage: print
byte "Usage:",cr,lf
byte " shmalloc",cr,lf
byte "or shmalloc REMOVE",cr,lf,0
; Check for the REMOVE command.
DoRemove: mov ax, 1
byte "REMOVE",0
jne Usage
call SeeIfPresent
je RemoveIt
byte "TSR is not present in memory, cannot remove"
byte cr,lf,0
RemoveIt: mov MyTSRID, cl
byte "Removing TSR (ID #%d) from memory...",0
dword MyTSRID
mov ah, cl
mov al, 1 ;Remove cmd, ah contains ID
int 2Fh
cmp al, 1 ;Succeed?
je RmvFailure
byte "removed.",cr,lf,0
RmvFailure: print
byte cr,lf
byte "Could not remove TSR from memory.",cr,lf
byte "Try removing other TSRs in the reverse order "
byte "you installed them.",cr,lf,0
; Okay, see if the TSR is already in memory. If so, abort the
; installation process.
TstPresent: call SeeIfPresent
jne GetTSRID
byte "TSR is already present in memory.",cr,lf
byte "Aborting installation process",cr,lf,0
; Get an ID for our TSR and save it away.
GetTSRID: call FindID
je GetFileName
byte "Too many resident TSRs, cannot install",cr,lf,0
; Things look cool so far, so install the interrupts
GetFileName: mov MyTSRID, cl
byte "Installing interrupts...",0
; Patch into the INT 2Fh interrupt chain.
cli ;Turn off interrupts!
mov ax, 0
mov es, ax
mov ax, es:[2Fh*4]
mov word ptr OldInt2F, ax
mov ax, es:[2Fh*4 + 2]
mov word ptr OldInt2F+2, ax
mov es:[2Fh*4], offset MyInt2F
mov es:[2Fh*4+2], seg ResidentSeg
sti ;Okay, ints back on.
; We're hooked up, the only thing that remains is to initialize the shared
; memory segment and then terminate and stay resident.
byte "Installed, TSR ID #%d.",cr,lf,0
dword MyTSRID
mov ah, MyTSRID ;Initialization call.
mov al, 13h
int 2Fh
mov dx, EndResident ;Compute size of program.
sub dx, PSP
mov ax, 3100h ;DOS TSR command.
int 21h
Main endp
cseg ends
sseg segment para stack 'stack'
stk db 256 dup (?)
sseg ends
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
end Main
We can modify the two applications from the previous section to try out
this code:
; This is a shared memory application that uses the dynamic shared memory
; TSR (SHMALLOC.ASM). This program inputs a string from the user and
; passes that string to SHMAPP4.ASM through the shared memory area.
include stdlib.a
includelib stdlib.lib
dseg segment para public 'data'
ShmID byte 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, es:SharedMemory
; SeeIfPresent- Checks to see if the shared memory TSR is present in memory.
; Sets the zero flag if it is, clears the zero flag if
; it is not. This routine also returns the TSR ID in CL.
SeeIfPresent proc near
push es
push ds
push di
mov cx, 0ffh ;Start with ID 0FFh.
IDLoop: mov ah, cl
push cx
mov al, 0 ;Verify presence call.
int 2Fh
pop cx
cmp al, 0 ;Present in memory?
je TryNext
byte "Dynamic Shared Memory TSR",0
je Success
TryNext: dec cl ;Test USER IDs of 80h..FFh
js IDLoop
cmp cx, 0 ;Clear zero flag.
Success: pop di
pop ds
pop es
SeeIfPresent endp
; The main program for application #1 links with the shared memory
; TSR and then reads a string from the user (storing the string into
; shared memory) and then terminates.
Main proc
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, es:SharedMemory
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
byte "Shared memory application #3",cr,lf,0
; See if the shared memory TSR is around:
call SeeIfPresent
je ItsThere
byte "Shared Memory TSR (SHMALLOC) is not loaded.",cr,lf
byte "This program cannot continue execution.",cr,lf,0
; Get the input line from the user:
ItsThere: mov ShmID, cl
byte "Enter a string: ",0
lea di, InputLine ;ES already points at proper seg.
; The string is in our heap space. Let's move it over to the shared
; memory segment.
inc cx ;Add one for zero byte.
push es
push di
mov dx, 1234h ;Our "key" value.
mov ah, ShmID
mov al, 11h ;Shmalloc call.
int 2Fh
mov si, di ;Save as dest ptr.
mov dx, es
pop di ;Retrive source address.
pop es
strcpy ;Copy from local to shared.
byte "Entered '",0
byte "' into shared memory.",cr,lf,0
Quit: ExitPgm ;DOS macro to quit program.
Main endp
cseg ends
sseg segment para stack 'stack'
stk db 1024 dup ("stack ")
sseg ends
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
end Main
; This is a shared memory application that uses the dynamic shared memory
; TSR (SHMALLOC.ASM). This program assumes the user has already run the
; SHMAPP3 program to insert a string into shared memory. This program
; simply prints that string from shared memory.
include stdlib.a
includelib stdlib.lib
dseg segment para public 'data'
ShmID byte 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, es:SharedMemory
; SeeIfPresent- Checks to see if the shared memory TSR is present in memory.
; Sets the zero flag if it is, clears the zero flag if
; it is not. This routine also returns the TSR ID in CL.
SeeIfPresent proc near
push es
push ds
push di
mov cx, 0ffh ;Start with ID 0FFh.
IDLoop: mov ah, cl
push cx
mov al, 0 ;Verify presence call.
int 2Fh
pop cx
cmp al, 0 ;Present in memory?
je TryNext
byte "Dynamic Shared Memory TSR",0
je Success
TryNext: dec cl ;Test USER IDs of 80h..FFh
js IDLoop
cmp cx, 0 ;Clear zero flag.
Success: pop di
pop ds
pop es
SeeIfPresent endp
; The main program for application #1 links with the shared memory
; TSR and then reads a string from the user (storing the string into
; shared memory) and then terminates.
Main proc
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg, es:SharedMemory
mov ax, dseg
mov ds, ax
byte "Shared memory application #4",cr,lf,0
; See if the shared memory TSR is around:
call SeeIfPresent
je ItsThere
byte "Shared Memory TSR (SHMALLOC) is not loaded.",cr,lf
byte "This program cannot continue execution.",cr,lf,0
; If the shared memory TSR is present, get the address of the shared segment
; into the ES register:
ItsThere: mov ah, cl ;ID of our TSR.
mov al, 14h ;Attach call
mov dx, 1234h ;Our "key" value
int 2Fh
; Print the string input in SHMAPP3:
byte "String from SHMAPP3 is '",0
byte "' from shared memory.",cr,lf,0
Quit: ExitPgm ;DOS macro to quit program.
Main endp
cseg ends
sseg segment para stack 'stack'
stk db 1024 dup ("stack ")
sseg ends
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
end Main
- 19.2.2 - Dynamic Shared Memory
Art of Assembly: Chapter Nineteen - 29 SEP 1996
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