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Art of Assembly: Chapter Twenty
- 20.3 - The Keyboard DOS Interface
- 20.4 - The Keyboard BIOS Interface
20.3 The Keyboard DOS Interface
MS-DOS provides several calls to read characters from the keyboard.
The primary thing to note about the DOS calls is that they only return a
single byte. This means that you lose the scan code information the keyboard
interrupt service routine saves in the type ahead buffer.
If you press a key that has an extended code rather than an ASCII code,
MS-DOS returns two keycodes. On the first call MS-DOS returns a zero value.
This tells you that you must call the get character routine again. The code
MS-DOS returns on the second call is the extended key code.
Note that the Standard Library routines call MS-DOS to read characters from
the keyboard. Therefore, the Standard Library getc
also returns extended keycodes in this manner. The gets
routines throw away any non-ASCII keystrokes since it
would not be a good thing to insert zero bytes into the middle of a zero
terminated string.
20.4 The Keyboard BIOS Interface
Although MS-DOS provides a reasonable set of routines to read ASCII
and extended character codes from the keyboard, the PC's BIOS provides much
better keyboard input facilities. Furthermore, there are lots of interesting
keyboard related variables in the BIOS data area you can poke around at.
In general, if you do not need the I/O redirection facilities provided by
MS-DOS, reading your keyboard input using BIOS functions provides much more
To call the MS-DOS BIOS keyboard services you use the int 16h instruction.
The BIOS provides the following keyboard functions:
BIOS Keyboard Support Functions Function
(AH) | Input
Parameters | Output
Parameters | Description |
0 | - | al - ASCII character
ah - scan code | Read character. Reads
next available character from the system's type ahead buffer. Wait for a
keystroke if the buffer is empty. |
1 | - | ZF- Set if no key.
ZF- Clear if key available.
al - ASCII code
ah - scan code | Checks to see if a character is available in the type ahead buffer. Sets the zero flag if not key is available, clears the zero flag if a key is available. If there is an available key, this function returns the ASCII and scan code value in ax . The value in ax is undefined if no key is available. |
2 | - | al- shift flags | Returns the current status of the shift flags in al. The shift flags are defined as follows:
bit 7: Insert toggle
bit 6: Capslock toggle
bit 5: Numlock toggle
bit 4: Scroll lock toggle
bit 3: Alt key is down
bit 2: Ctrl key is down
bit 1: Left shift key is down
bit 0: Right shift key is down |
3 | al = 5
bh = 0, 1, 2, 3 for 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or 1 second delay
bl = 0..1Fh for 30/sec to 2/sec. | - | Set auto repeat rate. The bh register contains the amount of time to wait before starting the autorepeat operation, the bl register contains the autorepeat rate. |
5 | ch = scan code
cl = ASCII code | - | Store keycode in buffer. This function stores the value in the cx register at the end of the type ahead buffer. Note that the scan code in ch doesn't have to correspond to the ASCII code appearing in cl . This routine will simply insert the data you provide into the system type ahead buffer. |
10h | - | al - ASCII character
ah - scan code | Read extended character. Like ah =0 call, except this one passes all key codes, the ah =0 call throws away codes that are not PC/XT compatible. |
11h | - | ZF- Set if no key.
ZF- Clear if key available.
al - ASCII code
ah - scan code | Like the ah=01h call except this one does not throw away keycodes that are not PC/XT compatible (i.e., the extra keys found on the 101 key keyboard). |
12h | - | al- shift flags
ah- extended shift flags | Returns the current status of the shift flags in ax. The shift flags are defined as follows:
bit 15: SysReq key pressed
bit 14: Capslock key currently down
bit 13: Numlock key currently down
bit 12: Scroll lock key currently down
bit 11: Right alt key is down
bit 10:Right ctrl key is down
bit 9: Left alt key is down
bit 8: Left ctrl key is down
bit 7: Insert toggle
bit 6: Capslock toggle
bit 5: Numlock toggle
bit 4: Scroll lock toggle
bit 3: Either alt key is down (some machines, left only)
bit 2: Either ctrl key is down
bit 1: Left shift key is down
bit 0: Right shift key is down |
Note that many of these functions are not supported in every BIOS that was ever written. In fact, only the first three functions were available in the original PC. However, since the AT came along, most BIOSes have supported at least the functions above. Many BIOS provide extra functions, and there are many TSR applications you can buy that extend this list even farther. The following assembly code demonstrates how to write an int 16h TSR that provides all the functions above. You can easily extend this if you desire.
; A short passive TSR that replaces the BIOS' int 16h handler.
; This routine demonstrates the function of each of the int 16h
; functions that a standard BIOS would provide.
; Note that this code does not patch into int 2Fh (multiplex interrupt)
; nor can you remove this code from memory except by rebooting.
; If you want to be able to do these two things (as well as check for
; a previous installation), see the chapter on resident programs. Such
; code was omitted from this program because of length constraints.
; cseg and EndResident must occur before the standard library segments!
cseg segment para public 'code'
cseg ends
; Marker segment, to find the end of the resident section.
EndResident segment para public 'Resident'
EndResident ends
include stdlib.a
includelib stdlib.lib
byp equ <byte ptr>
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg
OldInt16 dword ?
; BIOS variables:
KbdFlags1 equ <ds:[17h]>
KbdFlags2 equ <ds:[18h]>
AltKpd equ <ds:[19h]>
HeadPtr equ <ds:[1ah]>
TailPtr equ <ds:[1ch]>
Buffer equ 1eh
EndBuf equ 3eh
KbdFlags3 equ <ds:[96h]>
KbdFlags4 equ <ds:[97h]>
incptr macro which
local NoWrap
add bx, 2
cmp bx, EndBuf
jb NoWrap
mov bx, Buffer
NoWrap: mov which, bx
; MyInt16- This routine processes the int 16h function requests.
; AH Description
; -- ------------------------------------------------
; 00h Get a key from the keyboard, return code in AX.
; 01h Test for available key, ZF=1 if none, ZF=0 and
; AX contains next key code if key available.
; 02h Get shift status. Returns shift key status in AL.
; 03h Set Autorepeat rate. BH=0,1,2,3 (delay time in
; quarter seconds), BL=0..1Fh for 30 char/sec to
; 2 char/sec repeat rate.
; 05h Store scan code (in CX) in the type ahead buffer.
; 10h Get a key (same as 00h in this implementation).
; 11h Test for key (same as 01h).
; 12h Get extended key status. Returns status in AX.
MyInt16 proc far
test ah, 0EFh ;Check for 0h and 10h
je GetKey
cmp ah, 2 ;Check for 01h and 02h
jb TestKey
je GetStatus
cmp ah, 3 ;Check for AutoRpt function.
je SetAutoRpt
cmp ah, 5 ;Check for StoreKey function.
je StoreKey
cmp ah, 11h ;Extended test key opcode.
je TestKey
cmp ah, 12h ;Extended status call
je ExtStatus
; Well, it's a function we don't know about, so just return to the caller.
; If the user specified ah=0 or ah=10h, come down here (we will not
; differentiate between extended and original PC getc calls).
GetKey: mov ah, 11h
int 16h ;See if key is available.
je GetKey ;Wait for keystroke.
push ds
push bx
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
cli ;Critical region! Ints off.
mov bx, HeadPtr ;Ptr to next character.
mov ax, [bx] ;Get the character.
incptr HeadPtr ;Bump up HeadPtr
pop bx
pop ds
iret ;Restores interrupt flag.
; TestKey- Checks to see if a key is available in the keyboard buffer.
; We need to turn interrupts on here (so the kbd ISR can
; place a character in the buffer if one is pending).
; Generally, you would want to save the interrupt flag here.
; But BIOS always forces interrupts on, so there may be some
; programs out there that depend on this, so we won't "fix"
; this problem.
; Returns key status in ZF and AX. If ZF=1 then no key is
; available and the value in AX is indeterminate. If ZF=0
; then a key is available and AX contains the scan/ASCII
; code of the next available key. This call does not remove
; the next character from the input buffer.
TestKey: sti ;Turn on the interrupts.
push ds
push bx
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
cli ;Critical region, ints off!
mov bx, HeadPtr
mov ax, [bx] ;BIOS returns avail keycode.
cmp bx, TailPtr ;ZF=1, if empty buffer
pop bx
pop ds
sti ;Inst back on.
retf 2 ;Pop flags (ZF is important!)
; The GetStatus call simply returns the KbdFlags1 variable in AL.
GetStatus: push ds
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
mov al, KbdFlags1 ;Just return Std Status.
pop ds
; StoreKey- Inserts the value in CX into the type ahead buffer.
StoreKey: push ds
push bx
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
cli ;Ints off, critical region.
mov bx, TailPtr ;Address where we can put
push bx ; next key code.
mov [bx], cx ;Store the key code away.
incptr TailPtr ;Move on to next entry in buf.
cmp bx, HeadPtr ;Data overrun?
jne StoreOkay ;If not, jump, if so
pop TailPtr ; ignore key entry.
sub sp, 2 ;So stack matches alt path.
StoreOkay: add sp, 2 ;Remove junk data from stk.
pop bx
pop ds
iret ;Restores interrupts.
; ExtStatus- Retrieve the extended keyboard status and return it in
; AH, also returns the standard keyboard status in AL.
ExtStatus: push ds
mov ax, 40h
mov ds, ax
mov ah, KbdFlags2
and ah, 7Fh ;Clear final sysreq field.
test ah, 100b ;Test cur sysreq bit.
je NoSysReq ;Skip if it's zero.
or ah, 80h ;Set final sysreq bit.
and ah, 0F0h ;Clear alt/ctrl bits.
mov al, KbdFlags3
and al, 1100b ;Grab rt alt/ctrl bits.
or ah, al ;Merge into AH.
mov al, KbdFlags2
and al, 11b ;Grab left alt/ctrl bits.
or ah, al ;Merge into AH.
mov al, KbdFlags1 ;AL contains normal flags.
pop ds
; SetAutoRpt- Sets the autorepeat rate. On entry, bh=0, 1, 2, or 3 (delay
; in 1/4 sec before autorepeat starts) and bl=0..1Fh (repeat
; rate, about 2:1 to 30:1 (chars:sec).
SetAutoRpt: push cx
push bx
mov al, 0ADh ;Disable kbd for now.
call SetCmd
and bh, 11b ;Force into proper range.
mov cl, 5
shl bh, cl ;Move to final position.
and bl, 1Fh ;Force into proper range.
or bh, bl ;8042 command data byte.
mov al, 0F3h ;8042 set repeat rate cmd.
call SendCmd ;Send the command to 8042.
mov al, bh ;Get parameter byte
call SendCmd ;Send parameter to the 8042.
mov al, 0AEh ;Reenable keyboard.
call SetCmd
mov al, 0F4h ;Restart kbd scanning.
call SendCmd
pop bx
pop cx
MyInt16 endp
; SetCmd- Sends the command byte in the AL register to the 8042
; keyboard microcontroller chip (command register at
; port 64h).
SetCmd proc near
push cx
push ax ;Save command value.
cli ;Critical region, no ints now.
; Wait until the 8042 is done processing the current command.
xor cx, cx ;Allow 65,536 times thru loop.
Wait4Empty: in al, 64h ;Read keyboard status register.
test al, 10b ;Input buffer full?
loopnz Wait4Empty ;If so, wait until empty.
; Okay, send the command to the 8042:
pop ax ;Retrieve command.
out 64h, al
sti ;Okay, ints can happen again.
pop cx
SetCmd endp
; SendCmd- The following routine sends a command or data byte to the
; keyboard data port (port 60h).
SendCmd proc near
push ds
push bx
push cx
mov cx, 40h
mov ds, cx
mov bx, ax ;Save data byte
mov bh, 3 ;Retry cnt.
RetryLp: cli ;Disable ints while accessing HW.
; Clear the Error, Acknowledge received, and resend received flags
; in KbdFlags4
and byte ptr KbdFlags4, 4fh
; Wait until the 8042 is done processing the current command.
xor cx, cx ;Allow 65,536 times thru loop.
Wait4Empty: in al, 64h ;Read keyboard status register.
test al, 10b ;Input buffer full?
loopnz Wait4Empty ;If so, wait until empty.
; Okay, send the data to port 60h
mov al, bl
out 60h, al
sti ;Allow interrupts now.
; Wait for the arrival of an acknowledgement from the keyboard ISR:
xor cx, cx ;Wait a long time, if need be.
Wait4Ack: test byp KbdFlags4, 10 ;Acknowledge received bit.
jnz GotAck
loop Wait4Ack
dec bh ;Do a retry on this guy.
jne RetryLp
; If the operation failed after 3 retries, set the error bit and quit.
or byp KbdFlags4, 80h ;Set error bit.
GotAck: pop cx
pop bx
pop ds
SendCmd endp
Main proc
mov ax, cseg
mov ds, ax
byte "INT 16h Replacement",cr,lf
byte "Installing....",cr,lf,0
; Patch into the INT 9 and INT 16 interrupt vectors. Note that the
; statements above have made cseg the current data segment,
; so we can store the old INT 9 and INT 16 values directly into
; the OldInt9 and OldInt16 variables.
cli ;Turn off interrupts!
mov ax, 0
mov es, ax
mov ax, es:[16h*4]
mov word ptr OldInt16, ax
mov ax, es:[16h*4 + 2]
mov word ptr OldInt16+2, ax
mov es:[16h*4], offset MyInt16
mov es:[16h*4+2], cs
sti ;Okay, ints back on.
; We're hooked up, the only thing that remains is to terminate and
; stay resident.
byte "Installed.",cr,lf,0
mov ah, 62h ;Get this program's PSP
int 21h ; value.
mov dx, EndResident ;Compute size of program.
sub dx, bx
mov ax, 3100h ;DOS TSR command.
int 21h
Main endp
cseg ends
sseg segment para stack 'stack'
stk db 1024 dup ("stack ")
sseg ends
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
end Main
- 20.3 - The Keyboard DOS Interface
- 20.4 - The Keyboard BIOS Interface
Art of Assembly: Chapter Twenty - 29 SEP 1996
[Chapter Twenty][Previous] [Next] [Art of Assembly][Randall Hyde]