The Art of Assembly Language
1 What's Wrong With Assembly Language
2 What's Right With Assembly Language?
3 Organization of This Text and Pedagogical Concerns
4 Obtaining Program Source Listings and Other Materials in
This Text
Copyright 1996 by Randall Hyde
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Forward Why Would Anyone Learn This Stuff?
Amazing! You're actually reading this. That puts you into one of three categories:
a student who is being forced to read this stuff for a class, someone who
picked up this book by accident (probably because you have yet to be indoctrinated
by the world at large), or one of the few who actually have an interest
in learning assembly language.
Egads. What kind of book begins this way? What kind of author would begin
the book with a forward like this one? Well, the truth is, I considered
putting this stuff into the first chapter since most people never bother
reading the forward. A discussion of what's right and what's wrong with
assembly language is very important and sticking it into a chapter might
encourage someone to read it. However, I quickly found that university students
can skip Chapter One as easily as they can skip a forward, so this stuff
wound up in a forward after all.
So why would anyone learn this stuff, anyway? Well, there are several reasons
which come to mind:
- Your major requires a course in assembly language; i.e., you're here
against your will.
- A programmer where you work quit. Most of the source code left behind
was written in assembly language and you were elected to maintain it.
- Your boss has the audacity to insist that you write your code in assembly
against your strongest wishes.
- Your programs run just a little too slow, or are a little too large
and you think assembly language might help you get your project under control.
- You want to understand how computers actually work.
- You're interested in learning how to write efficient code.
- You want to try something new.
Well, whatever the reason you're here, welcome aboard. Let's take a look
at the subject you're about to study.
1 What's Wrong With Assembly Language
Assembly language has a pretty bad reputation. The common impression about
assembly language programmers today is that they are all hackers or misguided
individuals who need enlightenment. Here are the reasons people give for
not using assembly:
- Assembly is hard to learn.
- Assembly is hard to read and understand.
- Assembly is hard to debug.
- Assembly is hard to maintain.
- Assembly is hard to write.
- Assembly language programming is time consuming.
- Improved compiler technology has eliminated the need for assembly language.
- Today, machines are so fast that we no longer need to use assembly.
- If you need more speed, you should use a better algorithm rather than
switch to assembly language.
- Machines have so much memory today, saving space using assembly is not
- Assembly language is not portable.
These are some strong statements indeed!
Given that this is a book which teaches assembly language programming, written
for college level students, written by someone who appears to know what
he's talking about, your natural tendency is to believe something if it
appears in print. Having just read the above, you're starting to assume
that assembly must be pretty bad. And that, dear friend, is eighty percent
of what's wrong with assembly language. That is, people develop some very
strong misconceptions about assembly language based on what they've heard
from friends, instructors, articles, and books. Oh, assembly language is
certainly not perfect. It does have many real faults. Those faults, however,
are blown completely out of proportion by those unfamiliar with assembly
language. The next time someone starts preaching about the evils of assembly
language, ask, "how many years of assembly language programming experience
do you have?" Of course assembly is hard to understand if you don't
know it. It is surprising how many people are willing to speak out
against assembly language based only on conversations they've had or articles
they've read.
Assembly language users also use high level languages (HLLs); assembly's
most outspoken opponents rarely use anything but HLLs. Who would you believe,
an expert well versed in both types of programming languages or someone
who has never taken the time to learn assembly language and develop an honest
opinion of its capabilities?
In a conversation with someone, I would go to great lengths to address each
of the above issues. Indeed, in a rough draft of this chapter I spent about
ten pages explaining what is wrong with each of the above statements. However,
this book is long enough and I felt that very little was gained by going
on and on about these points. Nonetheless, a brief rebuttal to each of the
above points is in order, if for no other reason than to keep you from thinking
there isn't a decent defense for these statements.
Assembly is hard to learn. So is any language you don't
already know. Try learning (really learning) APL, Prolog, or Smalltalk sometime.
Once you learn Pascal, learning another language like C, BASIC, FORTRAN,
Modula-2, or Ada is fairly easy because these languages are quite similar
to Pascal. On the other hand, learning a dissimilar language like Prolog
is not so simple. Assembly language is also quite different from Pascal.
It will be a little harder to learn than one of the other Pascal-like languages.
However, learning assembly isn't much more difficult than learning your
first programming language.
Assembly is hard to read and understand. It sure is, if
you don't know it. Most people who make this statement simply don't know
assembly. Of course, it's very easy to write impossible-to-read assembly
language programs. It's also quite easy to write impossible-to-read C, Prolog,
and APL programs. With experience, you will find assembly as easy to read
as other languages.
Assembly is hard to debug. Same argument as above. If you
don't have much experience debugging assembly language programs, it's going
to be hard to debug them. Remember what it was like finding bugs in your
first Pascal (or other HLL) programs? Anytime you learn a new programming
language you'll have problems debugging programs in that language until
you gain experience.
Assembly is hard to maintain. C programs are hard to maintain.
Indeed, programs are hard to maintain period. Inexperienced assembly
language programmers tend to write hard to maintain programs. Writing maintainable
programs isn't a talent. It's a skill you develop through experience.
Assembly language is hard. This statement actually has
a ring of truth to it. For the longest time assembly language programmers
wrote their programs completely from scratch, often "re-inventing the
wheel." HLL programmers, especially C, Ada, and Modula-2 programmers,
have long enjoyed the benefits of a standard library package which
solves many common programming problems. Assembly language programmers,
on the other hand, have been known to rewrite an integer output routine
every time they need one. This book does not take that approach.
Instead, it takes advantage of some work done at the University of California,
Riverside: the UCR Standard Library for 80x86 Assembly Language Programmers.
These subroutines simplify assembly language just as the C standard library
aids C programmers. The library source listings are available electronically
via Internet and various other communication services as well as on a companion
Assembly language programming is time consuming. Software
engineers estimate that developers spend only about thirty percent of their
time coding a solution to a problem. Even if it took twice as much time
to write a program in assembly versus some HLL, there would only be a fifteen
percent difference in the total project completion time. In fact, good
assembly language programmers do not need twice as much time to implement
something in assembly language. It is true using a HLL will save some
time; however, the savings is insufficient to counter the benefits of using
assembly language.
Improved compiler technology has eliminated the need for assembly
language. This isn't true and probably never will be true. Optimizing
compilers are getting better every day. However, assembly language programmers
get better performance by writing their code differently than they
would if they were using some HLL. If assembly language programmers wrote
their programs in C and then translated them manually into assembly, a good
C compiler would produce equivalent, or even better, code. Those who make
this claim about compiler technology are comparing their hand-compiled
code against that produced by a compiler. Compilers do a much better job
of compiling than humans. Then again, you'll never catch an assembly language
programmer writing "C code with MOV instructions." After all,
that's why you use C compilers.
Today, machines are so fast that we no longer need to use assembly.
It is amazing that people will spend lots of money to buy a machine slightly
faster than the one they own, but they won't spend any extra time writing
their code in assembly so it runs faster on the same hardware. There are
many raging debates about the speed of machines versus the speed of the
software, but one fact remains: users always want more speed. On any given
machine, the fastest possible programs will be written in assembly language.
If you need more speed, you should use a better algorithm rather
than switch to assembly language. Why can't you use this better
algorithm in assembly language? What if you're already using the best algorithm
you can find and it's still too slow? This is a totally bogus argument against
assembly language. Any algorithm you can implement in a HLL you can implement
in assembly. On the other hand, there are many algorithms you can implement
in assembly which you cannot implement in a HLL.
Machines have so much memory today, saving space using assembly
is not important. If you give someone an inch, they'll take a mile.
Nowhere in programming does this saying have more application than in program
memory use. For the longest time, programmers were quite happy with 4 Kbytes.
Later, machines had 32 or even 64 Kilobytes. The programs filled up memory
accordingly. Today, many machines have 32 or 64 megabytes of memory
installed and some applications use it all. There are lots of technical
reasons why programmers should strive to write shorter programs, though
now is not the time to go into that. Let's just say that space is
important and programmers should strive to write programs as short as possible
regardless of how much main memory they have in their machine.
Assembly language is not portable. This is an undeniable
fact. An 80x86 assembly language program written for an IBM PC will not
run on an Apple Macintosh. Indeed, assembly language programs written for
the Apple Macintosh will not run on an Amiga, even though they share the
same 680x0 microprocessor. If you need to run your program on different
machines, you'll have to think long and hard about using assembly language.
Using C (or some other HLL) is no guarantee that your program will be portable.
C programs written for the IBM PC won't compile and run on a Macintosh.
And even if they did, most Mac owners wouldn't accept the result.
Portability is probably the biggest complaint people have against assembly
language. They refuse to use assembly because it is not portable, and then
they turn around and write equally non-portable programs in C.
Yes, there are lots of lies, misconceptions, myths, and half-truths concerning
assembly language. Whatever you do, make sure you learn assembly language
before forming your own opinions. Speaking out in ignorance may impress
others who know less than you do, but it won't impress those who know the
2 What's Right With Assembly Language?
An old joke goes something like this: "There are three reasons for
using assembly language: speed, speed, and more speed." Even those
who absolutely hate assembly language will admit that if speed is your primary
concern, assembly language is the way to go. Assembly language has several
- Speed. Assembly language programs are generally the fastest programs
- Space. Assembly language programs are often the smallest.
- Capability. You can do things in assembly which are difficult or impossible
in HLLs.
- Knowledge. Your knowledge of assembly language will help you write better
programs, even when using HLLs.
Assembly language is the uncontested speed champion among programming languages.
An expert assembly language programmer will almost always produce a faster
program than an expert C programmer. While certain programs may not benefit
much from implementation in assembly, you can speed up many programs by
a factor of five or ten over their HLL counterparts by careful coding in
assembly language; even greater improvement is possible if you're not using
an optimizing compiler. Alas, speedups on the order of five to ten times
are generally not achieved by beginning assembly language programmers. However,
if you spend the time to learn assembly language really well, you too can
achieve these impressive performance gains.
Despite some people's claims that programmers no longer have to worry about
memory constraints, there are many programmers who need to write smaller
programs. Assembly language programs are often less than one-half the size
of comparable HLL programs. This is especially impressive when you consider
the fact that data items generally consume the same amount of space in both
types of programs, and that data is responsible for a good amount of the
space used by a typical application. Saving space saves money. Pure and
simple. If a program requires 1.5 megabytes, it will not fit on a 1.44 Mbyte
floppy. Likewise, if an application requires 2 megabytes RAM, the user will
have to install an extra megabyte if there is only one available in the
machine. Even on big machines with 32 or more megabytes, writing gigantic
applications isn't excusable. Most users put more than eight megabytes in
their machines so they can run multiple programs from memory at
one time. The bigger a program is, the fewer applications will be able to
coexist in memory with it. Virtual memory isn't a particularly attractive
solution either. With virtual memory, the bigger an application is, the
slower the system will run as a result of that program's size.
Capability is another reason people resort to assembly language. HLLs are
an abstraction of a typical machine architecture. They are designed to be
independent of the particular machine architecture. As a result, they rarely
take into account any special features of the machine, features which are
available to assembly language programmers. If you want to use such features,
you will need to use assembly language. A really good example is the input/output
instructions available on the 80x86 microprocessors. These instructions
let you directly access certain I/O devices on the computer. In general,
such access is not part of any high level language. Indeed, some languages
like C pride themselves on not supporting any specific I/O operations. In
assembly language you have no such restrictions. Anything you can do on
the machine you can do in assembly language. This is definitely not
the case with most HLLs.
Of course, another reason for learning assembly language is just for the
knowledge. Now some of you may be thinking, "Gee, that would be wonderful,
but I've got lots to do. My time would be better spent writing code than
learning assembly language." There are some practical reasons for learning
assembly, even if you never intend to write a single line of assembly code.
If you know assembly language well, you'll have an appreciation for the
compiler, and you'll know exactly what the compiler is doing with all those
HLL statements. Once you see how compilers translate seemingly innocuous
statements into a ton of machine code, you'll want to search for better
ways to accomplish the same thing. Good assembly language programmers make
better HLL programmers because they understand the limitations of the compiler
and they know what it's doing with their code. Those who don't know assembly
language will accept the poor performance their compiler produces and simply
shrug it off.
Yes, assembly language is definitely worth the effort. The only scary thing
is that once you learn it really well, you'll probably start using it far
more than you ever dreamed you would. That is a common malady among assembly
language programmers. Seems they can't stand what the compilers are doing
with their programs.
3 Organization of This Text and Pedagogical Concerns
This book is divided into seven main sections: a section on machine organization
and architecture, a section on basic assembly language, a section on intermediate
assembly language, a section on interrupts and resident programs, a section
covering IBM PC hardware peculiarities, a section on optimization, and various
appendices. It is doubtful that any single (even year-long) college course
could cover all this material, the final chapters were included to support
compiler design, microcomputer design, operating systems, and other courses
often found in a typical CS program.
Developing a text such as this one is a very difficult task. First of all,
different universities have different ideas about how this course should
be taught. Furthermore, different schools spend differing amounts of time
on this subject (one or two quarters, a semester, or even a year). Furthermore,
different schools cover different material in the course. For example, some
schools teach a "Machine Organization" course that emphasizes
hardware concepts and presents the assembly language instruction set, but
does not expect students to write real assembly language programs (that's
the job of a compiler). Other schools teach a "Machine Organization
and Assembly Language" course that combines hardware and software issues
together into one course. Still others teach a "Machine Organization"
or "Digital Logic" course as a prerequisite to an "Assembly
Language" course. Still others teach "Assembly Language Programming"
as a course and leave the hardware for a "Computer Architecture"
course later in the curriculum. Finally, let us not forget that some people
will pick up this text and use it to learn machine organization or assembly
language programming on their own, without taking a formal course on the
subject. A good textbook in this subject area must be adaptable
to the needs of the course, instructor, and student. These requirements
place enough demands on an author, but I wanted more for this text. Many
textbooks teach a particular subject well, but once you've read and understood
them, they do not serve well as a reference guide. Given the cost of textbooks
today, it is a real shame that many textbooks' value diminishes once the
course is complete. I sought to create a textbook that will explain many
difficult concepts in as friendly a manner as possible and will
serve as a reference guide once you've mastered the topic. By moving advanced
material you probably won't cover in a typical college course into later
chapters and by organizing this text so you can continue using it once the
course is over, I hope to provide you with an excellent value in this text.
Since this volume attempts to satisfy the requirements of several different
courses, as well as provide an excellent reference, you will probably find
that it contains far more material than any single course would actually
cover. For example, the first section of this text covers machine organization.
If you've already covered this material in a previous course, your instructor
may elect to skip the first four chapters or so. For those courses that
teach only assembly language, the instructor may decide to skip chapters
two and three. Schools operating on a ten-week quarter system may cover
the material in each chapter only briefly (about one week per chapter).
Other schools may cover the material in much greater depth because they
have more time.
When writing this text, I choose to pick a subject and cover it in depth
before proceeding to the next topic. This pedagogy (teaching method) is
unusual. Most assembly language texts jump around to different topics, lightly
touching on each one and returning to them as further explanation is necessary.
Unfortunately, such texts make poor references; trying to lookup information
in such a book is difficult, at best, because the information is spread
throughout the book. Since I want this text to serve as a reasonable reference
manual, such an organization was unappealing.
The problem with a straight reference manual is three-fold. First, reference
manuals are often organized in a manner that makes it easy to look something
up, not in a logical order that makes the material easy to learn. For example,
most assembly language reference manuals introduce the instruction set in
alphabetical order. However, you do not learn the instruction set in this
manner. The second problem with a (good) reference manual is that it presents
the material in far greater depth than most beginners can handle; this is
why most texts keep returning to a subject, they add a little more depth
on each return to the subject. Finally, reference texts can present material
in any order. The author need not ensure that a discussion only include
material appearing earlier in the text. Material in the early chapters of
a reference manual can refer to later chapters; a typical college textbook
should not do this.
To receive maximum benefit from this text, you need to read it understanding
its organization. This is not a text you read from front to back,
making sure you understand each and every little detail before proceeding
to the next. I've covered many topics in this text in considerable detail.
Someone learning assembly language for the first time will become overwhelmed
with the material that appears in each chapter. Typically, you will read
over a chapter once to learn the basic essentials and then refer back to
each chapter learning additional material as you need it. Since it is unlikely
that you will know which material is basic or advanced, I've taken the liberty
of describing which sections are basic, intermediate, or advanced at the
beginning of each chapter. A ten-week course, covering this entire text
for example, might only deal with the basic topics. In a semester course,
there is time to cover the intermediate material as well. Depending on prerequisites
and length of course, the instructor can elect to teach this material at
any level of detail (or even jump around in the text).
In the past, if a student left an assembly language class and could actually
implement an algorithm in assembly language, the instructor probably considered
the course a success. However, compiler technology has progressed to the
point that simply "getting something to work" in assembly language
is pure folly. If you don't write your code efficiently in assembly language,
you may as well stick with HLLs. They're easy to use, and the compiler will
probably generate faster code than you if you're careless in the coding
This text spends a great deal of time on machine and data organization.
There are two important reasons for this. First of all, to write efficient
code on modern day processors requires an intimate knowledge of what's going
on in the hardware. Without this knowledge, your programs on the 80486 and
later could run at less than half their possible speed. To write the best
possible assembly language programs you must be familiar with how the hardware
operates. Another reason this text emphasizes computer organization is that
most colleges and universities are more interested in teaching machine organization
than they are a particular assembly language. While the typical college
student won't have much need for assembly language during the four years
as an undergraduate, the machine organization portion of the class is useful
in several upper division classes. Classes like data structures and algorithms,
computer architecture, operating systems, programming language design, and
compilers all benefit from an introductory course in computer organization.
That's why this text devotes an entire section to that subject.
4 Obtaining Program Source Listings and Other Materials in This Text
All of the software appearing in this text is available on the companion
diskette. The material for this text comes in two parts: source listings
of various examples presented in this text and the code for the UCR
Standard Library for 80x86 Assembly Language Programmers. The UCR Standard
Library is also available electronically from several different sources
(including Internet, BIX, and other on-line services).
You may obtain the files electronically via ftp from the following Internet
Log onto using the anonymous account name and any password.
Switch to the "/pub/pc/ibmpcdir" subdirectory (this is UNIX so
make sure you use lowercase letters). You will find the appropriate files
by searching through this directory.
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services use different names for these files. Generally posting a message
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This file last updated on 08/22/96 at 19:46:01.