curriculum | | |
One of the most common questions posed on pages such as this one (aside from "where do I get program xxxx?") is
"How do I learn to crack programs?" To this end the following "cracking curriculum" has been prepared, linking
where possible only to files in HTML format. There should be enough internet-available coverage of topics to
allow the aspirant to learn the intricacies of this trade without purchasing a single text or piece of software.
Beginners may find the need to assemble a toolkit as well.
Beginning Assembly Programming
Beginning C++ Programming
Introductory Windows Programming
Removing Software Protections (Overview)
Recommended Readings:
Art of Assembly
C Intro
C Tutorial
C++: How to Program, by Deitel and Deitel, Prentice Hall
C++ Tutorial
Debugger Cracking 101
+ORC Lessons 1,
8.1, and
Revolutionary Guide to Assembly Language, Wrox Press
Win32 Cracking
Win32 Programming
Advanced Assembly Language Programming
Operating Systems Fundamentals
Reverse Engineering I
Recommended Readings:
Advice For Protectionists
Creating Key Generators
Master Class Assembly Language, Wrox Press
+ORC Lessons 3.2,
9.2, and
PE File Format
Programming Tips: Parameters
Programming Tips: Memory Diagram
Programming Tips: Pointers
Unauthorized Windows 95, by Andrew Schulman, IDG Books
Undocumented Windows, by Andrew Schulman, Addison Wesley
Win16 Disassembly
Win32 Disassembly
Windows Assembly Language/Systems Programming, by Barry Kauler, R&D Books
Writing Game Trainers
Advanced Cracking
Language Specifics
OS Internals
Reverse Engineering II
Tools: Faults and Weaknesses
Recommended Readings:
C++ Builder Programming
Basic Cryptography
Delphi Cracking
Delphi Programming
Fooling Disassemblers
IDA Cracking 1 and 2
MFC Programming
Object Oriented Cracking
+ORC Lessons 5.1 and
Pascal Programming
Reverse Compilation Techniques
Self-Modifying Targets
Soft-Ice Weaknesses
VB Cracking (supplement)
VB Program Structure
VB Programming
Windows 95 System Programming Secrets, by Matt Pietrek, IDG Press
Adding Target Functionality
Compiler Differences
Multi-OS Cracking
Recommended Readings:
Available Compilers
Crippled Program Repair
Extending IDA
Linux Cracking
+ORC Lessons A,
C.3, and
Unix Internals, by Steve Pate, Addison Wesley
X-Windows Cracking
From here the student is released into independent study, commonly into specialty areas such as
virii programming, cryptography, and disassembler or VxD writing. Note that this is by no means
a comprehensive list of source material, but rather a selection of recommended (and preferred)
resources which the enthusiast may utilize as a starting point for the varying branches of their
cracking education.
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