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TableInit push offset CryptTable call MakeCryptTable push offset Keyfile push 4 call Encrypt push offset Filename push offset Keyfile push 100 call Writefile cmp ax,100 jz WriteOk push offset WriteError call print mov ax,4cff int 21 WriteOk: push offset copyfile call Print mov ax,4c00 int 21 Print proc Txt:WORD pusha mov si,[TXT] PLoop: lodsb or al,al jz PExit mov ah,2 mov dl,al int 21h jmp short PLoop PExit: popa ret Print endp WriteFile proc WriteLen:WORD,Source:WORD,FName:WORD LOCAL Result:WORD mov [Result],0 pusha mov ax,3c01 xor cx,cx mov dx,[FName] int 21 jc WFOut mov bx,ax mov ah,40 mov cx,[WriteLen] mov dx,[Source] int 21 jc WFOut mov [Result],ax mov ah,3e int 21 WFOut: popa mov ax,[Result] ret WriteFile endp GetName proc MaxLen:WORD,RegName:WORD LOCAL NamLen:WORD pusha mov cx,[MaxLen] add cx,4 sub sp,cx mov bx,sp push bx mov word ptr [bx],cx mov dx,bx mov ah,0ah int 21h pop bx movsx ax,[bx+1] or ax,ax jz GNX mov cx,ax mov [NamLen],ax lea si,[bx+2] mov di,[RegName] rep movsb GNX: xor ax,ax stosb mov ax,[MaxLen] add ax,4 add sp,ax popa mov ax,[NamLen] clc ret GetName endp FillBlock proc FillSize:WORD,Dest:WORD,Source:WORD LOCAL SrcLen:WORD pusha xor ax,ax mov cx,0fffe mov di,[Source] rep scasb neg cx mov [SrcLen],cx mov ax,[FillSize] cwd div cx mov di,[Dest] mov cx,ax FBLoop: push cx mov si,[Source] mov cx,[SrcLen] rep movsb pop cx loop FBLoop mov si,[Source] mov cx,dx or cx,cx jz FBOut rep movsb FBOut: popa ret FillBlock endp CopyBlock proc uses si di, BlockLen:WORD,Dest:WORD, Source:WORD mov si,[Source] mov di,[Dest] mov cx,[BlockLen] shr cx,2 jz CB rep movsd CB: mov cx,[BlockLen] and cx,3 jz CBOut rep movsb CBOut: ret CopyBlock endp MakeCryptTable proc TableOfs:WORD,Crypt:DWORD xor esi,esi movsx edi,[TableOfs] MakeLoop: call CryptTableProc movsx edx,ax xor edx,esi inc esi mov [edi],edx add edi,4 cmp esi,8 jl MakeLoop ret MakeCryptTable endp CryptTableProc proc mov ecx,[Crypt] lea edx,[ecx*2+ecx] lea edx,[edx*4+ecx] shl edx,4 add edx,ecx shl edx,8 sub edx,ecx lea ecx,[edx*4+ecx+269ec3] mov [Crypt],ecx mov eax,ecx shr eax,10 and ax,7fff ret CryptTableProc endp Encrypt proc Count:WORD,EncryptOfs:WORD cmp [Count],0 jz EncryptOut EncryptLoop: movsx esi,[EncryptOfs] push si push offset CryptTable call EncryptMain add [EncryptOfs],8 dec [Count] jnz EncryptLoop EncryptOut: ret Encrypt endp EncryptMain proc uses esi edi, TableOfs:WORD,InData:WORD push bp movsx ecx,word ptr [TableOfs] mov esi,ecx mov bp,[InData] mov ebx,[bp] mov edi,[bp+4] mov ecx,[si] add ecx,ebx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+04] mov eax,edi add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+08] mov edx,ebx add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov edx,[si+0C] mov ecx,edi add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+10] mov eax,ebx add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+14] mov edx,edi add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov edx,[si+18] mov ecx,ebx add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+1C] mov eax,edi add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov edx,[si] add edx,ebx mov ecx,esi push edx call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov edx,[si+04] mov ecx,edi add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+08] mov eax,ebx add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+0C] mov edx,edi add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov edx,[si+10] mov ecx,ebx add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+14] mov eax,edi add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+18] mov edx,ebx add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov edx,[si+1C] mov ecx,edi add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov eax,[si] add eax,ebx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+04] mov edx,edi add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov edx,[si+08] mov ecx,ebx add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+0C] mov eax,edi add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+10] mov edx,ebx add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov edx,[si+14] mov ecx,edi add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+18] mov eax,ebx add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+1C] mov edx,edi add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov edx,[si+1C] mov ecx,ebx add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+18] mov eax,edi add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+14] mov edx,ebx add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov edx,[si+10] mov ecx,edi add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov ecx,[si+0C] mov eax,ebx add eax,ecx mov cx,si push eax call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov ecx,[si+08] mov edx,edi add edx,ecx mov cx,si push edx call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov edx,[si+4] mov ecx,ebx add ecx,edx push ecx mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor edi,eax mov eax,[si] add eax,edi push eax mov cx,si call EncryptLookup xor ebx,eax mov [bp],edi mov [bp+4],ebx pop bp ret EncryptMain endp EncryptLookup proc uses esi, Crypt:DWORD mov eax,[Crypt] xor esi,esi mov si,cx mov ecx,eax shr ecx,18 movsx edx,byte ptr [esi+ecx+20] mov ecx,eax shr ecx,10 and ecx,0ff shl edx,8 movsx ecx,byte ptr [esi+ecx+120] or edx,ecx xor ecx,ecx mov cl,ah and eax,0ff shl edx,8 movsx ecx,byte ptr [esi+ecx+220] movsx eax,byte ptr [esi+eax+320] or edx,ecx shl edx,8 or edx,eax mov eax,edx shl eax,0bh shr edx,15 or eax,edx ret EncryptLookup endp CalcCrc proc Key:WORD pusha mov bx,[Key] xor eax,eax xor edx,edx mov cx,78-28 mov si,[Key] add si,28 CrcLoop: lodsb add edx,eax loop CrcLoop mov bx,[Key] mov dword ptr [bx+20],edx popa ret CalcCrc endp info db 'CUTEFTP v2.0 FINAL *KEYMAKER* [JAM]',0dh,0ah db 'ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ JAMMER ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ',0dh,0ah db ' ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ',0dh,0ah db ' ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÜÜÜ ',0dh,0ah db ' ÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÜ ÛÛÛ ',0dh,0ah db ' ßßßßßßßßß ßßßßßßßßß ßßß ',0dh,0ah db 'ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ',0dh,0ah db ' u N I T E D c R A C K I N G f O R C E',0dh,0ah db '[KEYMAKER]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[OCT 1997]',0dh,0ah,0 NameQ db 'Enter your REAL name: ',0 WriteError db 'Error! Could not create file!',0 CopyFile db 'CUTEFTP.KEY created! Copy it to your CFTP directory!',0 FileName db 'CUTEFTP.KEY',0 JamFill db 'JAM',0 CryptTable db 'CUTE FTP 2.0 [F]' db 'KEYFILE BY JAMMY' .radix 10 Lookuptable label byte db 239,225,232,238,230,235,227,228,233,231,226,237,236,224,229,234, 79, 65, 72 db 78, 70, 75, 67, 68, 73, 71, 66, 77, 76, 64, 69, 74,223,209,216,222,214,219 db 211,212,217,215,210,221,220,208,213,218, 31, 17, 24, 30, 22, 27, 19, 20, 25 db 23, 18, 29, 28, 16, 21, 26, 47, 33, 40, 46, 38, 43, 35, 36, 41, 39, 34, 45 db 44, 32, 37, 42,255,241,248,254,246,251,243,244,249,247,242,253,252,240,245 db 250,191,177,184,190,182,187,179,180,185,183,178,189,188,176,181,186,143,129 db 136,142,134,139,131,132,137,135,130,141,140,128,133,138, 63, 49, 56, 62, 54 db 59, 51, 52, 57, 55, 50, 61, 60, 48, 53, 58,175,161,168,174,166,171,163,164 db 169,167,162,173,172,160,165,170,111, 97,104,110,102,107, 99,100,105,103, 98 db 109,108, 96,101,106,207,193,200,206,198,203,195,196,201,199,194,205,204,192 db 197,202, 95, 81, 88, 94, 86, 91, 83, 84, 89, 87, 82, 93, 92, 80, 85, 90,159 db 145,152,158,150,155,147,148,153,151,146,157,156,144,149,154, 15, 1, 8, 14 db 6, 11, 3, 4, 9, 7, 2, 13, 12, 0, 5, 10,127,113,120,126,118,123,115 db 116,121,119,114,125,124,112,117,122,167,173,174,163,160,166,169,170,161,162 db 168,165,171,172,164,175, 7, 13, 14, 3, 0, 6, 9, 10, 1, 2, 8, 5, 11 db 12, 4, 15,151,157,158,147,144,150,153,154,145,146,152,149,155,156,148,159 db 231,237,238,227,224,230,233,234,225,226,232,229,235,236,228,239,103,109,110 db 99, 96,102,105,106, 97, 98,104,101,107,108,100,111, 55, 61, 62, 51, 48, 54 db 57, 58, 49, 50, 56, 53, 59, 60, 52, 63,247,253,254,243,240,246,249,250,241 db 242,248,245,251,252,244,255, 87, 93, 94, 83, 80, 86, 89, 90, 81, 82, 88, 85 db 91, 92, 84, 95, 23, 29, 30, 19, 16, 22, 25, 26, 17, 18, 24, 21, 27, 28, 20 db 31,215,221,222,211,208,214,217,218,209,210,216,213,219,220,212,223,199,205 db 206,195,192,198,201,202,193,194,200,197,203,204,196,207,119,125,126,115,112 db 118,121,122,113,114,120,117,123,124,116,127,183,189,190,179,176,182,185,186 db 177,178,184,181,187,188,180,191, 71, 77, 78, 67, 64, 70, 73, 74, 65, 66, 72 db 69, 75, 76, 68, 79, 39, 45, 46, 35, 32, 38, 41, 42, 33, 34, 40, 37, 43, 44 db 36, 47,135,141,142,131,128,134,137,138,129,130,136,133,139,140,132,143, 44 db 33, 42, 47, 41, 34, 38, 40, 32, 45, 35, 36, 46, 39, 37, 43,204,193,202,207 db 201,194,198,200,192,205,195,196,206,199,197,203, 76, 65, 74, 79, 73, 66, 70 db 72, 64, 77, 67, 68, 78, 71, 69, 75, 28, 17, 26, 31, 25, 18, 22, 24, 16, 29 db 19, 20, 30, 23, 21, 27,124,113,122,127,121,114,118,120,112,125,115,116,126 db 119,117,123,172,161,170,175,169,162,166,168,160,173,163,164,174,167,165,171 db 188,177,186,191,185,178,182,184,176,189,179,180,190,183,181,187,108, 97,106 db 111,105, 98,102,104, 96,109, 99,100,110,103,101,107,140,129,138,143,137,130 db 134,136,128,141,131,132,142,135,133,139, 92, 81, 90, 95, 89, 82, 86, 88, 80 db 93, 83, 84, 94, 87, 85, 91, 60, 49, 58, 63, 57, 50, 54, 56, 48, 61, 51, 52 db 62, 55, 53, 59,252,241,250,255,249,242,246,248,240,253,243,244,254,247,245 db 251,220,209,218,223,217,210,214,216,208,221,211,212,222,215,213,219, 12, 1 db 10, 15, 9, 2, 6, 8, 0, 13, 3, 4, 14, 7, 5, 11,236,225,234,239,233 db 226,230,232,224,237,227,228,238,231,229,235,156,145,154,159,153,146,150,152 db 144,157,147,148,158,151,149,155, 77, 66, 72, 68, 70, 79, 75, 65, 74, 73, 67 db 78, 69, 64, 76, 71,189,178,184,180,182,191,187,177,186,185,179,190,181,176 db 188,183, 45, 34, 40, 36, 38, 47, 43, 33, 42, 41, 35, 46, 37, 32, 44, 39,237 db 226,232,228,230,239,235,225,234,233,227,238,229,224,236,231,253,242,248,244 db 246,255,251,241,250,249,243,254,245,240,252,247, 13, 2, 8, 4, 6, 15, 11 db 1, 10, 9, 3, 14, 5, 0, 12, 7,141,130,136,132,134,143,139,129,138,137 db 131,142,133,128,140,135,221,210,216,212,214,223,219,209,218,217,211,222,213 db 208,220,215, 61, 50, 56, 52, 54, 63, 59, 49, 58, 57, 51, 62, 53, 48, 60, 55 db 205,194,200,196,198,207,203,193,202,201,195,206,197,192,204,199,157,146,152 db 148,150,159,155,145,154,153,147,158,149,144,156,151,125,114,120,116,118,127 db 123,113,122,121,115,126,117,112,124,119, 93, 82, 88, 84, 86, 95, 91, 81, 90 db 89, 83, 94, 85, 80, 92, 87,173,162,168,164,166,175,171,161,170,169,163,174 db 165,160,172,167,109, 98,104,100,102,111,107, 97,106,105, 99,110,101, 96,108 db 103, 29, 18, 24, 20, 22, 31, 27, 17, 26, 25, 19, 30, 21, 16, 28, 23 Keyfile label byte end start