program tes; uses dos,crt,palette; var s : String; Veax,Vebx : longint; i : Word; Procedure Curs(n:integer); Var regs : registers; Begin regs.ah:=1; case n of 0 : begin;; end; 1 : begin;; end; end; intr($10,regs); End; {$L ULONGS.OBJ} { link in the assembly code } FUNCTION LongADD (Addend1,Addend2:LONGINT):LONGINT; EXTERNAL; FUNCTION LongSUB (LongWord,Subtrahend:LONGINT):LONGINT; EXTERNAL; FUNCTION LongMUL (Multiplicand,Multiplier:LONGINT):LONGINT; EXTERNAL; FUNCTION LongDIV (Dividend,Divisor:LONGINT):LONGINT; EXTERNAL; FUNCTION LongMOD (Dividend,Divisor:LONGINT):LONGINT; EXTERNAL; PROCEDURE WriteULong (LongWord:LONGINT; { the longword } Width:BYTE; { _minimum_ field width } FillChar:CHAR; { leading space char } Base:BYTE); EXTERNAL; { number base 2..26 } begin curs(0); FadeDown; Clrscr; textcolor(white); writeln(' T ú H ú E F ú O ú R ú C ú E T ú E ú A ú M'); textcolor(blue); writeln(''); writeln(' SýýýýýýýýýSs. .sS2ýýýýýýýýýýýýý2Ss.sSýýýýýýýýýSs. '); writeln(' $ $$$$$$$! $$ $ý~.sS$$$$$$$$$$$Ss.~ý$$ $$$$$$$! $$'); writeln(' $ I$$$$$$$,ý$ $ I$$$$$$$;^:$$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$,ý$'); writeln(' .sS$ $$$$$$$$: $Ss. $ $$$$$$$$: l$$$$$$$$ $$ $$$$$$$$: $Ss.'); writeln(' $ sss$$$$$$$$lsss $ .sS$ $$$$$$$$l :$$$$$$$I sss$$$$$$$$lsss $'); writeln(' $sss $$$$$$$$; sss$ $ sss$$$$$$$$;sss ...... ss $$$$$$$$; sss$'); writeln(' $ $$$$$$$$. ýýýýýýýýúús $$$$$$$$, sss$$$$$$$$$ I$$$$$$$. ýýýýýýýýýýS'); writeln(' $ $$$$$$$$: .$$$$$$$! $ $$$$$$$$l $ $ $$$$$$$$: .$$$$$$$! $'); writeln(' $ $$$$$$$$I :$$$$$$$$ $ $$$$$$$$. $ $ $$$$$$$$I :$$$$$$$$ $'); writeln(' $ :$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$; $ $$$$$$$$; $ $ :$$$$$$$: :$$$$$$$; $'); writeln(' :$.`~ý2$$$$s$$$$$2ý~ï,$ !$$$$$$! $ $$ `~ý2$$$$s$$$$$2ý~ï.;'); writeln(' `~ý2$Ss..........sS2ýï`ýssssssss2ýï `~ý2$Ss..........sS2ý~ï'); writeln; writeln; textcolor(white); writeln(' ú Table of Contents v.2.0, Keymaker by MiRaMaX ú'); textcolor(lightgray); writeln; writeln; gotoxy(1,19); write(' Enter Registration name : '); fadeup; curs(1); readln(s); For i:=1 to length(s) do s[i]:=upcase(s[i]); gotoxy(1,19); write(' Enter Registration name : ',S); Veax:=ord(s[1])*length(s); Veax:=longadd((Veax shl $a),0); Veax:=longadd(Veax,$2f8cc); writeln; Write(' Your registration code is : '); WriteULong ( Veax,10,' ',10); curs(0); repeat until keypressed; curs(1); end.